***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I watched Les Miserables last night too with Adam, we watch the film all the time and we have been to see it on stage a few times too! It is our guilty pleasure lol!

Flo I second that - I cannot wait to be unpregnant and just got back to ordinary life, there are quite a few aspects of this that I simply hate! I can't wait for me and Adam to go back to normal etc, I feel like we are still really close but it has been AGES since we have done anything intimate and we both hate it but he feels a bit weird about it and I am just not comfortable in my own skin at the moment and feel like a complete whale!

I am really craving a holiday, I feel like I could quite easily be on a sun lounger somewhere that is around 30degrees drinking ice water (lol) and dipping in and out the pool. I really love lazy holidays and I am used to going on one a year so this year is like a major sacrifice not going on one! I wish england had consistent weather where I can just dip in and out a nice clear sea - down here the sea water is green and horrible!
Scan went well, baby has put on weight and measuring on the 10th centile now. Estimated weight 5lb 10oz. No more need to see consultant or have anymore scans.

How is everyone? Xx
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Oh, that's great news Roxy! :-)
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Awesome Roxy! How good is that, I am hoping for the same news on Wednesday!

All okay here, took the dogs for a long walk and I am getting loads of braxton hicks again with loads of pressure, I think I am going to walk really far every day to try get this labour started, it seems to be the best thing to get me feeling half like I might make progress, I also have lost more plug for the third time a minute ago :D I am not too excited by it because it literally is the third time I have lost some but this time it was thicker with a little pink in it, so I can only hope!

Fab news roxy. Our scan was good too. Baby has dropped from the 93rd to the 83rd centile so she said speak to my midwife tomorrow about it and see what she says as it'll be her call if they want me to come in before full term. So exciting though knowing the next time we see baby he/she will be here, in our arms!

I totally get you with the holidays. Me and OH have been together 3years and in that time visited 9 different cities/places over 8countries. Our next holiday though isn't until next September now which will be our 2week honeymoon although we are trying our hardest to save a little extra to see if we go away for a bit of sunshine next May before I have to go back to work.

I've had such an achy back today. A dull ache all at the bottom of my left side. I keep thinking is it the start of it but realistically I know it's not, I'm just hoping! Lol
I can't believe all you ladies who are almost full term!
I know it is madness that we are all almost at the finish line!

Summergurl that is so cool that you have been to so many places in the last 3 years, Adam and I have never been abroad together! We desperately want a holiday together, and we really want to take the kids on a good trip with sun and swimming pools :)

We are booking our wedding for 2018 so I guess we will book a honeymoon too, and I don't know if we will be doing it with kids or without kids!

I keep thinking things are starting too I have been having loads of little tell tale signs, it's the waiting game for contractions to get strong and regular, I remember that very well from last time I had a few little pains then all of a sudden they were really taking my breath away and really powerful and they got closer and closer together, I called the hospital when I couldn't bear the pain any longer and when I got there I was 4cm and she said don't give into pain relief yet, 2 hours later she was out!

I hope we all have nice straight forward births that are all lovely and calm, I want a nice chilled experience. xx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well in these last few weeks!
Just wondering if anyone had any advice, since yesterday my skin has been getting more and more itchy, not just my bump but generally all over. Typical me has been straight onto Google and convinced myself it's some liver condition which is potentially harmful to baby :-( have been lucky enough to get a doctor's appointment at 1:30 this afternoon but at the moment I'm not 100% sure I'm just over thinking things, and becoming even itchier! Anyone else experiencing anything similar? I'm such a worry wart that I've already convinced doctor will fob me off. :-(
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Hey Lulie! Long time no see!

