***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Looking good kholl. I haven't taken a bump pic in ages, must do one soon.

I'm the same about movements Nicki. I'm totally paranoid all the time forgetting when I last felt anything and if its normal or not. I hate this part as its a constant worry until they are here.

I'm so tired the last few days its unreal, come 3-4pm its a struggle to keep my eyes open! Plus ive had no appetite at all, forcing myself to eat most days.

Were off swimming tomorrow and the hotel has a jacuzzi, does anyone know if they are okay to use in pregnancy or not? Xx
I don't really know if it's OK to use a jacuzzi but I tried it last weekend. I felt uncomfortable and got out after a few minutes. It just felt strange, but don't know if it does any harm or if it was all in my head ;-)
I didn't think jacuzzis, saunas and steam rooms were allowed in pregnancy? Although I remember my SIL just sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi with her feet in it. I think it's to do with the warmth &'it raising body temp. Don't quote me though.

Oh god the worry over moevements is scary isn't it. Last night and all day today baby hasn't moved much totally not normal but now I'm home sat and relaxing baby is back to normal but it's been on my mind all day today.

I've a growth scan tomorrow morning so looking forward to it but I can't remember if I have to have a full bladder or not I can't find my paperwork. Do any of you ladies know? Xx
Thanks ladies. Think ill just stick my feet in then if we do use it. Harper loved it last time so will probably want to use it again!

I dont know about a full bladder or not summer but hope you enjoy your scan. Nice to have an extra scan xx
:lol:Aw hope you enjoy your day tomorrow.

I'm not sure if we'll get to see baby as we don't know what we're having & I don't want it ruined this close to the finish so they may not let me see the screen as I'm sure it'll be very obvious as baby is a lot bigger now :lol:

This hunger is really getting to me these last few days. I've just got up & made some chips & am impatiently waiting for them to cook :think: x
I have just spent all day in jacuzzi, sauna and steam room for a mummy to be spa day all day - I am 26 years old today lol! Had the best birthday in the world and a spa day was just what I needed, I had a nice full body massage too!!

I have an extra scan in 2 weeks time I think, looking forward to seeing my baby again but I don't think there's much to see to be honest - But it will be nice to get a weight estimate!

Is everyone alright? Today's the longest day of the year :D xxx
Happy birthday lexi, sounds like you've had a lovely day xx
Happy birthday Lexi X

Summergurl I had a growth scan at 26 weeks and I didn't need a full bladder for it.
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Happy Birthday Lexi - I'm very jealous, I don't even have a bath to soak in :cry:

I've not done much today as I was so tired but I feel even more tired now and my mini really hurts, well not hurt its like achey, shooting aching pains! Sorry worst description ever but it's odd!

I just realised I have an appointment with the anethatist next week and I have no idea why? I can only guess that they suspect I'll need a c section then the Week after that I have a growth scan and consultant appointment, so hopefully by then I'll have some idea of how this little man will be coming into the world! That thought is terrifying!
Yay happy birthday Lexi!!!

Nicki why would you need a csection?
That sounds amazing Lexi!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday :-)
Anyone else struggling with sleep and therefore tired ALL the time now? Guess my body is preparing itself for life with a newborn!
Thank you all so much ladies! I had the best ever birthday. I am definitely going to do a spa day again after the baby is born! Hahaha!

Nicki that is terrifying I would be terrified too, I didn't even know that they did arrange things like that so promptly! Do you know why you'd need a section?

I actually had sleep last night too, probably because I had such a relaxing time yesterday, I only got up for a pee once, and I don't remember waking up to toss and turn for once! So that was nice!

Back to reality today though, only 3 weeks of work left :D cannot wait to not be at work anymore.

A late happy birthday to you, Lexi! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! My last scan is also in 2 weeks, on the 5th of July. I'm going to ask about the size of baby's head. My son had and has a huge head that complicated his birth a bit so I hope this baby has a small head ;-) I'm also taking my sister, who will be godmother. She thinks she's coming to babysit my son while I go, so it'll be a surprise. I hope she'll like it!
Hey ladies.
Had my growth scan today. Baby is on the big side & currently weighing 5lb13oz (although I know this isn't always accurate!)
They've booked me in for another growth scan on the 11th July as she said that if baby is still growing at the rate it is now they'll look at possible induction. So I could very well have a July baby! I just had a feeling baby was going to be a big one :rofl:

All was good though. Saw the hair on baby's head. Saw baby taking a drink. Clear definition of face nose and lips. Just can't wait for baby to be here now.

I'm assuming if induction is recommended they won't be allowing the birth pool, anybody know?
Wow summer!

I think they're thinking c section because last year I had a gastric bypass and some other ladies I've spoken to that have had one had to have c sections because their Drs were worried about rupturing the stomach pouch. But literally no one has mentioned birth so I'm just guessing, not knowing is scarier for me! I don't really have a preference I just want to no what's going to happen ��

Oh and anyone who is stocking up babies r us have 2 big packs of pampers for £10, I just bought over 1000 nappies! That should keep us going for a week or so!
Glad the scan went well summer. From what I know of induction due to having extra monitoring its not always possible to use the birth pool. I think it also depends on how your induced too.

I went into today with reduced movements, baby had been quiet for 2-3 days again. I got a scan on Monday now due to being in twice. I dont know whether I want to ask if they could tell me the sex or not. As it wasn't my choice in the first place not to know I dont know if I can sit there knowing I could potentially find out! But then on the other hand there's only just over 6 weeks to go and we've waited this long already. Decisions! Xx
Hold out roxy. It will be worth the wait! You've come thus far without knowing you can easily go another 6 weeks. The first thing they asked us today was do we know the gender and then when it came to measuring the thighs she told us to just look away. Did they say all the monitoring was normal today then? It may be that baby is facing inwards so you may not feel that many. Either way it's so worrying isn't it

Be sure to let us know how you get on kholl.
Summergurl - wow that is exciting to think you might have a July baby!! Eeeek!!

Roxy I hope that everything is alright - yeah I think I would hold out too! It really isn't that long til you get to meet your baby and part of me wishes I hadn't found out the sex to be honest, I think it is a really nice surprise!

Thanks for the birthday wishes too Flo lol - what a nice surprise taking your sister to a scan, I think that is really thoughtful and cute!

I think my scan is on the 13th july - I will be like 36+5 then I will be signed off of the consultant which is nice lol.

I have barely seen a midwife through this pregnancy to be honest, I think I have an appointment next Wednesday with her, then I will have conultant 2 weeks later then I will only have 3 weeks left til due so I might see at 39+5 if I can get a sneaky sweep if I haven't popped lol. xxx
Lexi I noticed today that my notes said consultant led but I've not once seen one. I've seen a doc at 16 weeks then everything else has been midwife. What's the difference? Xx

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