Worried :(

Glad she was able to put your mind at ease. Take it easy and rest with your little tinker xx
thanks Lisey i intend to...i am secretly hoping our elises little friend invites her round to play later just so i can totally relax :) xx
Glad she reassured you, take it easy and look after urself!x
Glad your mind is eased a bit now DeeDee. Could be baby settling in more as its 5 weeks, still alot of movement going on in there. They sound lovely at your EPU, any worrys just call themback and pop your feet up
thanks JJ....yeah she said its probably just things moving along (as she put it) feel a bit dull and achy but nothing serious dunno if its just with sitting down for too long as i feel fine when stood up (apart from ruddy palpitations...these are normal for me tho) so yep, guess i'm just better relaxing and at least i know epu are only at the end of the phone if i get any more worried! just praying that its nothing xx
well spotting eased off a lot towards this afternoon just been to the loo and its more like cm with smidges of brown in there so god knows, going to see how tomorrow pans out and if i'm still spotting then i will ring epu and book in for that early scan!
I would book an early test just for peace mind, hopefully it will be nothing but it's best to get checked xxxx
Hope it has stopped now hun, i know exactly how worrying it is, thinking of you xxx
:hugs: i hope everything is ok hunny :-) keep us all posted x
well got up this morning feel sick as anything and no spotting YAY still going to keep checking every time i go to the loo tho just in case. i have no pain, or nothing out of the ordinary anyway its a more heavy feeling if anything but i've been told cramps early on are normal anyway, more positive and happy today! would love to book that early scan with epu but she did say if i booked and the spotting had stopped to ring and cancel, i guess theres going to be some people that actually are in need of an early scan where as i'm probably just been silly! xx
Hi Hun glad the bleeding has stopped :dance: I love your attitude but you have to think are you going to be worried for the next 9 weeks before you get a scan, if you think you are then I would get a scan. I know my scan helped me loads I couldn't have gone 4 weeks ! X
yeah i know what u mean sue, do you think i should just fib a little and say i am still spotting from time to time so that they give me an early scan? i have to ring hospital tomorrow to book in for my 12 week scan anyways! i am feeling more positive yesterday i thought the worse when i saw the blood but i guess with no pain and my symptoms coming on stronger it looks good still xx
I also love your attitude - Well I had spotting and had an early scan, it was just what I needed after the MC scan the time before - it will play on your mind hun, 12 weeks is a long time. I'm sure they will also have room for everyone who needs one hun
thanks JJ think i may sort it out then, least it will put my mind at ease i guess! thanks also to everyone u have all been fab :) xxx

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