My legs and bump are incredibly itchy and recently my scalp is really itchy too.... I'm sure you haven't got a liver condition - Google is dangerous sometimes! I think it's where the skin is stretched and still trying to make room for a baby to grow. I have patches of dry flaky skin on my thighs and bump and I bathe in oilatum every now and then and apply pregnancy stretch mark cream after I have showered and it does help it - I'm sure you'll be okay but good to go see the doctor just in case! Xx
Ah thanks for the reply Lexi!
Just got out the doctors, he doesn't think it's anything worth worrying about but has taken blood just to make sure, and probably to put my mind at rest! He asked me if I had been consulting Dr. Google, ashamed to have to say I had! :)
Ah thanks for the reply Lexi!
Just got out the doctors, he doesn't think it's anything worth worrying about but has taken blood just to make sure, and probably to put my mind at rest! He asked me if I had been consulting Dr. Google, ashamed to have to say I had! :)

Google frightens the life out of me sometimes! Just keep away from it now! Lol! I am sure it will be all good my dear xx
I would defo say get and go on holiday as much as you can. City breaks are another of our fave too we love going away for a few days mooching around different places and seeing everything and equally love a sun holiday.

I had midwife today and she's happy with the growth so I'm not being induced. I'm so eager for baby to be here now and I feel on edge waiting for that moment I'll know I'm in labour. It's actually quite scary when I sit and think about it

Google is the worst isn't it but yet we always end up googling everything and worrying ourselves silly! Lol
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Glad midwife went well summer. I also had midwife today, I gotta see a consultant next week because of having a 3rd degree tear with harper, anyone else had to see a consultant too because of the same? The midwife said I should of seen one a while ago but it hasn't been picked up by anyone. I didn't even realise it could be a problem until today x
Glad midwife went well summer. I also had midwife today, I gotta see a consultant next week because of having a 3rd degree tear with harper, anyone else had to see a consultant too because of the same? The midwife said I should of seen one a while ago but it hasn't been picked up by anyone. I didn't even realise it could be a problem until today x

I have made such a fuss to my midwife about my 3rd degree tear and they don't seem to be bothered by it whatsoever! I wonder why they've decided it's a problem? I had 52 stitches and a long long time in surgery to fix my tear so I am surprised that I haven't been spoken to more about it. I even said to my midwife a while ago about how it makes me anxious that I could tear again and she said doesn't usually happen twice so who knows!

I have a scan and consultant appointment tomorrow and I am taking Sofia for company so she will be really excited to see her baby brother on the screen :D I don't really know why I am having a scan and I don't think my consultant really has a clue why I see her but if all is well tomorrow I will just be midwife led afterwards.

I too am so eager for baby to arrive! I wish I didn't wish my pregnancy away but I have wished it away massively. I can't help myself! I don't cherish it much at all like I should - it doesn't help when it makes you feel so rough eh! xx
I didn't even realise I was suppose to see a consultant about it until today lexi, apparently I was suppose to see one a while ago but it was never picked up on. She rang the hospital whilst I was there to get a quick appointment?! Its all weird tbh as it never even crossed my mind and only came up in conversation with the midwife as we were talking about pain relief! X
I don't get that at all when I have made such a song and dance about it and my midwife doesn't care! Lol not that I want different treatment, I just want to prevent it being that bad again and she was like "no don't worry it rarely happens twice" blah blah lol I might just mention it to my consultant tomorrow and see if she's bothered by it! xx
Enjoy your scan tomorrow, sounds like it'll be nice taking Sophia xx
Yeah defo mention it tomorrow lexi. They may say it's rare but fact is it can still happen. I hope for you it doesn't though. Hopefully Sofia loves seeing her baby brother on screen what a lovely moment. Hopefully it doesn't happen to you again either roxy. Wonder what the consultant will have to say about it?! X
I don't have a clue what they will say tbh lol. It seems like a waste of time to me. Midwife said they will discuss labour and possibilities of having a c section in some cases?! It just seems pointless talking about it now as ill be 38 weeks by the time I have the appointment and could of given birth before then! X
Bloody hell C section?!?!?! Really?!?!?! I can't believe that is an option because of a tear! I don't get why this hasn't been brought up in my appointments lol!

Thanks I think she will love seeing him tomorrow and if she's lucky they might give her her very own picture to keep of him! That would be cute. If they don't I have some spare scan photo's she can have :D


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