xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Wow Angela... :shock:

Quite the story...

I hope you're getting settled okay now xx
I certainly wasn't expecting it to go like that nor to have a nearly 9lbs baby but he was so worth it. I just need to heal and being able to sit down would be lovely lol
Get a kiddies blow up pool ring to sit on... Apparently that helps xx
Sounds so painful Angela, amazing work!! Congratulations .... Xxxx
Hope your feeling better angela
Huge congratulations x
Dear is a boy!!!! He is a beauty...Baby K born 17th at 13:14 weighing 3.4kg. Sonographer needs to be shot...first messed with due date and now gender!!!
Ooh congrats Lex :)

Typical sonographer, bet that was a surprise.

I'll update the front page when I get home. Feel free to post your story when you feel up to it xx
Congratulations Lexi-wow another blue bundle!! How frustrating that they got the gender wrong. Hope that everything went well and you are recovering well too xxx
Angela what an experience, hope you're ok now and starting to heal!

Lexi what a surprise!! Congratulations and enjoy your blue bundle!!
Congratulations July mummies on practically all of your babies being born in your designated month! :lol: just caught up on the first page, so pleased for all of you that have popped and sending much labour dust to those still waiting!

Congratulations lexi
Hope all is going well with you and baby xx
Congratulations what a surprise about the gender. My friend was told girl and had a boy to, I'm shocked they still get it wrong xx
Congratulations Lexie Dust on your lovely boy , what a shock for you xx
Awwwwwww thank you is all well..he is a healthy baby!!

Looks like that is it for all July mummies - congratulations to us

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