Thanks girls, I am going to write a letter of appeal and explain that I don't want to be here forever but we need to save for a deposit so we can do shared ownership or something and see if they will just let us keep them here - I have just put new carpets in this flat and completely decorated the lot

And to top it all off, a friend of mine was 4 weeks head of me with her pregnancy. I saw her and her fella in the hospital waiting for a consultant appointment a couple of weeks ago and we were all discussing names, and her fella joked that he preferred our name and was gonna steal it, his wife was like "no we won't we have already chosen our name".
Anyway, they've nicked our name. George was born yesterday, nice facebook announcement with OUR name choice, the name they said they weren't gonna have.
I know it's childish, but god that has pissed me right off, considering we have had the name discussion and they already told me the name they wanted! It was something like Kayden. *******S!!!!
And breathe - so Yeah I have packed my hosp bag and I put the car seat in the boot yesterday, just in case! I have heard of a fair few people having their babies early and I work 30 miles away from my hometown twice a week so I thought I should probably have it all with me just in case I go into labour when I am miles away, I have everything I need.
I had a nice lie in today

Sofia's dad took her to school this morning from his house last night, so I literally had nothing to get up for this morning, so that was super nice!
I am nesting a lot too, today I am going to blitz this place top to bottom AGAIN lol, I just can't get enough of cleaning! xx