Hi ladies,
Very tentatively poking my head in here...
A brief bit about me :
- I had a DD in 2017, and was a previous member to this forum when TTC and pregnant through 2016 and 2017.
- I had a Mirena coil fitted in Feb 2018. This was removed on 29th April 2021. No period or anything during the coil or since removal yet!
- I'm a bit of a chronic worrier

- I have PCOS, diagnosed in March 2021. Prior to bc, periods were clockwork 32 day cycle.
- We're TTC our second
and have been just "not preventing" since removal of bc.
Please could you add me Clarkecharm to perhaps 30th June? Hoping I'll have had AF or something by then!
I've added my chart to this in the hopes of some advice or insight please? I named day after Mirena removal as CD1 just so I could start tracking. I'm not sure if I ovulated or not as CD19 OPK was a 0.66, but lines looked almost identical in strength?? I've since started tracking BBT the last few days too.
Sorry for the lengthy post! I would love to join you all on this journey if that's ok
Sending lots of baby dust!

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