Hi all, after the longest week of my life (as a few of you know) I am back with the land of the living. I have been pretty much away with the fairies for the last week having got a 1:23 downs positive back after my wk 12 bloods. Paid for a harmony a week ago and just got a clear result yesterday. The relief is beyond belief. Amy I was thinking about you yesterday, and I'm thinking about you today, I really have everything crossed that we all get what we hope for. I have high hopes for you!
Leah, so excited for your scan! Try not to let the worry ruin it, which is rich coming from me I know but still, I know its beginning to feel more like a stepping stone for some of us rather than the lovely thing that it is.
Nicki, I'm totally gobsmacked at that. Might it be worth you sitting down with someone from your work and just explaining your situ - I'm not saying you should explain yourself but just to put right that absolute kn** heads there that clearly thought you planned to get pregnant again just to make THEIR lives difficult! Are you feeling more like leaving now?
Joeyclare, strongminded, GF, vic etc etc glad all your scans went well! I've loved keeping up to date with you all (from afar during my week of feeling sorry for myself and being ridiculous)
And amazing to see you back Sebbiesmum, great great news. I have everything crossed for you!
That's all really, just checking in but lovely to see so much positivity! One thing I did want to ask - has any of you ever had really low Papp A? The result of my Trisomy testing was that my Papp A was really low and HCG too high.,,as a result I have to have more scans to check from growth issues after 12 weeks. Just wondering if anyone else had (hopefully positive) accounts of this xx
Leah, so excited for your scan! Try not to let the worry ruin it, which is rich coming from me I know but still, I know its beginning to feel more like a stepping stone for some of us rather than the lovely thing that it is.
Nicki, I'm totally gobsmacked at that. Might it be worth you sitting down with someone from your work and just explaining your situ - I'm not saying you should explain yourself but just to put right that absolute kn** heads there that clearly thought you planned to get pregnant again just to make THEIR lives difficult! Are you feeling more like leaving now?
Joeyclare, strongminded, GF, vic etc etc glad all your scans went well! I've loved keeping up to date with you all (from afar during my week of feeling sorry for myself and being ridiculous)
And amazing to see you back Sebbiesmum, great great news. I have everything crossed for you!
That's all really, just checking in but lovely to see so much positivity! One thing I did want to ask - has any of you ever had really low Papp A? The result of my Trisomy testing was that my Papp A was really low and HCG too high.,,as a result I have to have more scans to check from growth issues after 12 weeks. Just wondering if anyone else had (hopefully positive) accounts of this xx