August 2017 babies! The final thread!

This is the end of week 1 of hubby being back to work and both kids have survived and I have not been in tears so I feel I'm winning. I even managed a walk with my sister with Avery in carrier, Athena in buggy my dog and my sister with my nephew. I was exhausted afterwards running after gino and Athena but hey ho it was worth it!!!

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Sounds like you are doing well Jill!
I'm still waiting :( only 4 days until consultant appointment though. Been out most of the day and the only thing I've really noticed is how much pain that's caused me and I now have an upset stomach - suppose that could be the big clear out if I'm lucky but I doubt it! Hoping my other two don't wake us up loads tonight, me and OH are exhausted from being up half the night with them the last few days x
Hi Ladies, I haven't posted in here for ages but have been keeping up with everyone's stories!!
Congratulations to all the new mums in here, there are so many beautiful babies and names!!

Rose my due date is 26th too and I've had no signs yet at all! I'm trying to make plans for the next few days to keep myself busy, although my husband is unsure about me going into work for results day on Thursday! We'll see :)

Hang in there, they'll come when they're ready! Having said that I am sooo uncomfortable, my bump is hurting and I cant roll over without making a lot of noise, so I'm 100% ready! Having been fairly confident about home birth the whole way through I'm starting to feel a little nervous as it gets closer :(
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Hugs Rose, I feel for you xx

Girls, my (just turned 3yo) toddler is killing us. He is lovely with the new baby but must have been so affected by his arrival as he keeps waking up in the middle of the night crying and screaming for me and refusing to go back to bed unless I am -and stay- in his room!!! Which, with a velcro baby attached to me and feeding for what feels permanently, is impossible! Daddy tries to settle him when I can't if baby is on me feeding, but it makes him scream and cry even more, it can last for HOURS. Literally a couple of nights ago he started at 3am and didn't give up coming out of his room crying (daddy would take him back to bed) until 2-3 hours later when it got lighter and was time to get up!!! We're having horrific nights non stop for about three weeks now because of this :( :( Last night we gave up due to exhaustion and when he woke up we let him stay and sleep in our bed with us. We just can't go on with so little sleep. I have the baby and him full of beans on my own all day (apart from his 2 half days at nursery, which I have to walk him to and back as not allowed to drive yet) and hubby needs to function long days at work :( :(

Love to all of you girlies, I keep reading all of your posts and cannot wait for our August babes' team to be complete!!! xx
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Oh no Rose nothing worse than the kids keeping you awake when you need extra rest... not that that's easy being 9 months pregnant. Try and take it easy though, it's so easy to overdo it and suffer with the pain. Upset stomach does sound positive though. Hopefully it's a sign!

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Oh H4R I totally feel your pain - we are getting anything from 1-3 hours of my 2.5 year old waking up each night and won't sleep unless one of us gets in her bed with her. I don't think it's to do with the baby though seeing as he isn't here yet, I think it's all from being in a new room and new bed.

Nothing very 'labour' like happening here and I'm actually considering calling hospital as I've realised that movements have been few and far between since last night. But if I go in I need to go alone with my two crazy toddlers which will be ridiculously hard to manage. And I'm doing that thing of doubting myself and thinking that probably everything is fine as I've had a few more kicks since I started really concentrating on it x
I don't know how you are both managing Rose and H4R you's are doing fab though! Is there any way your husband can come out to look after the kids for you to go into hospital or anyone else for a little while just to make sure you get checked over. Fingers crossed you go into labour soon.

I am well and truly sick now I feel like a bear with a sore head and so miserable and grumpy! I just really don't want to speak to anybody. The midwife has been out this morning and booked me in to be induced on Thursday and I'm just thinking can you not do it sooner! Apparently not! She then done another sweep so that's 4 I have had now. According to her my cervix is now 2cm where as the last one said 1.5cm last Wednesday and I am only 2-3cm dilated and last Wednesday I was 2cm. Last night I felt like I had been stabbed right up my foofh but she wasn't concerned. Even his head is apparently less engaged. So I don't trust this midwife as she hurt me again compared to the older midwife last week.

Really I'm just in a right mood wanting to complain!
Well ladies I'm back from the hospital and after monitoring and a scan they have finally agreed with me that he is massive and that he needs to come out so I'm being induced tomorrow morning at 8.30am!!! The scan estimated he is 10lb 5oz but that he was so squashed up in there that they weren't getting a good read on his tummy and it was varying between 10lb 5 and 10lb 11. My poor lady area!!! X
Eek that's good news Rose! Looks like most of the August babies will be here by the end of the week!
Yay Rose that's amazing news!!! I'll keep popping in for your updates x

Currently in hospital, my induction started this morning- nothing of any excitement to report other than it's hot and stuffy, don't know how I'll sleep tonight x

Love to everyone xx

Awww Tasha!!! Now I am getting wayyyy too excited!!! I'll be thinking of you lovely and cannot wait for more updates from you xx Go Tasha!!! :pompom:
Good luck to all those being induced this week. Not long until you'll have your baby in your arms.
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Aww tasha thats exciting that you are in too! Do you get the drip or the pessary? My hospital does pessary and with my son last year I had one at 10am and another at 6pm and was full on contracting by 8pm and delivered at 12.47am so am
Hoping this will be similar but I guess it could take longer as its before the 40 weeks x
I had propess pessary at 10am and they stay in for 24hrs!! It's been boring so far - no signs of anything they check me in the morning and will do a 2nd one. I hope you have a quick one too, I'm guessing with it being a bigger baby (gravity) and also your 3rd yours should be much quicker x

In the induction ward but turns out the consultant that saw me yesterday has said I need to be induced on labour ward (presumably due to risks associated with being a big baby) so just waiting to be transferred down. Felt like I've been contracting small amounts all morning and sure enough just been examined and I'm 1cm and soft so things have started naturally. They'll take me downstairs to labour ward and give me the pessary and as soon as I'm 4cm they will break my waters x
So, I've seen the consultant and he said it's worked and softened but not ready to break my waters. Had 2nd pessary he said if I don't go into labour today then will definitely be able to do my waters tomorrow morning x

Rose that's great things have started naturally- should make the pessary part easier/quicker x


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