***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I'm put forward to August 19 yay. But I'll keep it at 26th, less disappointing if she would come later. At the same time I will make sure everything is ready before the 19th.

The envelopes for our cards have arrived today, can't wait to put the addresses on them. Our son picked well, they're really cute! But they have to wait, we're going to London tomorrow. So now we have to pack our suitcases first. They told me it should be fine at the appointment yesterday, but I'm gonna double-check I have all paperwork for the baby with me, you never know something happens...

I'm sure your daughter will love to see baby brother on the screen, Lexi.

Kholl, I hope you get some good sleep soon!
Hopefully you get signed back to the midwife Lexi. That would be fab news.
My massage was incredible. I can't wait to lose weight either i feel like I've ballooned in this last week or so. We are getting married at the beg of September next year so I'll be straight into it as soon as I can once baby has been born.

I've been getting some really painful pains in my vagina the last couple of days. I've also been stopped in my tacks twice now with some horrendous groin pain like it's being pulled! Anybody else having lots of aches & pains?

I have felt a couple of really strong pull type pains in my vagina/cervix today, I know he is head down, he has been since 28 weeks. Got the mw tomorrow, so will see if she can feel where he is! I am constantly tired now, everything is such hard work and cannot reach my toes anymore!
I feel bloody dreadful today again, weird contractions and TMI - Severely loose bowels all day. I am so so so tired, I had a mega busy 10 hour day at work today and I am really really suffering for it now. I do not know what my body is up to but I have been on the toilet today so many times with loose bowels - I didn't even know humans could hold so much crap hahahaha - but seriously its starting to make me really feel a bit too tired now. I think I might have a nice cold shower then go to bed just in case this is the start of something, this all happened before I had my Sofia so who knows.

I also was stopped in my tracks today with achy pulling groin pain, bloody uncomfortable isn't it?! I am SO over being pregnant now!

I am more than ready to meet my baby now lol xxx
Yeah so so painful I had to hold myself steady on the car as I was about to get in!
Oh lexi get as much rest as you can just incase this is the start. If it all sounds like it did with Sofia you never know, this could be it!

I am so ready to meet our baby too! Xx
So exciting isn't it - I can't wait to see all our pictures and birth stories! It is so near the end now its scary! I guess all these pains and twinges are all headed in the right direction though we need these to meet our little ones!

I have also developed a really sore shoulder and can't get rid of it, probably the weight of big boobs now lol! I need someone to stick an elbow in it to relieve it or something.

I am going to try and have a bath in our pathetic puddle now - I should have bought a new bath when we moved here and not contemplated on doing it 4 weeks before I am due lol I have the most shallow awful bath ever! And all I want now is a warm deep bath to wallow in xx
How are you doing today Lexi? Xx

Alright thank you Summergurl, nothing has actually changed just getting loads of braxton hicks and i have TMI had ANOTHER clear out this morning, really not sure what that's all about, at least I am not constipated lol!

Are you okay today?

Going to repack hospital bag later just to check I have everything I need :) and I need to get on the case of nursing bras next week or the week after I think!

Has anyone bought nursing tops?? I just bought a bundle of 6 on ebay for £25 so really chuffed with that but I want a few more I think xx
Maybe things are starting to happen for you. I got some nursing bras but since buying them they're too small, haven't got any nursing tops haven't thought that far! I packed the bags last night so I'm ready to go. Actually I so need this baby to come out now, I'm going crazy trying to monitor his movements and I'm constantly questioning whether his movements have changed or if he's ok - I'm going mad! Being at home on my own isn't helping either, too much time to think!
Maybe things are starting to happen for you. I got some nursing bras but since buying them they're too small, haven't got any nursing tops haven't thought that far! I packed the bags last night so I'm ready to go. Actually I so need this baby to come out now, I'm going crazy trying to monitor his movements and I'm constantly questioning whether his movements have changed or if he's ok - I'm going mad! Being at home on my own isn't helping either, too much time to think!

I am so glad I am not the only one! I forget a lot of the time about movements and have mild panics that I haven't felt anything for ages then I will get a wriggle or something, and now you've mentioned it I can't recall any movement today! God I am rubbish at it I really am, it can be really stressful trying to keep up with all the movements I completely agree!!

I dunno if anything is happening, knowing my luck it will be the start but it will take weeks to actually get anywhere! I am on my feet at work all day so I would have thought gravity at work would help it along but no! I am going to start bouncing on my birthing ball now every day just to coax baby downwards and you never know!

Fingers crossed we have our babies before we are due so we can move on from monitoring movements! xx
Ha nope you're not the only ones. I have to sit in a particular position on the sofa on evenings just so I can monitor the movements and it's really not comfortable at all for me but I like it cuz I can tell if movement are the same or reduced. What we like!

I'm ok today. Got a fair bit of side belly pain today but think it may have been from the walking. We did a fair bit today about 3miles or so from town to the Barbican and hoe and back with a little lunch stop in the middle.

I think the oh has been nesting, if that's possible! He's done a lot of house jobs these last few days off work. We've had to get a new washing machine too. Better now than when baby is here.

We also set up the car seat holder and car seat in the car, just incase! I was told "you never know with a big baby your body likes to think it's ready when it's not actually full term" by a midwife so thought it's best to. Just got to put a couple more things in my hosp bag then mines done.
Hehe Summergurl I have also got the base and the carseat in the car but they are in the boot at the moment, I nested like mad this afternoon and washed and sorted through so much stuff, so next week I will probably set up my car seat properly in the car!

