August 2017 babies! The final thread!

H4R I had nipple thrush with my first and it's what led to me having to totally express all her feeds for 8 months. There is very little I don't know or didn't try to combat it and it was one of the worst things that's happened to me (baby related) so any questions just ask! One thing you could try right away is coconut oil, it's safe for baby to ingest obviously even thought they'd only get a trace of it and apparently it's supposed to really help thrush but I was only given that tip after I'd got rid of mine.

We're having a pretty rough time, Taylor wants to feed all night and won't settle in his cot then. But he will from 6am until midday but obviously that's no good for me when I have two others to look after. The last two nights I've been up all night, like literally every minute Of the night because we had agreed that I absolutely would not sleep with him this time as it terrifies my partner. So I've been sat there literally doing that thing when you jerk awake because you've fallen asleep sitting up. I just reach the stage where I can't even fight it and my eyes just close. My OH is also feeling terrible because he isn't getting much sleep and then having to deal with the other two but he can't function on minimal sleep and is a nightmare when he gets this tired as he makes me feel it's all my fault. The atmosphere is very different after baby 3 than baby 1 where we were just in this bubble of happiness. Now it's like he can't wait to go back to work and it be my turn to take over everything again. I know it will be ok in a few weeks but it makes me sad he is so fed up at the moment. I haven't had the baby blues yet and I can't work out if they are still to come or whether my brain is just like 'nope you don't have time for that shit' lol. X
Ohno Rose I hope you all manage to settle into something of a reasonable routine soon :( How long has your OH got off work? It's a shame he's struggling this time :(

I'm struggling with sleep at the moment as well, it's all very well saying when baby sleeps you sleep but my brain will not switch off! Doing my head in! What I wouldn't give to get 8hrs sleep in a row... it's been a good 3 months since I had that if not longer :(
He is off for two weeks but the second week he will be doing some work from home so I don't think will be able to help much.

I don't remember getting 8 hours sleep, it will have been before baby two so maybe Christmas 2015 as after that but before his birth I had a sinus infection for 2 months and couldn't sleep. I actually don't know how I have got this far on the sleep I've had x
Ha ha MissCharli, great (mummy) minds think alike! ;) xx

Edit: gosh I've just realised there's more posts after your reply to mine MissCharli lol! Where "great mummy minds" replace with "baby brain" :p Catching up now sorry girls...
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Thank you so much Rose, I will try the coconut oil for sure!! Got me some Daktarin cream for me and oral gel for baby, sounds familiar?? A lactation consultant advised me so I wouldn't have to wait for Dr appointment. What was the thing that helped you the most? xx

Jeepers it's like burning needles are piercing my nips during feeding him and at random times too (I initially thought it was an intense let down feeling or something...until it got too intense...why does it have to be so challenging :cry: Feeling sorry for myself and all women kind xx
Aah that's so long Rose, definitely will stick to just Theo for now :P I was spoilt for sleep in tri 2, I miss those days haha.

Ouchh H4R, I honestly don't understand why BF is so difficult :(
I'm thinking that maybe we should move over to parenting rather than tri 3 soon... I guess once we're out of August? If everyone wants to carry on chatting anyway :)
Good idea Charli :)

