***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I wish I could go on maternity leave. I'm exhausted most of the time at the moment and Sebastian has become very clingy recently. I wish my oh would help a bit more but feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. If I relax once Sebastian goes to bed at 7, I get moaned at that the house is a mess, but if I try and tidy through the day Sebastian just gets more and more out. I went for a lie down today, and left Sebastian playing with his dad. It didn't take long for him to follow me upstairs and join me in bed.
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I wish I could go on maternity leave. I'm exhausted most of the time at the moment and Sebastian has become very clingy recently. I wish my oh would help a bit more but feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. If I relax once Sebastian goes to bed at 7, I get moaned at that the house is a mess, but if I try and tidy through the day Sebastian just gets more and more out. I went for a lie down today, and left Sebastian playing with his dad. It didn't take long for him to follow me upstairs and join me in bed.

That isn't good Flinty - have you tried to explain to your OH that you do actually need rest time now too? I can't understand why men are so unsympathetic or anyone for that matter, if your body needs a rest you must rest!

Does Sebastian go to nursery or anything so you can get a proper break? One thing with being a mum already and pregnant is of course the housework gets neglected! He could pick up a hoover surely?! I did the bathroom yesterday for the first time in a week, and I felt like it was a real achievement lol! I don't remember the last time that I picked up the hoover - Adam does that most of the time and mops afterwards (only the hall and kitchen) but if he didn't do it I certainly wouldn't be doing it lol!

I find juggling family and home life really tricky sometimes. I hope you can get some rest that you are entitled to, and your OH can help you out a little more!

Not going to lie, I am slightly nervous about having a baby and a 5 year old I really don't know how to be a mum of 2! I think about it sometimes and have mild little nervous breakdowns lol! I am not with Sofia's dad so she's not actually always with us so its like going to be going from a part time parent to a full time parent with two kids and that is a little daunting to me. I feel ready to do it and stuff I am just hoping I cope okay with it! xxx
My Friday night is me going to bed! I never go to bed this early, but I am knackered today. We had our first antenatal class last night, and as everyone was explaining how tired this stage is my oh has been more understanding of me being tired all the time! He also got to lift a bag with the average extra weight we carry coming on for 9 months pregnant, I don't think he realised just what stress we put our bodies through! 3 weeks today until my maternity leave starts, I cannot wait, I am lucky to work flexible hours, so I may start working later as I am more knackered in the mornings from being up and peeing, getting cramp and just generally not sleeping well! Hope everyone has a good weekend :)
Kirsty I think that is brilliant that your antenatal classes do that! I don't think ours will be that good at all! I think they should make that nationwide making partners understand what it feels like. I am hoping that my OH pays attention to the part where they tell us we need to rest in the later stages.

Lol I am catching up on a bit of call the midwife, I had such a long nap earlier that I am pretty awake now! So that is slightly annoying lol I was hoping to be in bed by now!

He knows I need sleep, and I'm not getting it, and sometimes he'll let me have a lie in in the morning. He works nights and is usually home around 7, which is when Sebastian gets up. And usually he'll get him up and brush his teeth, and get him breakfast, and then go to bed at 8. Last night Sebastian joined me in bed, so he slept later then usual, and rather then leave us both to sleep, he decided he would go to bed at 7.15 and wake us up!

Sebastian doesn't go to nursery. I was going to send him in September, but then found out I was pregnant, and decided to keep him home, so I don't have to rush anywhere with him and a newborn. I got a lot of comments like 'you'll want a break' but in all honesty I can't think of anything worse then having to be somewhere by a certain time, with 2 children. My mum and dad are going to take him on holiday once she arrives (so long as he wants to go), in order to give me a break. They usually take him for 2 weeks in the holidays, so hoping he wants to go, and doesn't feel pushed out.

I have started doing 1/2 the housework, so I'll sweep the floor with a long handled brush, but because I now struggle to then sweep it into the dust pan, I leave it for him to sweep it up! That way he actually notices I have done something! This was after I'd spend 4-5 hours completely clearing downstairs, and all I got from him, was 'well the toys were still out' which they weren't, Sebastian had pulled them out when he had gotten up, and he was supposed to be watching him.

He keeps telling me he'll give me a day off when he's off, but then he changes his mind. I really need him to have a daddy day because Sebastian doesn't see him enough, which isn't helping with him being clingy with me. I'll be relieved once baby girl arrives as I'm hoping I'll get my energy back. I miss tri 2, we were out all the time, and now we just seem to be stuck in the house most of the time because I lack the energy needed to get him out and about.
Less than a week now lexi!
I'm back in today for 6 shifts, 4 days off then 3 days in and that's me done! So excited.
I just don't think anything will come through as my milk ducts were cut during surgery so it's near on impossible. I'm not one to be able to just leave it to chance I've got to have the plan in place. It's bad enough I can't plan the day baby is guna be here :rofl:

Aw flinty that doesn't sound good at all with your oh. Hopefully he'll soon realise and you get a break soon!

