Anyone tested early? I might have haha �� I couldn't wait!I'm the same every month. I swear I can see a faint like but pretty sure I'm just willing it to be there �� if I can refrain from testing again before Thursday I will! I don't know why I do it to myself! Haha
6th Nov Please! (9DPO) lets do this Lulla Bell!! Lol x

Yay cycle twins!
Ill no doubt test early, because I have no self control!
Im trying my hardest not to!
Im even drinking loads more water so my pee will be really diluted, so theres not much point
Haha it's so hard! I'm going to try and be very strict with myself! x

Updated :) FX! I think it's going to be a really good month for everyone :dust:
Arhh I don't know how to do it! Omg I'm so crap at this hahaha
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I've been testing since 3 or 4dpo, there biscuits no hope for me :shock: although in my defence, I've been using the cheapie ones so doesn't cost too much to feed my addiction!

Congratulations Keely!

Nowt for me, temp is through the roof so af is on her way for me. Just a case of waiting for her to arrive, boooooo :cry:

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huge congrats keely! fingers crossed for a healthy 9 months!
EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Keeley, straight out the gates with a :bfp: this is the month! Fx ladies!
Woo hoo. Congratulations. Here's hoping it's a good sign for lots more in November. Go
od luck everyone. I'm not hopeful for me. Just trying to stay relaxed and hoping I'll have some good news by Christmas��
Ok so I can't post a pic until I've posted 10 times so I got locked out for 10 mins hahaha
Ok so I can't post a pic until I've posted 10 times so I got locked out for 10 mins hahaha

Haha, the same thing happened to me when I first joined! I was really hormonal at the time and got so upset that I didn't come back on the forum for a few months :D
FX for all you other ladies this month! im trying to hang on until saturday to test! its driving me up the wall!!!!

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