--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Hi all, after the longest week of my life (as a few of you know) I am back with the land of the living. I have been pretty much away with the fairies for the last week having got a 1:23 downs positive back after my wk 12 bloods. Paid for a harmony a week ago and just got a clear result yesterday. The relief is beyond belief. Amy I was thinking about you yesterday, and I'm thinking about you today, I really have everything crossed that we all get what we hope for. I have high hopes for you!

Leah, so excited for your scan! Try not to let the worry ruin it, which is rich coming from me I know but still, I know its beginning to feel more like a stepping stone for some of us rather than the lovely thing that it is.

Nicki, I'm totally gobsmacked at that. Might it be worth you sitting down with someone from your work and just explaining your situ - I'm not saying you should explain yourself but just to put right that absolute kn** heads there that clearly thought you planned to get pregnant again just to make THEIR lives difficult! Are you feeling more like leaving now?

Joeyclare, strongminded, GF, vic etc etc glad all your scans went well! I've loved keeping up to date with you all (from afar during my week of feeling sorry for myself and being ridiculous)

And amazing to see you back Sebbiesmum, great great news. I have everything crossed for you!
That's all really, just checking in but lovely to see so much positivity! One thing I did want to ask - has any of you ever had really low Papp A? The result of my Trisomy testing was that my Papp A was really low and HCG too high.,,as a result I have to have more scans to check from growth issues after 12 weeks. Just wondering if anyone else had (hopefully positive) accounts of this xx
Aww so pleased your test was clear 1sttimer! I don't think you've been silly at all for worrying!

Ahh another low Papp-a! Finally haha. I have it. I have to take aspirin every day and will have more midwife apps (second baby), consultant and growth scans from 28 weeks. Our hospital sees it as 'a thing' whereas some areas don't apparently. There's more research being done into it. How low is yours if you don't mind be asking? I presume my other hormone level is ok xx
Aww so pleased your test was clear 1sttimer! I don't think you've been silly at all for worrying!

Ahh another low Papp-a! Finally haha. I have it. I have to take aspirin every day and will have more midwife apps (second baby), consultant and growth scans from 28 weeks. Our hospital sees it as 'a thing' whereas some areas don't apparently. There's more research being done into it. How low is yours if you don't mind be asking? I presume my other hormone level is ok xx

Hi Vic, that's interesting with the aspirin. I don't think I can take that as I have a hematoma that I'm trying to get shot of at the moment and I don't think that would help with it but might chat to my midwife about it. My Papp A was 0.28 so quite low!
Oh I see (just reading back through the pages!) the midwife told me it was to improve the blood flow to the placenta. Mine is 0.32 so a bit higher. I'm a bit worried about the thought of pre eclampsia and just generally that the placenta might have packed in already! Ridiculous I know! What's odd is that they changed the guidelines from 0.3 to 0.4 at the beginning of May so if I'd have had the screening a month earlier 0.32 would've been fine! So my daughter might well have been 0.32 or similar for all I know, and she was 8lb 2 and I didn't have high blood pressure at one point during my pregnancy or labour. I know they have to have rules though, and it's all done to try to help. I see my consultant in July X
Thank you Helen! I'm so pleased for you and your results, you must be so relieved, I remember the feeling well from when I had an amnio with my little girl.

Still not heard anything on my results, arghhhhh! This waiting game is a killer, 6th day tomorrow, I have been really positive up until yesterday and was considering the test more as a reassurance thing but I have totally convinced myself that something is wrong now. Even thinking they are saving calling me with the bad news until they know I am on my way home from work (like they even know I work 9-5 haha). I'm going mad!!!
I'm really so pleased for you that alls okay Helen. Just need good news from any now too, everything crossed!!

I remember being so excited for my scan with my son but this pregnancy has just been so different, plus I was young and naive with my boy. Ignorance is bliss though, id much rather be that person again! It definitely feels like a stepping stone rather than enjoying this amazing moment. I hope there's a point in this pregnancy I manage to relax! Xx
Do you know which clinic they went to Amy?

No! I had a look on ultrasound direct yesterday who I had the rest with and they use two companies :roll: one said results in 3-5 days and I couldn't find anything on the other site! Typical x
The disappointing comment came from my manger in the HR office during my disciplinary for my time of with my sickness. I've always been honest with work (too honest) so they no how bad it was I told them everything including the wetting myself but I'm still made to feel like I wasn't that bad and I should have been in. I'm not a confident person, I struggle with depression, I try really hard to make everyone happy and do my best, telling me I'm a disappointment is pretty much the worse thing you could have said to me. I'm just a bit numb to it now, I don't want to make a decision when I'm mad/angry/sad but I can't see me feeling anything else anytime soon. I'm going to wait for my scan and get my due date and see how I feel and see when I can leave.

I'm so happy for you 1st, that must be a huge relief! Me and hubby decided that we'd do the harmony test if our result was high got my scan next week but I'm really anxious about it.

Good luck for you scan tomorrow Helen xx
Had my 12 week scan this morning and measuring 12 weeks exactly :) due 27th of December! Baby was perfect, I feel so much better now. Baby was sucking its thumb and giving us a little wave, she said it looked extremely chilled and happy in there. Good to know my sickness isn't bothering the little monkey!! xx
Hi ladies hope you are all well :wave:
I'm coming to join you from the January thread, my due date has been moved forward to the 28th. Can you add me to the list please :)
Thanks joeyclare, we got some great pics! Baby was sucking its thumb and crossing its legs, giving us a wave. It seemed very content:D

Welcome to December mummies jem, im just a day ahead of you xx
Mumbear that's so awful for you. Sorry this is happening - it certainly shouldn't be. So now they know you're pregnant they're still saying you should've been in? That's disgraceful. I'm sorry for what they've said to you especially with it being the worst thing they could've said to you. Your confidence and mental state doesn't need that. They don't sound very compassionate or human really!

Hi Gem!

Congrats on your scan MrsS! X
Awh the scan experience sounds so cute mrss!! Im so nervous for tuesday for mine, always think ill find out im not pregnant.

I'm so down this morning haha... Im fasting for blood work but food is what stops me feeling sick. I usually have two breakfasts at the moment (fat pie i know!) But i have something at around 5.30 when i get up with my son and then something when he naps and im starting to feel sick again. Truthfully i feel fine so far but its the fear of it striking and also knowing i need to push a pram all the way to doctors and have bloods take which can make me feel faint all on am empty stomach! Ugh! I must sound so selfish to those who cant eat much anyway with sickness, but im the opposite, it usually helps.

I never had this blood work last time, its because diabetes is in my family but i think thats due to poor diet (type 2). Oh well its best to check i suppose.

Anyone else waiting on a scan?? Ive got family here again this weekend so it might help pass the time. Although annoying 2 lots of family from far away are visiting and i cant tell them yet!

How is everyone?
Leah, I'm so pleased for you! Time to relax now and enjoy it!! Scan pick is great too!

Sorry to hear that Nicki, have you had any more thoughts about leaving?

Glad everyone is well! It can't be long before we're all in the Tri2 thread now can it? x
Hi ladies hope you are all well :wave:
I'm coming to join you from the January thread, my due date has been moved forward to the 28th. Can you add me to the list please :)

All updated :), Welcome along!:wave:

Hope you're all alright, this weather is too hot for me :(, god knows how you lot are all feeling as you're all further along than me :lol:
It is warm! Not too bad here today but think it's going to be 25/26 over the weekend. So pleased I live in the North! X

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