August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh wow.
Sending you the biggest good luck wishes Tasha and Rose.

This is so exciting.
Congratulations elspeth! :) xx

Good luck today rose and tash!! Exciting. Looking forward to updates xx
Update: 1pm they checked and I was 1.5cm with regular contractions so they put the pessary in and monitored me for an hour and as me and baby are happy they sent me back up to induction ward to sit and wait for things to progress. They had the consultant put the pessary in because they wanted them to do it for some reason and she said that my cervix was soft and very favourable so she'd be surprised if it didn't work very quickly and only need the one pessary. The progression has made my sciatica so much worse though, I could barely walk when they moved me back upstairs. Contractions are uncomfortable but bearable at the moment so have sent OH out the hospital for food. Fortunately my kids are having a great time with their aunt!

Hope the second one works for you tasha - with my second baby the second pessary worked within a couple of hours x
Can't believe Theo is 3 weeks today... where has all that time gone already? Eek.

He is looking cute today though... (when he stops being grumpy!):

Misscharli- what a total cutie!!!! Can't believe the time has gone and he's 3 weeks! How are you feeling? X

Rose- how are you doing? Have you had anything to help with the pain?

Nothing to report here, no real pains or contractions but some period style aches x fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow xx

Love and hugs to everyone x

Have had my second pessary and another hour on the monitor now. Nothing for pain yet, contractions are back and fairly substantial since the second pessary. They said I was almost 3cm before they put it in and very soft so they are hoping it might progress soon but I'm not really sure if it will in the night or not x
Sounds like a really slow process Tasha! Hope it kicks it up a notch sometime soon, being stuck in hospital for that long must be miserable!

Seems more promising for you though Rose... I reckon you'll have your baby by the morning! x
Thanks Misscharli xx still no change here! Hopefully when I get examined at 10 they can break my waters and we can move forward x

Rose thinking of you, hope your baby is here and if not that you got some sleep last night xx

Looking here for updates.

Rachel, any movement after the four sweeps?

Life is rather more full on with a newborn in it so haven't had time to write on here, although keep checking for news. The first few days felt really blissful and wonderful and I really felt like I was enjoying having a newborn second time round.
My milk came in properly yesterday and it's been difficult feeding due to massive engorgement. Brought back lots of horrible memories about how hard it was to feed my daughter, plus coincides with day 4 baby blues. I was feeling pretty awful.
Things seem to be better today.
Just wanted to send out big hugs to all you ladies establishing bf. It's such hard work.

H4R and Rose, I feel for you with sleeping problems. My daughter has never been a good sleeper either. I'm not sure how you cope with that and a newborn. My daughter suddenly developed fear of the dark when she was 3. This led to us having to sit with her while she went to sleep and several times in the night for anything from ten to 90 mins. She slept in our bed a lot too as I was too tired to deal with it. When we moved last month then we got strict with her and told her she needs to go to sleep by herself. She cried for 10 mins the first night but got the hang of it. I'm amazed it worked with such little resistance from her.

Anyways, looking forward to updates today.
Hope mums and babies are all doing well.
Eek there's been no updates so I think that must be a good sign!

I'm glad you're feeling better today elspeth. I found engorgement literally the worst thing about birth/postpartum! I was in so much pain and so miserable, felt like it was never gonna end. But if you're breastfeeding it must settle pretty quickly I'd have thought? X

Hi ladies! Tough labour but Taylor was born at 4.35pm this afternoon weighing 9lbs 6oz so much smaller than estimated! Will give you whole story when I'm not so exhausted. Hope tasha is ok xx
Aww well done and congrats Rose!!!
Welcome to the world little man! :yay:
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This is the little guy about 15 mins after birth, very alert and has been breast feeding like a demon! X


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Fletcher arrived at midnight via csection weighing 8lb1

I'll also do a proper update tomorrow

Congratulations rose xxx



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