August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Congratulations Rose and Tasha.
So glad they are safely here.
And great names too.

Looking forward to reading your updates tomorrow.
I hope you are both getting some sleep now. Xxxx
Awhh congratulations ladies!! They're adorable. Looking forward to updates xx
Congratulations tasha! Funnily enough Fletcher was one of the names we considered! X
Well done Tasha!!! Congrats my lovely, I hope you manage to get some good rest xx

Rose and Tasha,
awww my goodness they both look so scrummyyyy, well done girls, enjoy your newborn cuddles! Sending hugs to both of you xx

please do not hesitate to PM me if you need to ask anything about c-section (even private stuff) 1 month on, then ask away! xx
Yes, it's all gone rather quiet.

How is everyone?

Rachel, are you being induced today?

How are you getting on on your own this week MissCharli?

We are good, spending all day sitting around feeding. He's started putting on weight which is brilliant.

Sounds good Elspeth, what weight is he up to now? I haven't had Theo weighed since day 10... but I'm gonna go on Tuesday. I reckon he has chubbed right out! Haha.

Yeah it's been okay, not too bad on days like today where OH should be home in the next half hour or so. Was pretty shit when he was getting home at 9pm, especially when he had to leave again at 6am... But Theo and I drove down today to see OH for lunch (its about 45 mins away). Was nice to get out of the house for a bit and I've decided I like driving with Theo, it was an hour and a half of peace and quiet + singing along to my music! Felt a bit more like the old me again ha :)

Ooh yes Rach how are you getting on? x
Morning everyone congratulations Rose and Tashap!

Sorry for being quiet this week it has been a very full on week. I went into labour Monday night at 9pm with regular contractions which got worse so I ended up in the hospital 3am Tuesday morning to be told I was still only 2cm and to go home and come back when they get worse. So I went home and ended up back in hospital 2pm on the Tuesday for them to send me home again saying I wasn't far enough along. So went home in lots of pain and contractions started dieing off and then picked back up in the morning to where I couldn't stand. Managed to wait till 2pm on Wednesday as I was refusing to go back in for them to send me home. When I arrived the labour ward was full so I was checked out on the day assessment unit where when examined I was 4cm! They finally admitted me into hospital. When there they expected on me dilating so far in so many hours and I didn't so they burst my waters which they struggled to because they were so tight around his head. They then left me another 4 hours to dilate at which when that was up I still hadn't dilated so they started me on the drip to get me going. At which the difficulties started! From when the drip was put in to 14 hours later I had only dilated another 1cm to 5cm. He had also pooed in his waters so I was sat on the monitors which I am pleased they did because his heartbeat dropped dangerously low on 4 episodes at which point they decided that I was to be rushed in for an emergency c section.

So Andrew George Laidler was born on Thursday 24/08/17 at 08.34am weighing in at 10lbs 11ozs and worth every minute of the torture. :D


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Ahh congrats! Sounds like a bit of an ordeal but at least he's here!

Is that all of the august regulars here now? :o

Congratulations Rachel.
He's lovely. 10lb 11ozs!!!
Did you have any idea he'd be so big.
Sounds like the most exhausting week. I bet you were glad to get him out and in to your arms.

MissCharli, that's great your getting out. Sounds like it might be time to venture out to some baby groups. It is a lonely time being a new mum.

Goodness Rach 10lb 11!!!! Congratulations! Sounds like quite an ordeal. I really must do my story on here but I've been getting no sleep and therefore it might end up being an incoherent mess! Lol x
Labour story:

Tuesday morning I was admitted for induction on the induction ward at the hospital. Settled into my little bay on the ward and then the midwife looking after us came along to explain that because I had been referred for induction due to reduced foetal movements I would be taken down to labour ward whenever they needed to do anything to me due to the fact no movement was seen on my scan the day before. This was the first I was hearing of that, they had obviously decided not to make that obvious to me in case it freaked me out. So at about 11am I was taken down to labour ward and put on the CTG monitor for a while before they gave me the pessary. Baby was bouncing around totally happy. Before pessary went in they confirmed I was already having very minor contractions and was 1cm. Was sent back up to induction ward to watch tv and wait. 6 hours later I was given the second pessary as not a lot was happening and I was now 2cm. It got to 11pm and nothing was happening so OH was sent home. I was a bit worried about this because with my second baby I went very quickly from nothing happening to 5cm and being in labour and I knew it was an hour round trip home and back to hospital for him. But off he was sent. Then followed a terrible night:

