--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Lovely scan pictures JoeyClare and Vic :) I am rubbish at guessing but will say girl for JoeyClare and boy for Vic.

Have you been sick anymore Mel? If not it could just have been a stomach bug. It's so horrible throwing up, I've been sick every morning now for a few weeks and you do kinda get used to it but it hit me again before bed last night and was just awful. I couldn't sleep for fear of needing to go hug the toilet again. I usually just feel hungry when I wake up but still feel sick now so I'm wondering if my dinner didn't agree with me last night.

Hope it's not been too tough coming back from holiday GF91! Good luck for your scan tomorrow. I've got mine too, excited but nervous!
Oh my it's so good to be home! But what a nightmare! They very very nearly cancelled our flight. They decided to go with it but only opened 2 bag drops for the entire flight (which was full) security was a joke, & ofcourse I set off the machines so had to be searched. DD fell asleep while we where boarding & they made me wake her up for take off because she had to sit in her own seat- but allowed someone who's son had also fallen asleep a few rows behind to stay on there lap despite him being older than my DD? There where delays so we landed at the same time as a 4 other planes so of course passport control was a joke. I'm sweating my nuts off, Bloated to high heavens, DD is fighting me, poor DH has a trolley overloaded with suitcases, his bag, my handbag, DDs cabin bag, we go through customs.... & they stop us! Start taking our bags off the trolleys asking if we know about cigarette & alcohol allowance. Wasn't until DH got really shitty and said "I don't drink or smoke & you can clearly tell my wife is pregnant so it's highly unlikely that we'll be carrying anything" that they decided we where just a routine stop so put our bags back and sent us on our way. Got home just after 3.. DD awake at 6.15 😳😫 can't wait to go to my mums for a roast & roll on bedtime!!

So excited for my scan tomorrow!! 9.20 too so not a long wait!! What time is your Joeypops? Xxxx
Ugh that sounds awful! Glad you made it home safely but it sounds like you need another holiday to recover.

My scan isn't until 2pm, think it'll be a long morning!
GF91, what a nightmare! I'm off to hubby's grandads for a roast later. Yum. We're sharing our news with him then.

Good luck for your scans tomorrow. Mine was at 2:30 and to be honest, the morning at work went quite quickly and then I did like not ha I g to go back to work after my scan. With my daughter, they were both morning scans and I was back at work by lunch!
It's always nice to get finished up early! Mondays are always quite quiet for me so although I've got to work before and after tomorrow, I've not had to cancel any of my customers to fit in the scan which works well.
My apologies for neglecting the December thread! Will update accordingly later tonight! But in other news!!..im now a member of the February thread! Got my bfp on Friday!! So glad to be back in tri 1! Just hope this tomato seed is our stayer!!
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Aww huge congratulations sebbiesmum! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and am wishing you a very healthy 9 months!
Hi All. I havent been here ina while. Hope all the pregnancies are going well. I have my 12 week scan tomorrow at 8am. Feeling nervous x x
Congratulations sebbiesmum!

Good luck for your scan strongminded. Let us know how it goes X
Thanks guys :) Right..Thats all 48 pages updated!, if ive missed anyone please let me know :)..Took just over an hour :lol:
Congratulations sebbiesmum, so pleased you're back so quickly. Fingers crossed for a sticky for you!

How did the scan go Georgia and strongminded?? I really can't wait for mine now. Had a really awful weekend with sickness, I've only eaten 2 tiny meals in 3 days and have lost over a stone now. I thought I'd be able to go back to work tonight but I'd never cope like this xx
Scan went perfect. Baby was laying on its side facing us. So so chilled, just like daddy. DD was all over the place at 12 week scan, this one just laid still occasional stretch out. Pretty sure I know the sex as I think I spied something. The sonographer did an under bottom shot & im sure I saw boy bits! When we left the sonographer said "don't forget if you want to know the sex you can ask at the 20 week scan" & I replied to her "I think I've already got a pretty good idea" and she looked at me, smiled & laughed. Not sure whether that was a "did you see what I saw" last thing or not... not sure whether we'll find out. I don't want too, DH does. Day before DHs birthday too! Guess I'll see how I feel on the day! Official due date of the 19th!! Xxx
Glad everything went well at your scan :) have updated your due date on 1st page! I can't wait for my first scan but I'm so long away! :(, I thought about forking out for a private one at 16 weeks just so they can tell me what I'm having since I never did anything like that with my first :)
Hi all scan went well. Baby was very active wriggling about. It had its hand on its face its the cutest scan photo we got :) my due date is 22nd December :)
Oh exciting Georgia, you'll be so shocked now if you have a girl :lol: so glad all was well with your scan and bonus getting put forward a bit too! Glad yours was all good too strong minded, I feel like one of the last December mummies to get a scan. I so can't wait but equally so nervous, I keep having a feeling they'll move my due date further away!

Sebbiesmum, when I had my son they didn't do 20 week scans. I only had one scan at 13 weeks and that was it the rest of the pregnancy. Now I want loads this time round :lol: hubby won't find out the sex though so we'll just get a lovely surprise xx
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Aww congrats sebbiesmum, I'm so pleased for you.

I got told I was a disappointment at work today for being off sick so that was nice, 1 week until my scan! We were going to find out the sex at 16 weeks but that will depend if I'm working still.
Aww great scan news both of you!

I've been feeling very non pregnant the last couple of days, but I am 14 weeks I guess. I'm sure this happened with my daughter.

A disappointment? Well that's a lovely thing to be called for being ill off work. Crikey! X
Ffs, your colleagues sound like right petty twats. I know it's easier said than done but try to ignore them and do what's best for your.

So pleased to hear the scans went well yesterday, ours was great too and my due date has been moved to the 21st. Just need to wait for the screening results now but the nuchal measurement was nice and low so fingers crossed! She said if we are high risk I'll hear within the next week, if low then it takes longer but we can assume low if I don't hear by Mon.

Hope you are all doing well, I'm actually looking forward to feeling a bit less pregnant soon Vic, swear I'm getting worse by the day just now
Who on earth said that Nicki? I hope you managed to give them a piece of your mind. That's absolutely disgusting!

I remember that feeling with my son vic, it was just my little bump that reassured me I still was!!

Great about your scan too joey, and your measurements being all good. I'm sure results will be fine too!

I've got my scan at 10.40 tomorrow. I'm feeling way beyond anxious about it, I'm not sleeping well and it's making the worry so much worse. I'm not looking forward to it, I just want it over with :( which I hate xx
Yay congratulations on all the scans ladies!

Nicki your work sounds absolutely horrific, you could sue the arse off of them for the way they are treating you! Your colleagues sound like an absolute bunch of prats!!

I am in such a limbo land waiting for my Harmony/NIPT results, I can't get anything done at work as I'm just constantly on google or staring at my phone willing it to ring. I am just imagining the call going wrong and it's eating me up, after trying for this baby for over 4 years and not thinking it was possible I feel like this is our last chance.

Amy x

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