Well my bath was relaxing till the cat cried to be in the bathroom then she cried to be out grrrr.
Not sure if it's been said but January thread is up too.
I'm a bit fed up, my back hurts had shooting pains between my shoulder blades last night. I can only sleep with a extra pillow supporting my back and that I can wrap my legs round lol.
OH seems to think the back pain is similar to that of being over weight I don't think he quiet understands.
I keep meaning to make a list and start packing my bag but I'm just to tired to do it but I know if I don't OH will be useless
Happy 30 weeks angelA-date twin!!! I'm the complete opposite to you all my OH has been great!! Doing stuff around the house,cooking tea and today when I went for a wee I had quite a bit of blood when I wiped. When I told him about it he badgered me for ages to ring the midwife!! He's been great!! I'm so lucky!x
Think we're all a bit fed up
I know I am so very lucky to be pregnant and feeling baby move inside me and grow everyday
And it saddens me that this will be the last time I will ever feel what it's like to be pregnant
But still can't wait for baby to come
I want to sleep on my back again lol selfish of me
I am soooooo fed up!!! Im tired,fat, in so much pain its unreal but i know somethimg amazing has/is happening in there and all this will go away as soon as they arrive! Seems like weve been pregnant forever! Xxx
I'm still coping ok at the moment. Feel quite uncomfortable most of the day but I just keep telling myself that it's only going to get worse over the next 10-ish weeks. Seems to help my mindset xx
Thanks ladies does anyone else have constant rubbing tummies-it's like I'm always hungry!! I'm trying to eat regularly including breakfast (which I only started eating when I found out I was pregnant!!) but it just seems that I'm constantly hungry could that be baby making the noise??x
I will be honest I'm not sure hun hehe. Like you on not a normal breakfast eater and have since tried to be but I'm constantly hungry maybe baby's taking all my food lol or Id like to hope or that makes me a piggy oooops
*wave* I've not been on for aaaages, hope everyone's doing ok I've been exhausted the last few weeks with work and unpacking into a new flat, but it's all settling down now. Agreeing with the last few pages of posts that as wonderful as pregnancy is, I find myself longing for the end of it...!
Approaching 30 weeks on Mon definitely feels like the home stretch - we're almost there!! Xx
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