Blimey flinty! I hope that Sebastian will want to go on a little holiday with your parents, that would be mega handy! I guess just see how you go with little baby and if you find it okay getting out the house with two and you feel like you're ready to put Sebastian into nursery then you can consider it if you do feel you need a break! I have no choice I have to by law get my 5 year old to school on time every day god help me!! I hope I can just feed baby, get in the car and go for school runs.

Summergurl Oh my it is so exciting finishing work! Today was my last day at college so officially on one job's maternity leave! 6 days to go until my next last day haha!

Fair enough about the feeding too if it doesn't happen then at least you know where you stand! A plan is always good :D

I have just sat down with a cuppa and my baby is having a uterus party! He is really dancing around in there lol, I haven't had many braxton hicks today at all so I guess that weird week I have had with a tonne of them has died down now! I haven't been brave enough to feel my cervix for a few days so maybe i will check it again next week!
A uterus party :rofl: it's a lovely feeling when they're so active like that though isn't it.

I have a scan tomorrow & I'm kinda hoping they're guna tell me that baby is still big & growing away & they'll look at inducing me early. This being on edge and not knowing what day it's guna happen is killing me! Lol

Anybody got anything nice planned for today?
I'm at work till 1 then I plan on going home & vegging on the sofa for the rest of the day till OH comes home at 6.
Hahahaha yeah it is lovely feeling them, it still creeps me out slightly but I am much better with it now!

Aw good luck at your scan tomorrow - I have one on Wednesday, no real reason for my scan other than I am a bit on the fat side haha, I think after my scan my consultant will just pass me back to the midwife for the rest of my pregnancy.

You're brave wanting to be induced, that really scares me the thought of that! But if you think you can do it, then I guess if they say it's an option then go for it! I don't know why but I like the spontaneity of labour haha!

I go to pick Sofia up from her dad's in a minute and I really want to take her to see "the secret life of pets" but when I last asked her she wasn't interested! So today I am going to try persuade her, mainly because Adam and I really want to see it :lol:

Working til 1 on a Sunday is like a swear word to me :rofl: sod that!! I used to work all day sundays and I really didn't like it! Not long til you can leave now though :D xxx
Were not up to much today, going to pick up the crib we ordered and then off to the pet shop as harper got a rabbit in the week so going to buy it some more chew stuff and toys. I've had a cough and cold all week and still feeling rough. I'm hoping harper will have a quick nap before we go out so I can too. I have no energy this morning.

I got a scan tomorrow too to check baby's growth, if baby isn't gaining well the consultant said he'd discuss whether they'll be thinking of bringing baby early or not. I think my bump looks bigger the past week and also seem to be getting my appetite back so fingers crossed baby has gained something xx
Aw ladies I feel your pain re being knackered and having an other half that could do more but sympathy isn't in his vocabulary!!! He's hugely busy at work so he tends to come home, eat the dinner that I've thrown together, put D to bed then turn on his laptop. He knows better than to say anything to me about the house but tbh its me with my ocd that needs it tidy not so much him anyway!! D is really hard work just now, really active and wanting to be entertained all day but as he's not as physically able as a normal four year old I'm really struggling. I'm so tired!!! I've had loads of pain the past few days as well. Just dull cramping/period pain but quite sharp pains at times. Bubs is moving normally so I'm guessing he's just on the move downwards getting himself ready. Other half has taken D swimming this morning but he doesn't think at all sometimes - D has no concept of waiting and he told him about two hours before they left so he's gone from excited to naughty to manic - I despair sometimes!!! He was walking around at one point with un inflated armbands on holding his nose which is his sign for swimming!!! Poor wee soul!!! I'm now attempting to sort out bags of toys a couple of friends have given back but I'm really pissed off as they must have been put in their garage after they finished with them and most have gone mouldy!! I'm going to have the scrub and wash the majority which I don't have the energy for and I certainly didn't loan them out in that condition :( :( xx
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We took our girls 8 and 5 for a bike ride this morning we were in a stately home grounds and I just walked following my 5 yr old we were there 1hr 30 and I'm knackered now not walked so much since being pregnant!! Off to my mums shortly for a rest while she watches girls plate (altho that part she doesn't know ) ��
Lexi we went to see secret life of pets the other day, hopefully you managed to persuade sofia. It's a pretty easy going, silly laughable film. I hate working Sunday's too but our shift pattern means we rarely get weekends off, I think it works out maybe 2 off in our 10 week pattern, or something like that so I've kind of got used to it now. It helps that OH works the same.

Roxy, hopefully baby will have grown for you. What time is your scan? Let us know how you get on.

Aw GillM that's not on of them is it to hand them back in that condition. If you're feeling tired and have no energy I would just leave the toys and do them another day and have a chill out whilst they're out swimming.

Mictho29'its bloody hard work walking whilst pregnant isn't it. We did a long walk the other day and I was pooped for the rest of the day and following day!

I am now home & have been for a couple of hours vegged on the sofa. The only bit of house work stuff I have done is hang some washing out on the line. I don't plan on doing anything else or moving unless I need food or a wee haha :rofl:
I'm so sorry for the ladies with partners who aren't more helpful. The end of pregnancy is so hard! I don't really feel like I've hit the "end" or the "home stretch" quite yet, I'm due the very end of August so I haven't gone through clothes or packed a bag or anything. I'm also convinced I'll go over, probably into September, so that's almost 2 full months away...

