Thanks ladies. Was a relief last night when baby had a mini party. I've been so busy lately that I think a lot of it is I'm not noticing them as much. I had so much reduced movement with harper that I was induced in the end. So far this time baby has been moving loads more than harper ever did.
I was freaked out with movements with my daughter, well tbh pregnancy use to freak me out lol. It seemed alien to me to have someone grow inside you. This time I'm not so bad.
We don't have any names yet, it took us long enough to agree on harpers name and we knew the sex. Its so hard trying to agree on 2 names!
Nicki I've had so much pressure down below for weeks now, it feels like I have a bowling ball down there at times! I think baby has been head down for a while now, midwife said baby was at 28 week app. I've been told I'm carrying lower too this time. Maybe that's to do with it?
We've been down the beach again today, harper loves it down there, such a water baby. I can only handle about 2-3 hours at a time tho as the heat is draining. Xx