My ex mother in law was a midwife so I collared her about it! She checked my ankles and hands and said that its just end of pregnancy symptoms - She said if you push the swelling on your ankles and it doesn't pop back out then it will be pre eclampsia but mine pings straight back out, and she said my hands are to do with the heat.
I have slapped loads of cream on my hands throughout the day and they aren't itchy any more, the bobbles have got smaller on them now. So I am a little more relaxed now, but if I get these symptoms again after tonight's sleep (like in the morning) then I will call up because I think there's a problem if it reoccurs.
Sounds like we are all struggling with one thing or another with this third trimester stuff, it is hard work isn't it! I have never been so excited to actually go into labour.
I have also felt some really weird pressure like I am going to come on too, I guess it is all in preparation to get these babies out! Haha.
TMI - But have any of you lot checked your own cervix??? I decided I was going to last night and mine was reeeeeally low and soft yesterday, I didn't check it at all last pregnancy but I was just feeling so uncomfortable that I thought I would have a feel ...Gross i know but I am intrigued! I think I might check it myself in labour too before I go to the hospital

save me the disappointment of being sent home! xx