Hope everyone is well, I've been trying to keep up but I've been mega tired lol xx
Hi just popped over from March Mummies thread to say congratulations to all you August Mummies on your gorgeous babies, love reading this thread and hearing about their arrivals! Seems like forever away until March but as it's my second, at last, going to try and enjoy every day of being pregnant! Enjoy your newborns xx
HR4 that was exactly what I had to start with although it didn't have a great effect but I think I was too far into it (8 weeks before anyone diagnosed it). So I ended up expressing totally and at that point was able to switch to Daktacort which is Daktarin plus a steroid and I think that helped but you can't use when baby is actually feeding from you. So my next big tip is something a mum at a baby group recommended to me and it was a life saver. There is a wound dressing called ActiForm Cool. It's basically like a sheet of jelly like stuff which you cut to the size of a wound and it allows the wound to heal rapidly because it keeps it at the perfect moisture level. You might be thinking you don't have a wound but you'd be surprised, thrush seems to cause cracking and damage you don't see and this stuff really helped. It's backed with plastic each side and I would cut a square out and place it in my bra with one side of gel stuff uncovered and the other side still covered then I could turn it over to use the other side later if I wanted. This stuff is expensive though so GPs are hesitant to prescribe when it's not even being used for exactly what it's intended. So best to go prepared to fight them but mostly I had no real trouble once I explained it was recommended by someone suffering the same. Think you can buy online too x
Hi just popped over from March Mummies thread to say congratulations to all you August Mummies on your gorgeous babies, love reading this thread and hearing about their arrivals! Seems like forever away until March but as it's my second, at last, going to try and enjoy every day of being pregnant! Enjoy your newborns xx

Awww, bless you Summertime
Thanks, what a lovely message.

Wishing you all the best on your pregnancy journey. March does seem a way off but you'll be in trimester 3 before you know it.
We've all been on here since we got our bfps and I can't believe the pregnancy bit is over. I love reading about babies arriving too.

This was my second and last baby (dh says he's going to get the snip) and I've been aware of that and tried to enjoy every minute so I can relate to how you feel. It is the most precious and special time,although after going a week overdue I really felt ready to not be pregnant anymore

I can't believe it's over either, or that he is 4 weeks tomorrow! I feel quite sad sometimes that pregnancy is over, and I don't know if we'll have another either. Is it odd that I feel robbed of the last week that I was supposed to be pregnant? I was fully expecting to be induced a week later, and wasn't prepared for him to come early! Ha x
Thank you so much Rose! xx

Feeling similar to you Elspeth and MissCharli. Although I did not enjoy this pregnancy unfortunately, I struggled a lot. I think it was because I spent most of it mourning for my mum and stressing over possible complications. Also struggled physically this time round. Hubby says he definitely does not want more children. I would not say no to another one! Now I am looking at the baby and feel so emotional thinking he most probably is my last and I try to savour every.single.moment. Literally feeling time slipping through my fingers, I feel it flying already as I look at him!!! I want it to slow down cause these moments won't come back :cry:
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I feel exactly the same H4R :( I just want him to stay as he is, but I also obviously want him to grow up! It's such a weird feeling, it doesn't make any sense.

I could totally have another, but I think in terms of being able to give him everything we want we could only really afford to have him on his own :( Maybe in 4 or 5 years time? I don't know. But I know for sure we won't have another in the immediate future. That does make me feel quite sad because it feels like this is all I'll have (which I know some people won't get, and after my MC I am very grateful).
MissCharli, I'm sure you'll have more children. You have so much time, you can really afford to spread them out and enjoy each one.

It is sad though, keep looking at little one and thinking, I can't believe you were inside me a few days ago!!

Im lucky to have lots of help at the moment, with childminder and my parents and my oh. Baby feeds continuously all day and I've struggled to put him down in the day so I don't know how I will cope when I have to look after both children on my own.
I'm not sure how you look after 3 little ones on your own Rose. Especially when you are really tired. I hope they all start sleeping better soon. Does your eldest go to nursery or preschool at all?
Really feel for you with the nipple thrush H4R.
Why oh why is it so tough.
I've got sore nipples but nothing like as bad as the first time. I remember crying with the pain at the start of a feed.
How is baby's weight gain now? Are you still needing to top up?
Also I hope things go well at the jaundice clinic.
What are his levels like? Do they check them regularly?
Yeah I suppose that's the good thing about starting at 24! Even if we do wait until Theo is 4-5 I'll still be under 30. But I'll just make the most of him now just in case. That's the best way to do things I guess :)

Plus I'm with you, I definitely couldn't manage 3 under 3! Just one has been a crazy learning curve!

