***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

We've had the girls name picked from day one but we are torn between two names for if its a boy. Our favourite at the moment is Arlo and second is Leo.
Oh didn't realise I didn't even out that lol girl will be Poppy Anita.

Do you have any in mind?
People keep telling me if its a boy the name will come to us once baby is here.
I think baby has his head down now, he was transverse, but since last night I've had movement very very low down which I've never had before and I'm very achey down there. It's odd because I've never felt him down there before but the movements are different so I was freaking myself out but they said as long as he's moving not to worry, I'm trying not too.
We have a name picked out but haven't told anyone in case they're mean about it or we change our mind once he's here!
Thanks ladies. Was a relief last night when baby had a mini party. I've been so busy lately that I think a lot of it is I'm not noticing them as much. I had so much reduced movement with harper that I was induced in the end. So far this time baby has been moving loads more than harper ever did.

I was freaked out with movements with my daughter, well tbh pregnancy use to freak me out lol. It seemed alien to me to have someone grow inside you. This time I'm not so bad.

We don't have any names yet, it took us long enough to agree on harpers name and we knew the sex. Its so hard trying to agree on 2 names!

Nicki I've had so much pressure down below for weeks now, it feels like I have a bowling ball down there at times! I think baby has been head down for a while now, midwife said baby was at 28 week app. I've been told I'm carrying lower too this time. Maybe that's to do with it?

We've been down the beach again today, harper loves it down there, such a water baby. I can only handle about 2-3 hours at a time tho as the heat is draining. Xx
Nicki, I experienced very similar movements and pressure last week and our girl turned :-) Hope your lo did the same! It feels really weird now. Our son was head down from the start and all I felt were his feet in my ribs, this pressure down below is new to me...
How do people know how baby is laying? I could never figure it out with Sebastian, I was told at 37 weeks he was head down but back to back. Nobody's mentioned anything about how she's laying, and I'm getting movements everywhere, and can never figure out if it's a kick or a punch. I don't think she's engaged at all since my bump is still quite high.
I know baby is head down because I feel little hands down low and big knee/foot movements up high. But I am only aware cause this is baby 3 and I can recognize the difference now, ha!
I have absolutely no idea what position my baby is in I feel weird movements everywhere - over to my far right I feel something and can't work out if it's a hand or a foot!

My OH was absolutely set on his son being called George before we even fell pregnant so that is his name - and we call him George now and it just feels right to be honest but if I had it my way he would have been called Hugo or Rocco! I was desparate to have a son with either of those names and I am NOT doing this again! Haha.

Last night I felt loads of pressure down below whilst in bed and was wondering if it was actually a contraction for a little while but it went - I guess at this point your body is getting ready to go into labour so it is quite uncomfortable at times! In my sleep my left hip started really hurting and I can barely walk on it today lol God knows what I've done to it! It was fine yesterday! Xx
Does anyone else feel like they haven't grown for a while? To me my bump doesn't feel any bigger than it was a few weeks ago. I've had a few people tell me I'm neat and small, smaller than with harper too. I dont feel too uncomfortable either or like I felt at almost 32 weeks with harper. I'm interested to see what I'm measuring at 34 week midwife appointment. Was measuring 27cm last time at 28 weeks xx
Lexi I too have been feeling the pressure down below and I read that it's just your body loosening in preparation for birth.

Yeah roxy a little bit I feel like that but I'm thinking now that the baby will stop growing so much length wise well start to fill out as it begins to pack on the pounds! Xx
I also don't feel like I have changed size but I feel like everything has become way more challenging like bending down and cleaning, work; it's all become tricky in the last week. Xx
Haha oh yes bending forward is a no no right now. Are you struggling to put knickers on yet? I am slightly. All the things we took for granted!
Yep putting knickers on is a bloody struggle, and trousers! I can't hardly stand on one leg!! xx
Lol! I'm living in maxi dresses so thankfully only have to struggle with my knickers the rest goes over my head :rofl:
Had my whooping cough vaccine, midwife appointment and had to go in for monitoring today. Urgh!

It was a manic one. Yeah all is fine she was just being quiet. I have got to have GTT repeated though had plus 2 of glucose again yesterday and that was in FMU.

Sorry to hear aes, hope the GTT goes well.

I cant sleep at night anymore. I'm up so much weeing and the pressure in my pelvis is unbearable. Turning over in bed hurts so much and a mammoth task. Then my hips go numb to make it that more difficult! Plus the bloody seagulls here are so loud too, every morning around 4am they start squawking. The downside of living close to the sea! They are everywhere and sit on our roof most nights. Hope everyone else had a better sleep! X

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