I get the desire to be induced and know when the baby is coming. I really get it. But induction truly should be a last resort in a worst-case scenario. Doctors seem so cavalier about such an incredibly invasive procedure, and it's also incredibly arrogant to think they know better than a woman's body when a baby should be born. There are reasons our babies are born when they are, and we barely understand them. It's so, so important to let a baby come when (s)he is ready. I'm not saying induction is never a good idea- it's a godsend. But it's not simple and it is a VERY big deal with serious risks and side effects for mama and baby.
I'm very lucky my husband does more than his share and even if I do nothing he'd never comment, probably more out of fear because I probably would punch him :D

I'm so impressed your all so active still, even the thought of walking upstairs is exhausting! I'm barely sleeping longer than an hour at a time, I either have to pee (which is downstairs at the other end of the house) my legs gone numb or my hips hurt but if I wake up for the last 2 I have to go pee anyway!

I feel really stupid I realised what I thought were big movements are actually BH (I think) but then that sent me into a panic about if I'd actually felt him move, I seriously do my own head in!! I bought some raspberry leaf tea tablets that I'm going to start tomorrow. Good luck with the scans this week, I don't have anymore now but I've got the midwife Wednesday although I'm not really sure what for guessing it's just a check up. Can't believe I'm only 35weeks tomorrow feel like I've been pregnant for years!
Tonight I'm watching Les Miserables. I saw it at the cinema back in January 2013, my son was born a few days later. Wondering if history will repeat its self, because as of next Sunday I'll be 37+2, which is how far along I was when he was born.
Lexi we went to see secret life of pets the other day, hopefully you managed to persuade sofia. It's a pretty easy going, silly laughable film. I hate working Sunday's too but our shift pattern means we rarely get weekends off, I think it works out maybe 2 off in our 10 week pattern, or something like that so I've kind of got used to it now. It helps that OH works the same.

Roxy, hopefully baby will have grown for you. What time is your scan? Let us know how you get on.

Aw GillM that's not on of them is it to hand them back in that condition. If you're feeling tired and have no energy I would just leave the toys and do them another day and have a chill out whilst they're out swimming.

Mictho29'its bloody hard work walking whilst pregnant isn't it. We did a long walk the other day and I was pooped for the rest of the day and following day!

I am now home & have been for a couple of hours vegged on the sofa. The only bit of house work stuff I have done is hang some washing out on the line. I don't plan on doing anything else or moving unless I need food or a wee haha :rofl:

Scan is at 9.25, early one thankfully but dreading getting up and ready in time lol. What time is yours? Xx
Ooh flinty how spooky would that be if it happened again?

Ours is at 1015. I can't wait. Just to see baby again.
He knows I need sleep, and I'm not getting it, and sometimes he'll let me have a lie in in the morning. He works nights and is usually home around 7, which is when Sebastian gets up. And usually he'll get him up and brush his teeth, and get him breakfast, and then go to bed at 8. Last night Sebastian joined me in bed, so he slept later then usual, and rather then leave us both to sleep, he decided he would go to bed at 7.15 and wake us up!

Sebastian doesn't go to nursery. I was going to send him in September, but then found out I was pregnant, and decided to keep him home, so I don't have to rush anywhere with him and a newborn. I got a lot of comments like 'you'll want a break' but in all honesty I can't think of anything worse then having to be somewhere by a certain time, with 2 children. My mum and dad are going to take him on holiday once she arrives (so long as he wants to go), in order to give me a break. They usually take him for 2 weeks in the holidays, so hoping he wants to go, and doesn't feel pushed out.

I have started doing 1/2 the housework, so I'll sweep the floor with a long handled brush, but because I now struggle to then sweep it into the dust pan, I leave it for him to sweep it up! That way he actually notices I have done something! This was after I'd spend 4-5 hours completely clearing downstairs, and all I got from him, was 'well the toys were still out' which they weren't, Sebastian had pulled them out when he had gotten up, and he was supposed to be watching him.

He keeps telling me he'll give me a day off when he's off, but then he changes his mind. I really need him to have a daddy day because Sebastian doesn't see him enough, which isn't helping with him being clingy with me. I'll be relieved once baby girl arrives as I'm hoping I'll get my energy back. I miss tri 2, we were out all the time, and now we just seem to be stuck in the house most of the time because I lack the energy needed to get him out and about.

I hope your oh will change his behaviour, flinty! Mine is unpredictable: one moment he's telling me to rest more, we can always get takeaway food, I shouldn't carry our toddler up the stairs... Other times he's just complaining about himself and the house: he insisted we have our garden done this summer, knowing I'd be pregnant, but now everytime we have an argument he starts complaining that he can't help more, cause he's doing the garden and I promised I would do part of that (of course I did, but I wanted to do it next year).

I guess he just hates me being pregnant as much as I do. It was the same last time. We argue a lot less when I'm not and he's a really great dad. He just starts caring after the child is born. So I'm looking forward to having our baby and life going back to normal!

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