Basically they were so busy I should have gone on a monitor at 11.30 and didn't go on until midnight. Was on for 40 minutes and baby's heart rate was too high with little movement and I was contracting painfully. The midwife in the induction ward had to get a doctor to check the monitoring because I was classed as 'very high risk' which no one had told me until that point - the reason being that when they scanned me on Monday no movement was seen - but no one had told me that presumably so as not to worry me when I was feeling some on the monitor. So at 1am when they couldn't get a doctor because they were all in theatre they suddenly decided to rush me down to labour ward, literally taking all my bags and stuff on the trolley with me and told me to get OH back here immediately. So he rushed back having only just got home and sorted out. By the time he got there half an hour later I'd been monitored more and the baby had calmed down and they said another half hour like that and I would be sent back up to induction ward to wait and OH would have to go home again. I was in a lot of pain and begged them to examine me because I didn't want him to leave when it felt like something must be happening. So eventually they agreed and checked me but absolutely nothing had changed, still 2/3cm and they weren't willing to keep me. So at 3am they kicked OH back out and moved me back up to induction ward and said I could go to sleep. Poor OH was so tired he couldn't drive and didn't want to go far away in case the whole thing happened again so he slept in the boot of our car on floor cushions from our playroom(he packed them just in case). At 5am I woke up desperate to pee and then went back to sleep until 6 when they woke me to put me back on the monitor. Except I shouldn't have been on the monitor in induction ward, it should have been in labour ward but labour ward was full so they monitored me up there just to check baby was ok. They said I'd need to be monitored as soon as possible in labour ward so they could decide if the third pessary was needed. That should have happened by 7am and I was kept waiting and waiting, OH was allowed back in at 9.30am Wednesday morning and by that point I knew j was having proper contractions. I got to the point where I was having to properly breathe through them curled in a ball and clenching his hand. So at 10.30 he got the midwife and said he knew they were busy but could someone please look at me. They were going to do a CTG and I said no examine me I think I'm in labour. Sure enough I was almost 5cm and they got me down to labour ward immediately. Immediately made it clear I wanted gas and air and an epidural as soon as possible. I was really feeling the contractions. So got the epidural but it wasn't very effective and throughout rest of labour the anaesthetist kept coming in to discuss it and test me and in the end concluded I'm just very unlucky and epidurals are only effective to an extent on me and that this was the least effective one I had had. It was taking away the pain of the contraction in my abdomen but none of the pressure feelings and once I was at pushing stage could feel everything as the birth canal was not affected so could feel it all. So anyway got to 7cm and they broke my waters. Meconium in them (that's all 3 babies now) and he was starting to appear distressed on the heart rate monitor. So they attached a heart rate monitor directly to his head to keep a closer eye on it. He did start to have decelerations (drops in heart rate) towards the end and they were quite worried my OH says but everyone did a great job of never letting me realise that. It was about an hour from being 7cm to delivery and I was screaming the place down because I've never felt the pain before from the head coming out as the epidural had worked far enough before for that to not be as obvious. So I honestly thought they were going to tell me i had this giant baby that had torn me in two but actually I had s minor tear and graze (I felt every stitch being seen because they relied on the epidural to numb it) and he was only 9lb 6oz! He was worth every bit of pain though and I was still saying I'd do it all again even in the middle of contractions which made them all laugh. Hopefully I'll be waiting for a few years before having number 4 though as 3 is quite the handful!!!
Wow that sounds like quite an ordeal Rose! I feel so bad for your husband having to sleep in the boot :( Just doesn't seem right. Your care on the ward sounds just as good as mine was after I'd given birth, just too many patients not enough staff. But glad everything went well in the end, I can't believe you were talking about number 4 during labour :P xx

Yeah maybe Elspeth... but I'm really shy so I really don't fancy the idea of going to groups on my own haha. I'd feel really awkward I think. But yes I do feel lonely a lot, so maybe I need to force myself? Hmm x
Awwww my goodness, he is lovely, well done Rach, enjoy him!!! :yay:

Rose, this looks like a good read for when I feed the babe in the middle of the night, so saving it for tonight ;) XX

We've been referred to the prolonged jaundice clinic because baby still has jaundice and they expected it to have gone by now. So they checked wee and poop, and took his blood for further tests, just in case there is an underlying cause. I just hope it's one of those things, perhaps because he was born a bit earlier than he wanted? Waiting for the results.

Also I think I have nipple thrush :cry:

MissCharli, please do force yourself. Even if it is once a week. With my first I very reluctantly attended a new parents programme offered at a local children's centre. I went to a health clinic held at that centre to have baby weighed and the health visitor there suggested I join the groups that ran there. I made some friends for life! Mind you, now that we've moved to a new area and I have a second baby, I feel exactly like you, too shy. I really need to explore what baby groups exist around here though and find the courage to attend.

Who else is left?

I'm 1 day overdue now!
It's odd, we've spent 9 months counting down to the 26th and now it's gone I don't know what to do with myself!

Getting so jealous of all the gorgeous babies you ladies have had, and irrationally worrying I won't find my own baby as cute!! xxxxx
Aww I bet he will look absolutely scrummylicious BexTez!!! They have to, so they can get away with keeping us awake at night :lol:

Come on baby!!! Your August baby cousins are waiting for you :pompom:
Oh that's not good H4R, I hope it all turns out to be normal. And nipple thrush sounds horrible, I didn't realise that was a thing!

Well I'm gonna go get him weighed in Tuesday, and the group is at the same time as the HV clinic, so I'll see how I feel I guess? Not sure at all about it. I'd like to do water babies or something but it's so so expensive!

Ah I was worried about that as well Bextez, but trust me you will. I think we're designed to find our own babies cute so we don't throttle them at 3am :p x

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