***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Lexi I noticed today that my notes said consultant led but I've not once seen one. I've seen a doc at 16 weeks then everything else has been midwife. What's the difference? Xx

Oh really?! How random.

To be honest, the consultant I see is completely useless, she has seen me twice and only done exactly what the midwife does! I haven't got a clue why I bother to see her, I was referred to her because of a high bmi (think mine is 32).

I have one last consultant appointment on that wednesday the 13th july and then she said shes signing me off back to the midwife lol but it isn't like I have had any special treatment or anything?! So I really don't know what the difference is to be honest, I assume a consultant is just a little more specialist in the whole pregnancy problems thing?

Maybe ask your midwife if you are ever going to see a consultant? Because if they are talking about baby size being too big you'd assume you would start seeing a consultant to make these bigger decisions such as induction etc.

I probably will hold out tbh but its so tempting when its right in front of us! In a way I wanna know and in a way keep it a surprise. I'm totally convinced boy tho and so is everyone around me.

The monitoring came back fine summer, if anything baby moved like crazy, most movement I've had in days. Reason for the scan is because its their policy to scan once you've been in twice with reduced movements. Xx
I think a nice late scan is a nice ending to a pregnancy lol, I assume they do a weight estimate for everyone so it will be fun because you can get family and friends to guess the weight of the baby!

I am tempted to start a sweepstake of weight guesses, 2 quid a go lol, whoever gets the closest or right gets all the money! We did it for my daughter, her uncle was a rich man after that lol xx
I have the midwife next Friday so will ask then but I'm not confident they even know to be honest. It isn't the midwife at my surgery I'll be seeing it's somebody at a different centre as my surgery doesn't have a midwife now until 10th July. My appts have always been all over the place so who knows.

Lexi friend in work asked me about doing a sweepstake the other day and told me I can't tell anybody what they told me baby was weighing yesterday incase they do :rofl:
What a fun idea to let people guess! Gonna discuss that with my oh tonight :-)
Yeah you gotta cash in on these things! :lol:

I literally feel like I am bursting at the seams today - I have NO room left in my body. I really don't know how I am going to cope with a baby that is about to double its weight ready for being full term, I honestly feel like I might pop - I remember feeling like this literally in the last week, I hope my body can continue to stretch lol!

Work is getting really tricky too! Anyone else struggling with work? I have been really lucky up to this point and not finding work too difficult but now I am soooo ready to go on maternity leave - 2 more weeks at the college, 3 more weeks of self employed life left for me and I cannot wait to stop working xx
I've noticed today too that baby has suddenly got massive. It's feeling really heavy too. I'm struggling to even stand to wash the dishes it's pulling on my back. It's amazing how much our bodies will adapt to a growing baby inside us. It's scary that baby is on the home stretch and about to double in size!

Aw not long at all for you Lexi. You must really be on countdown now.
I have 16 shifts/4weeks today left of work. Can't wait! X
Yeah summergurl I am finding the same thing, I don't know how our bodies do it, I was discussing how my body feels to Adam last night because it is amazing that our bodies are capable of housing a 7-10 lb baby! It is incredible.

I think morning sickness is coming back, the last 2 mornings I could have easily been sick now, but I managed to stuff breakfast down my throat to get rid of that horrid feeling but I don't think I will be able to hold it tomorrow if it is like this again! The saving grace is that I don't have long left at all now lol.

3 weeks today until my last day at work, I cannot explain how happy that makes me! and I am 34 weeks today too! I can't quite believe that I am that far along to be honest!

This weekend the push chair is coming out, the car is getting valeted and the car seat is going in, you can never be too prepared lol! xxx
Here's my bump at 30+4. Starting to get rude comments about the size of it but I don't think I'm abnormally large :-/

Aes, I wouldn't care about those comments. I think your bump looks just normal for 30-31 weeks. You're carrying a baby, maybe people are just jealous ;-)
Aes that is a gorgeous bump! I got told yesterday that I look like I am having twins! Not a nice thing to be told, considering I am smaller than I was in my last pregnancy!

I find remarks from people really quite rude and unnecessary sometimes, I don't know how I have held my tongue with some of my customers lol especially the older ones! I am really quite paranoid about my weight, and I am not a slim person so it has made me even more paranoid, they all call me "huge" and "hopefully that is just all baby" blah blah and it does hurt my feelings sometimes.

I got this last time with my DD but jesus I was such a whale with her, my bump was absolutely massive! I gained 4 stone with her. This time I haven't quite gained 2 stone which I am really glad about because by the end I will probably have put on about 2 stone. I think that is bloody good to be honest, because last time was double that!

Don't listen, easier said than done, but don't take any notice, its like the only dig people can make at you when you're pregnant, and for some reason they love to do it. I am quite sharp in the tongue sometimes, but I can't be with the people that pay me unfortunately lol, I just don't like that people do things like that to pregnant people!

I think it's because from the front it is sooooo round. I look like I have a ball up my top. I haven't even weighed myself. I don't even care. I'll obsess over weight when I have her but for right now as long as she's healthy I'm happy. I've got a 4D scan today so will get to see her and how big she is lol. Then I really need to start packing a hospital bag and washing everything! I'm desperate to meet her now!

Ahh have fun at your 4D scan that is soooo cool! They are nice for seeing the baby's face etc! Packing hospital bag is loads of fun too lol, I love all that stuff! xx
Well we got hardly any pictures because she wouldn't turn and she's measuring 4lb 4oz already so she's going to be massive....

Really?! I don't know how accurate these weight measurements are though, someone I know was predicted a 10lb baby and had a 6lb 11 baby! So don't worry too much! xx
Yeah like I said in another thread... Those weight measurements tend to be bogus. Honestly I don't know why they even do them!

I'm feeling ok, suddenly feeling like I want time to slow down so I can dedicate myself to my 2 kids totally for as long as I can. I'm feeling very sentimental about them.

How's everyone else feeling physically? I went for a jog today, shocking!
I'm hoping it's wrong lol I can't give birth to something huge! I hardly managed a 7lb10 baby the first time!

Kholl: I recognise the feeling... 1 week to go at work and I'm already planning so many activities with DS after that. There's so much I want to do with him before there's a baby keeping me occupied with breastfeeding. He's my only worry about the baby: won't he get too little attention when she's there, won't he feel sad about it, how will he experience this whole new situation... I think it will be fine, but at the same time I can't put these thoughts out of my head. Hormones, maybe?
I don't know why people like to comment on how we look whilst pregnant. I wouldn't comment on how somebody looked everyday just because. I had somebody ask me yesterday how long I had left and when I told her just under 7 weeks she sad oh good I was worried you were going to drop in here...... what a twat. So what if I did drop in your community hall!!

We're off out for the armed forces day today. A fair bit of walking & my back will be in pieces by the end of the day so I'm not really looking forward to the day ahead. I'm getting to that stage now where I just want to sit in my own home & chill. Anyone else?!

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