***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I'm the same summer, I wake up exhausted and any walking hurts my pelvis. I am having to drag myself out most days to take harper out. If it wasn't for harper I would probably spend most days at home in bed tbh! Really struggling atm xx
Aw roxy. Not too much longer left to get through & then we'll soon forget about all our complaints :)
Kholl - You went for a JOG?!?!?!!? Jesus woman that is an achievement - No way in hell would I even attempt a jog at my size! Hahaha!

I literally want to just sleep, eat, chill out and that is about it to be honest, bit hard when you have a 5 year old daughter that wants to do everything and anything! She's at her Dad's today though so that has been nice but we have been non stop today, running errands etc!

Got my car valeted, and the pushchair came out today :D I am soooo excited that it is out, ready to go and be used! And I am very very tempted to get the baby swing out the box too and find somewhere for it in my flat, It will need locating and planning haha as there's not tonnes of room in here!

So, when are you guys gonna put hospital bags in cars? Or you just gonna do it right at the last min? I did this really early with my last pregnancy lol but I am thinking I might not do it so early this time lol!

I'm just waiting for my bf cushion (it's in my in-laws' attic, they're probably bringing it next weekend) and then my labour bag will go in the car. The other bag we'll take when we're leaving for hospital. If labour starts unexpected early and I don't have that, oh can pick it up after baby's born.
I just started nesting :-) yesterday I did the bathroom, scrubbed the path around our house and did some gardening. Today we went out the whole day and I was exhausted, but once home I started cleaning the kitchen. Just couldn't resist. My husband was all 'you should sit down and rest' lol, so now I'm gonna sit down and watch Netflix :-)
I still haven't done our hospital bags!! I've just not had the energy for anything, but I must get on with it. Need to write a list tonight. Gonna have to look through some old threads as I remember seeing some on lists for hospital bags xx
I've half done the hospital bag. All her stuff is in now and I just need to put my things in

Anyone else finding you are restricted with breathing? Sat on my sofa today, I am just struggling to breathe normally lol, definitely running out of room in here.

Baby did an almighty load of moving and Adam finally got to witness the really big movements (hes not the most patient man on this earth so he gives up after a few minutes of trying to feel him move) so that was nice lol,

I am having small drama at my flat - I was told a year ago when I moved here that we could have our doggies with us, and I got a letter saying yesterday that they are revoking all permission for dogs and therefore we have 28 days to either get rid of the dogs or move out! I am utterly devastated, we are in social housing and I am so surprised that they are this strict, our dogs are tiny and they aren't ever here! They are usually at work with me or my partner, and they literally just sleep here! So having a mini panic that I am about to drop and might have to bloody move! What a pain in the ass xx
Oh no lexi that's so unfair! Especially as you've been there for a year already with no problems. Its so annoying when they don't allow people to have pets, how many families these days doesn't have some sort of pet?! We got two cats and a bearded dragon, when looking for a flat to rent years ago through an agent they told us we would have to pay £100 extra deposit per pet incase they ruined the property, even for the bearded dragon!! He's in his Viv most of the day, what damage is he gonna do?! Thankfully we private rent now and our landlady doesn't mind pets, she has dogs herself. I hope you get something sorted soon, you don't need this stress right now.

Yeh I'm having trouble breathing too, I get so out of breath so easily. All it takes is for me to walk upstairs and I'm puffing and panting as if I've just had a work out! Everything feels squashed too haha. I dont feel comfortable at all xx
If it comes to it and we have to move I will beg any landlord for my dogs to be able to come with us lol they are my babies I have been in tears today thinking about how awful it would be to have to rehome them, I love them soooo much I would be so heartbroken to see them go. So I would literally move house just to keep them lol. I can't believe they thought a bearded dragon would do anything :rofl: some people really can be idiots lol!!

I know this puffing and panting thing is frustrating, when I do the school run with sofia I get really puffed out so I have started leaving earlier because I want to walk a bit slower! Lol I know when I have had this baby I have a lot of work to do to get fit again!

I am such an old granny these days, its 9pm ish and I am defo going to bed, I can't stay up these days, it's a killer lol! xx
I sat down and did my hospital bag last night, and this morning I went out and got some things I didn't have. Still need to get a couple of bits, but I have all the 'essentials' now. It's not going in the car though, because my oh doesn't drive, so got to call my dad when labour starts for him to pick me up and bring my mum over to watch Sebastian.
I saw my oh family yesterday for our nieces birthday party, got lots of comments like 'oh I thought you'd be bigger' or 'oh Jen (my SIL) never told me you were pregnant' I'm a little annoyed that no one offered me a seat the whole time!
Lexi that's terrible that they are only giving you 28 days to move out or get rid of the dogs, especially as you've been there a year.

I really can't sleep at night, not until about midnight, so I'm watching a film with my feet up. I know the moment I get into bed, she will wake up and have a party. I'm hoping she has a better grasp of day and night once she's here, but if she doesn't then at least she's giving me lots of practice at sleepless nights.
That's rude flinty no one offered you a seat. I've been getting comments too on how small I am for how far gone I am. I do feel smaller this time round and it does concern me a bit, especially as I've had bad sickness for weeks and don't have an appetite. People just don't think when it comes to pregnant ladies it seems.

