August 2017 babies! The final thread!

No I think the only difference FF would make is that he could get up and do a feed and let you sleep! Other than that I think a baby will sleep well/badly regardless. Bless him though, that anxiety sounds horrible to live with x
How do you co sleep safely?
I've feel asleep couple times with her in bed :shock: did it in the hosp and midwife walked in and told me off lol.
Were combi feeding and hubby feeds her in in night now to which is fking amazing! Started of only bottle in the night but im more formula than breast now. But ff in the night was great I actually got some.sleep aha. Deffo recommend it :p
How come your oh is so against co sleeping when it worked so well before? I know it's not really recommended but it seems like it's still pretty common. I've seen those little bed nest thingies to try make it safer. I couldn't do it, but if it works for you?

Eek ladies it's now September! How crazy is that. August flew by for me and Theo is already a month old. He has already changed so much, I think we are gonna get smiles soon :D

In terms of moving on from here, do you want to move to the parenting section or start a Facebook group like the September mummies have? I'm happy with either! X

Good idea MissCharli, I'm happy either way too.
It would be lovely to carry on chatting
Thanks Charli x
In so much pain with my nipple! Woke me up. Thrush maybe... well that's me no longer BF! The pain is fking awful, sent hubby to asda at 2 am to get numbing gel, after taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and dihydrocodine which hasn't stopped it at all. X
I think we've turned the corner, last night Taylor was much more settled and went twice for three hours without feeding and was asleep in his cot for that time. So think we might be out the other side of the first two weeks of hell! X
I think we've turned the corner, last night Taylor was much more settled and went twice for three hours without feeding and was asleep in his cot for that time. So think we might be out the other side of the first two weeks of hell! X
How do you co sleep safely?
I've feel asleep couple times with her in bed :shock: did it in the hosp and midwife walked in and told me off lol.
Were combi feeding and hubby feeds her in in night now to which is fking amazing! Started of only bottle in the night but im more formula than breast now. But ff in the night was great I actually got some.sleep aha. Deffo recommend it :p

Sorry your nipple pain has got so bad PB.
It is horrendous, sorry it's been so bad for you.
Are you switching to FF then?

Just wanted to reply to you about co sleeping.
Babies need their own space on the mattress with their own bedding. No pillows or heavy bedding that could suffocate them or cause them to overheat.
If they are on your side of the bed you need to make sure they can't fall down the gap between the bed and the wall (or off the bed). If your partner is in the bed you need to make sure he can't roll on to baby.

Most important things are don't drink alcohol or take drugs, and don't co-sleep if one of you smokes.

Also I think it's only 'safe' to co-sleep if you are breastfeeding baby. Your sleep changes when breastfeeding, it cycles with your baby and you find yourself waking up to the slightest gurgle or grunt.
If you FF then you sleep more deeply and there is more risk to baby.

I'm very pro cosleeping. For women with no risk factors who are breastfeeding then I think it is very safe. Research does show for this group then there is no higher risk compared to babies sleeping in their own bed. It causes women so much misery and anxiety the way it is still demonised because most of us do fall asleep with baby in our bed whether we mean to or not :(
I've been open with all the midwives we've seen and they have all been very supportive.
Glad things are better for you Rose.
Let's hope this is the shape of things to come.
Are you feeling better for the sleep?
Okay well I have made a facebook group:

Let me know if it works! :)

Thanks MissCharli. You are a star. Looks like it works to me.
I'll join but as we still don't have Internet I'm not using FB all that much at the moment as it uses too much data. Hoping to get Internet soon. Also have not uploaded any pics of baby boy on FB. But my name is Eleanor and there are pics of me and my big girl on there.
Ah I'm so glad to hear that Rose! :D Hope he's as good tonight!

I never liked the idea of cosleeping personally, I would be so scared of rolling over onto him. I was tempted this morning after OH left for work cos Theo had a bad night but I don't think I'd have been able to sleep.

Yay Elspeth I've accepted you :) I always assumed that your name was Elspeth though! haha x
Yeah I do feel better for the sleep. We are out at an air show today and Taylor is sleeping soundly through the whole thing! my parents are visiting us at the moment so they are here to help out with the other two kids and my brother and his two have come along today too although currently I'm on my own with Taylor and all the picnic stuff while everyone else is on the near by beach! X
Love the Facebook idea - might be easier for me to reply more often too x sending everyone love x s

Sorry I haven't been on all week I honestly don't know where the time has gone! PB have you tried some nipple shields? I have to use shields to feed because Andrew sucks his bottom lip in when feeding so he was gumming me really hard! I can't believe he is 10 days old already!! Rose we have a Chicco and it's so much easier in the middle of the night as I don't have to get out of bed which is easier for my c section wound! We also have a nest which we got from Aldi that he sleeps in in his Chicco as he feels safe and it's like he is being held. He has started crying when being put in his Moses basket as he wants to be held but sleeps quite good in his nest in his Chicco. Misscharli that's a fab idea I will send a join request!
Ahh I don't want people to know I'm on PF :( x

Well it's a closed group at the moment, so I don't think it would come up on your wall if you joined. But if you like I can make it a secret group and invite you to join instead? That way it wouldn't show up under your groups if someone was to stalk you (though I wouldn't even know where to find that!).
Baby Isla was finally born Saturday 9th sept, 2 whole weeks after her due date, on the day I was booked for induction, my waters broke!!
11 hours later, she was born and is so lovely 😍😍 we were in hospital for 4 days as she had jaundice and so needed phototherapy, but today we got to bring her home!
She's feeding well and sleeps like a log during the day, but as you can see from my 2am post, she won't sleep at night! I feed her but thrn as soon as I put her down she screams until I pick her up again! Any advice?


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