I just sat down for the evening and baby has hiccups so thats a good sign of movement I guess and a good wriggle so I am happy that I have felt him!

It is nice when the men get involved with the nesting isn't it, my OH is a bit like that he has done a few things that needed doing round here and stuff, its nice having a handy type fella that can fix anything I tell you I would be useless at maintaining this home if I didn't have him lol!

My mother goes on holiday on saturday for a week :( bit rubbish timing but she had it booked before we found out we were pregnant so I will let her off lol and 2 weeks after my due date she has 2 weeks off!

Hows everyone's parents and in laws been with the pregnancies? anyone offered to stick around and help etc? xxx
It's so hard because babies DO have quieter days and more active days, and they switch positions, and they seem to have growth spurts which make them less active for a day or 2 (totally my own theory there I have no idea if it's true haha), and you have to just kind of balance the extreme vigilance and overall anxiety with being realistic and trusting that things are ok. I have gone in for reduced movements before (with my first pregnancy) and all was well and I'm glad I went of course but now I am often home alone with 2 little ones and I have to figure out whether it's panic/anxiety or intuition speaking to me because I can't just up and rush to the hospital at 10pm! My husband works very late many nights so he's often not here.

I still haven't done a thing because it still feels so early! I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and still feel like I have so much time.

Lexi, my mom arrives August 15 and is staying until sept 8 (or later if baby comes very late). I am so relieved, I will be able to leave for the hospital when I'm in labor and not worry about who the kids will be with. She is amazing with them and I trust her 100%. After baby is born I hope my in-laws and my dad can come for a while too. It's just easiest for my mom because she's a teacher and has summers off.

So how is everyone feeling about breastfeeding? My son is still nursing (he will be 2 in September) and I nursed my daughter until she was 3.5 so I will be tandem feeding a toddler and a newborn once again, I kind of can't believe it.
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Kholl yeah you're right about the movement thing - I rarely panic and I am on my feet a lot at work so I rarely feel movement until I get home and sit down anyway just some days I don't really pay attention! I am rubbish haha.

Ahh thats great that your mom gets summers off so she can help out with your two whilst you establish life as a mother of 3!! Amazing!

Breastfeeding is a definite for me - I breastfed my daughter for only a year but it was the best year of my life and I am so glad I did it and I will definitely be doing it again this time around, I found it really easy and didn't have any problems feeding whatsoever so I shall be hoping for the same outcome this time, I don't see why it would be a problem!

I am really really looking forward to feeding, I cannot wait to get going with it! I felt the let down reflex really strong yesterday and I am leaking loads this morning and just typing about it on here is making me fill up lol! It is quite amazing really!

Gosh I am soooo ready to give birth now! Cannot believe that I am 36 weeks today! xxx
We're in London now and of course DS had to get sick now. He has diarrhea. At home we'd give him enterol, which we can just get at the pharmacy. Do you know if it's freely available in England or do I need to go to a doctor first to get a prescription?
My mum goes away for a.week the day after my due date so I'm. Worrying about that but can't be helped it was booked before I fell pregnant and we were supposed to be going with them! So ideally this little one can come either a wk early or a week late just not the week I'm due she has had her orders lol xx
My mum has a week off 2 weeks after the birth but won't be moving in with us and certainly won't be here every day of that week, I think it's so important that me and oh have atleast 1 day a week where we have just us and baby days. However, the FIL booked a holiday not so long ago a week before due date and I think his sister is off on holiday too. I've told oh that they chose to go on holiday then knowing the due date so if baby comes I'm not holding off friends visiting before them because it was their choice to go away. (I'm not that annoyed about it, honest haha)

Breastfeeding is a no from me. For a couple of reasons, the main one being I have a very very high chance I can't because of the surgery I've had done and the 2nd being I'm naturally a stressful person and I think, even if I could, the stress of it all for the first few weeks wouldn't be worth the state I'd be in from all the stress of trying to get it to work.

When are we all starting maternity? It's got to be soon. I realised this morning I now have less than 2 weeks to go! Xx
I don't start mind until 12th August :( if I carry on the same as the past few weeks though I can see them making me go early. I'm in day assessment again with movements and my pulse is high and at one point baby heart beat was 176 so being kept for longer than usual x

My mat leave starts 2 wks as yesterday although officially doesn't start still Sept 5th as I work in a school I can't wait I'm. Soo tired
We're in London now and of course DS had to get sick now. He has diarrhea. At home we'd give him enterol, which we can just get at the pharmacy. Do you know if it's freely available in England or do I need to go to a doctor first to get a prescription?

Welcome to London! :D

I am afraid I have not heard of Enterol but thats probably because I have never had to buy any - best thing you can do is go to the chemist and ask!

I go on maternity leave A WEEK TODAY!!! :D I am so so happy to be going on leave then!! :dance: I am more than ready.

Plus, I have really really hurt my shoulder and I had to cancel my last dog of the day today because I am crippled in my right shoulder and no idea what I have done to it -feels like a massive knot under my shoulder blade - it's like a burning feeling! I hope it goes away by next week as I really want to power through the last week at work as best I can cos I need the dollar bill!!

I had a 2 hour nap today on the sofa haha before dinner, then I cooked dinner, now I am back on the sofa for a chick flick evening! Adam is out tonight helping his brother in law build a car so I can have the telly to myself :D

What's everyone"s plans on this friday evening?

Summergurl fair enough you don't have to feed! They do say the first bit of colostrum is really good for the baby though why don't you just feed if you can for the first few feeds? xxxx

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