***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Hey Mumas,

How was your weekends?

Im achey down there but not all the time, I've started to get rib pain on my left side which is very uncomfortable and still no braxton hicks. I had my growth scan today - 4lb13oz at the moment and consultant has signed me off back to the midwife but I still have to give birth on the high risk labour ward :(

I have classes booked but I'll be 36 weeks which to me seems a bit late considering midwife won't talk birth plans till after if finished them. So looking like unless I'm a week over i won't finish the classes or I won't have a birth plan.

Has anyone started taking raspberry leaf tea (I'm thinking about getting tablets) and epo? I'm going to do everything I possibly can to get the baby evicted after 38 weeks! I have my parents flying in and staying with me for 2 weeks a few weeks after my due date and I kind of want a week or 2 where hubby has gone back to work so I can get in my own routine before they arrive.
I started raspberry leaf tea at 33 weeks. I'm up to 2 cups a day. Not sure about epo though. Do you take it orally? I keep reading of people inserting it and I'm not sure about it.

Good you're signed off from the consultant and back to midwife. How come you have to give birth on the high risk unit though? Xx
I absolutely hated raspberry leaf tea last pregnancy so I am not going to bother this time because I don't think it did anything lol - I have heard you put the EPO "up there" if you know what I mean?! Not too sure what it does though I have never really looked into it! I might consider it lol.

I had a good day off, but I am super uncomfortable. I have had a tonne of braxton hicks all day and some of them have been a bit more painful than others, so god knows what's going on, and I am STARVING today! I cannot get enough of food at the moment! Lol!

Our hospital only offers 4 hours in one block of antenatal these days and the time is filled up with 45 minute workshops apparently, labour, pain relief, breastfeeding and baby care or something! So we will see how that goes! I think it will be pretty pointless and boring to be honest but Adam will like it as he's never done this before lol xxx
But I am actually having regular pains! I had some in the night and this afternoon they have been there but braxton hicks like, and now they are kinda regular and hurting a little bit!

TMI - But I have had 4 bowel movements today too, and I feel bloody sick.

I am not getting my hopes up too much, but this is certainly familiar, I don't know if it will amount to anything but you never know I guess!

We shall see ladies xx
Do you think things might be starting Lexi? Exciting :)

I think EPO is supposed to soften your cervix but I'll be honest I have no idea what that means! I don't think I'll like the tea, I don't like any fruit tea but I might try the pills! I'm hungry all the time too but I can't eat much but then an hour later I'm hungry again!

I still have to be on the high risk ward because my bmi was high when I got pregnant even though it's below their thresh hold now - seems daft to me!
Ooh Lexi keep us posted!!!! How exciting!!!! Xx
I dunno it's weird - its like either really intense braxton hicks or little contractions, knowing my luck it will just be nothing! I have just had a tonne of discharge as well, but no pink staining in it so don't think it was a show - I had a show ages ago but I know they reseal themselves. I dunno what is going on but it's not comfortable! I wish it was it happening because I can't be bothered to work another 2 weeks lol!

We will see eh! xx
Exciting, Lexi! How many weeks are you now?
Morning! I am 35+4 weeks now Flo, I actually had a really good sleep but I am back to having pains again this morning!
TMI!!! but I felt my cervix last night and I could get a finger inside it! So I guess that means I am probably one cm dilated or something, but apparently you can be 1-2 cm dilated for weeks! So maybe things are happening but they could progress slowly or quickly you just don't know!

I have definite period pain type pains down there, and I feel super sick again today. Who knows what's going on! xx
So exciting Lexi! Eep! Keep us posted!

Has anyone been doing a perenial massage? I'm wondering if this is something that I need to start, don't really fancy it though! Haha
Ooohhh sounds exciting and definitely a step in the right direction xx
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Hopefully everything progresses quickly & safely for us all :)

I've got a pregnancy massage today booked in. Counting down the hours. I can't wait!
Anybody else up to anything nice today? Xx
How you doing Lexi?
I've never had a massage before, I'm tempted though!
Summergurl I had a pregnancy massage 2 weeks ago it was incredible I loved every minute of it!!

Well all has slowed down here - I have worked all day and now the tightenings/period pains have gone. Maybe they were just stronger braxton hicks! But my cervix is definitely open, I checked again today lol (gross I know) and it is definitely thin, stretchy and open. So I guess not bad going at all really, all headed the right way!

26 dogs left til maternity leave lol..

Everyone else alright? xxxx
Wow Lexi, crazy that we are facing labor so soon! Hope your little one stays tight a little longer!

I am feeling bummed today. Just soooo low-energy and blue. I think the severe sleep deprivation is really catching up to me.
i would even no what my cervix felt like!

I've had a good day today my friend visited with her 5 month old, it's the first person I've seen that's not hubby or in laws in 2 weeks! She calmed me down about a few things and impending motherhood! Also got to have baby cuddles although she prefers standing and chatting to cuddles.

Really need to pack my bags but I can't bring myself to do it and I'm not sure why, usually I'd have it done but I'm procrastinating.
That massage sounds wonderful, summergurl, hope you enjoyed it! I had my last scan today. Baby weighs 2kg, perfect for 33 weeks, and is definitely a girl :-) I didn't gain any weight again, but with heartburn and morning sickness it's not like I eat a lot. I suppose baby takes all she needs to grow and there's just not much left for me.. will be easy to loose weight when she's here then ;-) I took my sister, the godmother -to-be, and she loved it! My mother also came round to help clean the baby room (and the rest of our house). So I had a nice day. Hope everyone else had a good day too?
Flo I can't wait to lose weight after I have delivered this baby! So looking forward to not being heavy any more and if we do book our wedding next Saturday then I will have no choice but to lose at least 4 stone lol! It is a nice thought.

Nicki I packed my hospital bags so long ago that I think I should definitely repack it and check that I didn't miss anything out lol and I think I need a bigger bag to pack it in - It looks a bit too full and I don't want to lose anything. That is what I am going to do tonight after work I think!

I have the consultant a week today and a scan, and she said if everything looks okay then she will just hand me back to solely midwife led so I can have the birth I want etc, I am so looking forward to it because I am taking Sofia with me! I think she will love seeing him on the screen!


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