I'm off to get Theo weighed tomorrow, see how much of a chunk he's become... I weighed him on the kitchen scales the other day and he was just under 4.3kg! His birthweight was 3160g! I hope everyone else is doing well too xx
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I think the answer is that I'm losing my mind. My OH is doing most of the child care of the toddlers but that has to stop at the end of this week when he needs to start working from home. I'm sitting in tears this morning because it's 7.30am and I haven't been to bed yet for the third day in a row. Basically Taylor feeds all night and when he isn't feeding he won't sleep in a cot and will only sleep on me. Me and OH agreed that this time I absolutely would not co sleep or similar because he is so terrified of it and I do agree that I'm so tired it wouldn't be safe. So therefore I have no choice but to fight sleep all night. So that was night 4 of no sleep, each of the other days I've been able to get him down between 5 and 6 and sleep til 10 but today he still isn't letting me put him down.

I'm devastated, I don't want to formula feed, it's not that I'm so pro breast feeding I won't consider it but it's an expense we can do without, it's a pain in the bum to do all the sterilising etc in comparison to breast feeding and it takes a lot more planning to leave the house. But I'm starting to think there won't be an option because I can't stay awake 24 hours s day! X
Oh Rose I'm sorry you're struggling so much, I know how important bf is to you :( can you not use just formula at night? That might let you get some sleep x

Aww thank you Elspeth,
the news are good with his weight, he's caught up and been gaining nicely, was 8lb5oz last week (from 6lb6oz!) No news on his tests from last week yet, which I am hoping is good news, otherwise they'd call straight away I reckon! Fingers crossed.

Ohhhhhh Rose honey,
sending you a big hug. It's now week 3 of hubby being back to work. Really struggling with both baby and a toddler, I dunno how you do it with baby and TWO toddlers. Exhausted from baby feeding constantly and not settling easily between feeds, especially during nighttime! Toddler wakes up and screams for me every single night and won't settle for daddy (and can last HOURS non stop crying and coming out of his room constantly til it's time to get up!) So after 3-4 weeks of this, we ended up letting him sleep in our bed last couple of nights :( My heart breaks thinking how affected he must be from all changes -new house, new baby, mummy not giving him all her time like she used to- fearing he might not be feeling as loved as he used to :(

Girls, I am still trapped in combi feeding. Breastfeeding both sides every feed (sometimes double switch nursing for more stimulation and to keep him more interested encouraging more let downs, also using compression (after lactation consultant's advice). Then using Medela Calma teat to give him 1-2oz formula top up. Have used a supplementing nursing system too for last few days in case the bottle is making him more lazy and to focus his full interest back on the breast. So every single feed is just so intense and involved...and now the thrush :( ...I feel I am now getting very close to having to make a tough decision, as doing both basically is exhausting me even more. Breastfeeding frantically to help supply as well as having to sterilise and all things involving bottle feeding, even if it is only for 1-2oz at a time. Was happy with the supplementer for a few days but it can be so fiddly and impractical. And...imagine feeding with a tube system when you are out!

I have not been expressing as
where would I find the time between the feeds and my high maintenance toddler?! Plus I have such sad memories back from when I was expressing for my first when he was in intensive care and I had a pump attached to me instead of a baby. In the first week before his corrective surgery I had to keep expressing to store milk having been warned that he might not even survive for long due to a possible short bowel syndrome! (No wonder I think of a pump and feel like crying!)

Sometimes feels like my supply is up and we could be close to dropping the top up (mainly in the mornings as
I believe breastmilk is naturally more in the am) - but other times feels like he really needs the top up and possibly even more, esp. in the evenings, so we're back at square zero. I feel so sad. Like I'm letting him down. And so angry with the midwives that did this to me by making me top up from day 2, way before my milk even came in, sabotaging and interfering with my supply and baby's habits like that. The lactation consultant is furious about it too. I feel like we haven't even been given a fair chance with it :(
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