***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I would probably give your midwife a call lexi as its happened to your hands too with small spots.

I had the worst nights sleep last night. So much pressure down below and a dull back and tummy ache, a bit like I have when I'm about to come on. I dont feel comfortable at all today xx
Could your bump have dropped roxy? I'd the same the other night and took a pic of bump and it had dropped a little lower. Could be that xx
Could be summer, I did say last night to OH that my bump looked lower. I've also been having a lot of tightening's too, which I guess is Braxton hicks. I never had them last time x
Lexi I would call the midwife too. Let us know how it goes!

My sleep seems to be getting worse every night. Each night I go to bed and my heart races and pounds for hours, making sleep impossible. This happens every pregnancy and there seems to be nothing that helps it. I toss and turn and get up to pee until 1-2am then up at 5 with my son every morning. I say I sleep SO much better when baby gets here and people laugh like I'm crazy or joking but it's true! I sleep a thousand times better those first few weeks postpartum.

My son also is not sleeping well at all. We finally transitioned him to his sister's room and it was going so well but the last couple nights he's waking constantly again. He finally just came into our bed between midnight and 1am.

I am so worried about sleep after baby is here. Those first few weeks I'll have lots of help but after that I'm on my own with 3 kids and if my older 2 don't start staying in their own freaking beds I don't know what I'm going to do.
Sorry your having sleep problems kholl. Its such hard work when you got a bad sleeper, let alone two! Harper seems to have turned a corner lately with her sleeping and doing much better but I'm not holding my breath as she can go through stages of sleeping great for a few weeks/months, and then it'll all go pear shaped again. I'm just enjoying it whilst it lasts!

Did you ring the midwife about swelling lexi?

Hows everyone's day been? I've been so short tempered today, don't know why tbh. Still a lot of pressure down below and tightening's too. Also going for a wee every 15-30 mins! Baby must be pressing on my bladder. I'm just glad today is almost over with, I'm so tired. Gonna get into bed soon and watch some tv I think. X
My ex mother in law was a midwife so I collared her about it! She checked my ankles and hands and said that its just end of pregnancy symptoms - She said if you push the swelling on your ankles and it doesn't pop back out then it will be pre eclampsia but mine pings straight back out, and she said my hands are to do with the heat.

I have slapped loads of cream on my hands throughout the day and they aren't itchy any more, the bobbles have got smaller on them now. So I am a little more relaxed now, but if I get these symptoms again after tonight's sleep (like in the morning) then I will call up because I think there's a problem if it reoccurs.

Sounds like we are all struggling with one thing or another with this third trimester stuff, it is hard work isn't it! I have never been so excited to actually go into labour.

I have also felt some really weird pressure like I am going to come on too, I guess it is all in preparation to get these babies out! Haha.

TMI - But have any of you lot checked your own cervix??? I decided I was going to last night and mine was reeeeeally low and soft yesterday, I didn't check it at all last pregnancy but I was just feeling so uncomfortable that I thought I would have a feel ...Gross i know but I am intrigued! I think I might check it myself in labour too before I go to the hospital :rofl: save me the disappointment of being sent home! xx
Glad it doesn't seem to be a worry but defo keep an eye on it.

I've never checked my cervix before, tbh I dont think I would know what I'm doing or what to look/feel for! Haha xx
Glad you got an answer today about your swelling lexi & hopefully it won't come back. That's good to know about it pinging straight back out though thanks for sharing!

I've never checked my cervix before & wouldn't have any idea of what I'd be feeling for although I may now read up on it and see if I can feel it! Although I'm a few days behind you ladies.

We are all defo feeling the pressures of the third tri aren't we. I was having a near on perfect pregnancy up to now but now the back issues are starting & the feeling on my bladder when baby moves is excruciating waaaahhhhhh still, no matter what ache or pain I still find myself amazed that we are helping a human life grow! Xx
Glad all is well Lexi!

I echo you all on the sleeping business, manage to fall asleep at the drop of a hat but wake up at least 5 times a night. Usually give up about 6am and get up but then I ens up taking a nap in the middle of the day.

30 weeks today! Task for this week is to get a hospital bag sorted out. Does everyone still have a lot to buy? I still need a breast pump and a steriliser, amongst a few other small things.
We have everything we need I think. I haven't got a breastfeed pump as I'm still very much undecided if I want to breastfeed feed or not. Managed to pack my hospital bag last night too.
I still got quite a bit to buy, double pram, car seat, mattress, moses basket to name some of the things! Baby's changing bag came today tho so will be getting our hospital bags packed this week x
We have to buy a new car! We are getting a minivan, can't believe it.

Lexi glad it's all normal!

I'll be 30 weeks on Friday, don't know when I'll start going through baby clothes and washing them. The car seat from our son is still good so I'm glad we don't need a new one of those... The new car will be enough!
I Just washed the baby clothes for our hospital bag, waiting for them to dry. I'm mentally preparing myself to stay at the hospital overnight. I had the same iron problem with DS and after birth I couldn't get out of bed without fainting, so if it's the same they won't let me leave the same day. I hated the hospital last time. I also hated all the visitors, even our parents. Have to find a way to keep them all away the first few days.
I've prepared myself for an overnight stay. I would love it if I didn't have to stay though. Is it likely they'll let a first timer out the same day? X
With my daughter I was allowed to opt for the quick discharge even tho she was my first summer. I ended up staying in tho as gave birth in the evening and had to go theatre after to have stitches. If it would of been in the morning I probably would of been allowed out the same day. It depends what time you give birth etc xx
Ah okay thanks. Do I opt for the quick discharge when I'm actually in there or do I put it in my birth plan? I sooooooo hope I can come out the same day! Xx
I wasn't allowed home until my son had fed twice because I was breastfeeding. I came out 12 hours after giving birth, but then got told off by the midwife the next day, because I should have stayed in longer! We ended up being re-admitted 3 days later because he got jaundice. This time I'm not sure if I want to be out quick or not, I might get more rest in hospital.

I panic packed my hospital bag the other day, because I started getting painful BH, and it suddenly dawned on me that if I went into labour I hadn't got anything packed. I still need to get something to wear in labour.

Today I washed my sons pram, so it's all ready for baby girl.
I also had to have stitches in theatre last time so I stayed in for 24 hours after my DD was born, and she was breast fed too so they wanted to see a couple of feeds and I had to wee before I was allowed home too.

It was still a short stay though I felt, I slept quite well on the ward believe it or not! Sofia slept the whole night so it was brilliant haha!

I have just about finished packing my hospital bag - only thing left are things like phone charger and going home outfit for me and that's about it.

When I finish work in a month I am going to get the pushchair out, clean it all (eBay special lol) and get the car a full valet, and shove the car seat in with the bags I guess! I'll be 37 weeks then so at least I will be proper prepared lol! I'm a paranoid person and have a dreaded feeling that I'm gonna give birth in the foot well of the car or something! So I want everything we need at least in the car lol.

Eek I can't wait to go on maternity leave and actually chill out a bit, I need a break! It's my birthday next week on Tuesday and my friend and I are going on a spa day and I get a 75 minute pregnancy massage! God I cannot wait for that... Reckon that will be a proper chilled day; we get 2 course lunch too and 4 hours to wallow in the spas jacuzzi and pool etc. It's gonna be lush!' Xx
A 24 hour hospital stay is mandatory here. At the birth center I was allowed home after 4 hours, it was fantastic! But the insurance I have this time doesn't cover a birth center.

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