Feeling unwell yesterday and today. Not sure if symptoms or just generally icky. This is my 12th month. So major fingers crossed lol. Are you going to cave and test early? Xx

yea i know how you feel, its month 15 for me! so fingers crossed for us both!

im so tempted to test early but i know if i do and get a BFN i'll be on a downer until i re-test on the 5th to make sure haha just so hard not to pee on a stick all the time!!!
I want to start already lol!! I am very much a poas addict haha!! Xx
I started at 4dpo, join me on the dark side CockerMum :lol:

Haha love it Kumber. May just start tomz now haha! I will be 6dpo then so not too bad lmao xx
Self Confessed POAS addict here also... Started at 6dpo I think lol. I really think they need to make a self-help group for this :lol:
Hey everyone I'm new to this but please can I have the 3rd of nov 😊
(8th month of ttc) not feeling confident but here hoping! Xxx
Heyyyyyy Kitty, welcome to the madhouse! Best of luck for this cycle :hugs:

I'm new to this! When is the best time to test? I'm guessing around the 15th for me but not 100% sure x
Are your cycles usually regular? If so even was last period and how long your cycles are can give you and idea of when you ovulate. Or if you know when your next period is due.
I'm normally really regular with 28 day cycles. Last period started 21st October x
So you can expect next period on 18th November and it's fairly reasonable to test from 4 days before it's due.. although there are plenty of us who test earlier!! Xx
I'll go with 15th!! It will be hard enough waiting that long as it is! ����
If my cycles go back to normal, then I will be due AF on the 23rd, so can you stick me down for then, cheers, good luck everybody!
Hi, new to all this but wanted to join in! Firstly after reading about Ovia I have just downloaded it! Something different to what I was using and seems to have much more to it.

Do people normally say the date their period is due or a bit before? Or after?
Hi misskth!

For the sake of your sanity, I recommend testing the day after your period is due. This is entirely my own choice - I never believe a negative test until the red tide appears, and they're so sodding expensive that I try to limit my usage. On top of that I prefer to think I might be pregnant for a few days more, it makes the whole ttc business more bearable!

And you've gone for Ovia? I have a tumultuous relationship with her, but there's no denying she can be useful. Let us kniw how you get on and baby dust to you!
Thanks CoolNoMore! I will go for the 12th then although I haven't ovulated yet (was due to on Thursday) so not sure if that affects my period. Think my system might still be settling down after stopping my pill at the beginning of the summer.
Updated for you miss kth :) let me know if you need it changed at any point :) good luck fx :dust:

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