***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Yeah sleep is a distant memory - although last night I had the best sleep I've had in weeks with like only 2 pee breaks! Pregnancy really is hard work, it's a massive reminder of my last pregnancy being pregnant again and I can definitely say this confirmed why I certainly won't be doing it again EVER lol - it's all lovely but some of it is just too much. For the people that have more than 2 I salute you, I am not cut out for it. One of my good friends has 8 who were all naturally born and I just look at her in awe because I can't believe she did that so many times lol! Xx
8?! Wow. I dont think my body would cope being pregnant 8 times! X
8?!!! I could not handle the constant peeing 8 times over! Lol

Hope all will be OK aes.

Sleeping through the night is a thing of the past for sure. I phoned in sick today my back was just hurting too much. 6.5hrs in an office chair was not appealing at 0530 this morning.

Roxy I suffer with dead hips & physio gave me a maternity belt which helps a lot. If you have one give it a go. X
Summergurl I called in Sick yesterday for the same reason, thank god it's my last week next week with the pain and lack of sleep I'm a bit of a mess! We pick the carpet for the nursery today, hubs just has to sort the coving and skirting before then, should be finished by the end of the month. Then I can use my dining room again which is currently looking like a small but well stocked branch of mothercare!
Currently sat looking at my hospital bag and baby's changing bag trying to pack them and not really getting anywhere! Anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend?
I don't have a belt summer but if it carries on ill go physio and see if they can give me one.

Babys changing bag should be coming in the post next week so will start to get our hospital bag up together in the next few weeks.

There's a massive air show on in our town for the weekend. They have an air show tonight with planes and fireworks so were heading down the seafront this evening, that's if harper is still awake as she's in a grump atm. Trying to keep her occupied and happy! Do you have any plans Nicki? X
I don't think I've slept well in weeks. Usually I finally fall asleep between 12 and 1 (if I'm lucky) then up at 5 to pee. Then Sebastian wakes at 6. Last night he decided to join me just after I'd fallen asleep and by 2am I'd had enough of being squished and took him back to his room.

My mum had 7, and I couldn't do that. She did spread us all out though, 23 years between oldest and youngest. She is where I go if I have questions like similarities beween pregnancies, labour and birth weight.
Oh my sleep is HORRENDOUS these days. It takes me hours and hours to fall asleep and I get up to pee 7-10 times and I wake up between 3:30-4 and often don't fall back asleep after that.

This is baby 3 and I'm hoping for another 100% drug-free birth. Here in the US we don't have the option of "gas and air" so it's all hard drugs, ha. I had my first two with zero interventions and my GOSH that bliss you feel right after, the ease of recovery... I wouldn't do it any other way!
Ah, Kholl, it's not only in Belgium then :-) we also have either nothing or epidural...
Roxy: I started losing weight and turns out I 've a huge iron shortage so now on a double dose of supplements everyday (which makes me sick again). So maybe you should contact your mw if you're worried about your weight/bump size?
Sleeping is very difficult now and the summer temperatures don't help... I can sleep on the bus or when we're watching television, but at night in bed it's difficult!
Oh yeah the heat is really effecting me, I've never been so sticky and sweaty.

Roxy did you get out last night in the end? Xx
Thanks Flo. My iron levels were okay at 28 week app but could of dropped. I dont know if I've lost any weight as I dont know what I weigh lol. Its just the bump size seems small, but I'm carrying different this time so maybe that's why.

Yeh summer we went out in the end, almost missed the plane show tho as it started a bit early due to weather. Wasn't that great, the planes only done a small 10 min show, but harper enjoyed being out late at night and had a donut at the fair xx
I can't believe there's no other options for pain relief other than epidural for you ladies abroad! All or nothing eh?! X
Yeah I am surprised at the birth pain relief variations too! Its weird isn't it!

I have really swollen ankles this evening and they are really itchy :( so annoying! I don't even know if it is anything to worry about, I think I have heard its just a normal end of pregnancy thing!

Godddd I could go to bed right now, I am exhausted today, really busy day at work, and just knackered beyond belief. One of those days xxx
I've heard the heat and being near the end of pregnancy can cause ankles and feet to swell too so maybe nothing too much to worry about just keep an eye on them. Rest them up xx
I am gonna literally go to bed in a minute - 7pm and crashing! God how saturday nights have changed! I was always off out lol xx
Well we can have hardcore narcotics too (like fentanyl)- no thanks!
That's weird kholl there's nothing like gas and air. Only hard drugs. I probably wouldn't want any pain relief either if that's all they had to offer.

Enjoy your sleep lexi, if I could I would be in bed too tbh! I'm feeling so drained most days now.

Anyone else noticed they can't handle a big meal anymore? I haven't been able to sit down and eat a big meal for a few weeks now, after a few mouthfuls I'm feeling so full. I tend to eat little and often instead now x
I am getting majorly exhausted far too easy now a days, and can't eat much at all meal wise, and if I do eat more because I am hungry, I am suffering afterwards! Proper bloat uncomfortable the lot! I just have to remind myself 10 weeks to go!
Yep roxy, I can hardly eat a meal now without feeling so stuffed. I went round a friends last night for a takeaway had the tiniest portion ever and couldn't even fit in ice cream for dessert!
I had a great sleep! I had such a weird tummy ache last night, felt horrible, but I feel refreshed today.

Yeah I have noticed not being able to each too much! It is sort of a good thing but of course it's crap when you feel so uncomfortable!

My ankles are still swollen :/ my hands are extremely itchy this morning with like water filled bubbles on them! God knows what that is all about... they are really sore :( I am so paranoid about pre eclampsia, I dunno if I should take these as signs of it or just pregnancy usual shit!

I would give the mw a call or 111 just to be on the safe side. Have you had pre eclampsia before? Xx

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