I would love to be asleep early lexi but this last week harper has decided 10-10.30pm is her new bed time.. Despite going into bed a lot earlier. I can hear her now singing nursery rhymes over the monitor! On the plus side she has been sleeping through and waking around 9am the next day. Latest she's ever slept in. It has been nice not getting up at 6-7am but I'm so tired in the evenings I'm literally waiting for her to go to sleep so i can myself. No matter how many times I go into her room she still plays and sings lol xx
Flinty when I was pregnant with harper she always woke at night and moved the most. She was a bad sleeper too but that's not to say yours will be. This baby is more active in the day, I dont get many movements overnight, so I'm really hoping this baby will sleep better and not take after their sister! X
Oh no Lexi you could really do without the stress!!! :( hubby put chest of drawers together for me today so I can start washing and sorting the clothes I've been given and buy any extras I need for the first few months. I bought what i thought was an ex display cot from the pramcentre as it was a bargain at £99 for cot, sprung mattress and under cot drawer. My friend had been in and saw the deal and sent me pics as it wasn't available online. When I turned up to collect it I was surprised to see it still on display and when I asked they told me mine was in the loading bay and when I took the car round they put a brand new cotbed, mattress and drawer in my car all brand new and in packaging!!! Bargain!!! I think I've got everything else big - just need to buy nappies, wipes, toiletries etc and my things for my hospital bag and I'm all set I think!!! Xx
Oh Lexi what a horrible, unnesscary stressful situation they've put you in. Why the sudden change in heart? I know it'll probably fall on deaf ears but could you plead with them that you're about to drop and can they give you a bit of extra time?! I'll keep fingers and toes crossed that something works out for you.

I've had my hospital bag packed for a couple of weeks now but it's not in the car. Do you think I should put it in the car ready? We've got to get a few little bits to go in like snacks and drinks but think we'll just leave them in a carrier in the boot.

Do you all plan on putting the car seat in the car soon too? I'm wondering when's too soon to set it up?
Thanks girls, I am going to write a letter of appeal and explain that I don't want to be here forever but we need to save for a deposit so we can do shared ownership or something and see if they will just let us keep them here - I have just put new carpets in this flat and completely decorated the lot :( MAN!!

And to top it all off, a friend of mine was 4 weeks head of me with her pregnancy. I saw her and her fella in the hospital waiting for a consultant appointment a couple of weeks ago and we were all discussing names, and her fella joked that he preferred our name and was gonna steal it, his wife was like "no we won't we have already chosen our name".

Anyway, they've nicked our name. George was born yesterday, nice facebook announcement with OUR name choice, the name they said they weren't gonna have.

I know it's childish, but god that has pissed me right off, considering we have had the name discussion and they already told me the name they wanted! It was something like Kayden. *******S!!!!

And breathe - so Yeah I have packed my hosp bag and I put the car seat in the boot yesterday, just in case! I have heard of a fair few people having their babies early and I work 30 miles away from my hometown twice a week so I thought I should probably have it all with me just in case I go into labour when I am miles away, I have everything I need.

I had a nice lie in today :D Sofia's dad took her to school this morning from his house last night, so I literally had nothing to get up for this morning, so that was super nice!

I am nesting a lot too, today I am going to blitz this place top to bottom AGAIN lol, I just can't get enough of cleaning! xx
How annoying lexi. That's one of the reasons I was fine with telling people the names we have picked as I didn't want somebody else nicking it but seems like people still do. Rude of them I say!!

You rant away tho love, if you can't to people in here who are in the same boat then who can you to?!

Good idea to put it in the boot if you work that far from home. It's payday for us tomorrow so I'm writing a list tonight of the final bits so that I can get them tomorrow so everything except the last minute (chargers, purse etc) can be packed.

How'd your cleaning day go?
I totally get the nesting thing. I cannot get enough of the bleach and Polish! Xx
Oooooh my flat smells of bleach now! Wicked day of just cleaning then slobbing in front of the telly until the school run haha! Brilliant!

I know I should have just kept it quiet but you know when EVERYONE asks you, I just thought "oh sod it I will just tell anyone that asks" mainly because it won't change when he's born but when a friend uses the same bloody name it is pretty frustrating!! Especially when they told me they had one already picked out and told me it! Lol oh well not a lot I can do about it now, SIL had the same problem with one of her friends, they named their baby the same name and it was all a bit weird. I just don't want to look like the weird one as we chose it bloody months ago! lol

So you gonna go on a shopping trip then Summergurl when you get paid? Get those last minute things! After this payday, there's only one more payday until baby time :D I cannot believe that! We are guaranteed a baby by the end of August! That is crazy isn't it! xx
We only live 20mins from hospital and even with a quick discharge you can't just go in, have a baby and take it home immediately, so no carseat in our car yet. My OH will get it after birth when he picks us up with the big brother:-)

Oh Lexi, what horrible people just throwing you out like that! I don't know about England, but in our country you actually have a law that says everyone has the right to keep an animal at their home. Landlords also state that you can't keep a pet, but they can't actually throw you out unless your animal disturbs other residents or is dangerous (which they have to prove). Like, you can have a dog but not a dog who bit your neighbors. Or a parrot, but not one that sings so loud at night that they keep people awake. Maybe you should look if there's a rule like that in your country? I really hope you can stay, you shouldn't have this stress now!
Had my growth scan today. Baby is measuring quite small, just under the 5th centile. Estimated weight 4lb 5oz. I gotta go back in 2 weeks for another growth scan and if baby isn't gaining weight well then they'll induce. Had to see a consultant and he said if I get any reduced movements in the next 2 weeks to go straight into hospital to be monitored. I better start getting my hospital bag packed and getting the last bits together! Could potentially have a July baby! Xx

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