Who is worried about a Xmas Baby

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi all,

Well looking at the dates , we are into TTC for December baby's now :cold:

Is anyone worried about having a Xmas baby or not want one?

What about new year babys for you late V March testers?

Who is hoping they will be back drinking on new years eve?

What a fantastic way to spend xmas and/or new year with your family and your baby!!!!

Wishing all of you the best of luck this month!!! :dust::dust:
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Hey JJ......I would be over the moon if we got a christmas baby......dont drink so not too concerned about seeing in new year with a glass of bubbly lol but I cant think of a nicer time to have a baby!

Me and my family really love christmas (not in a materialistic way) but we tend to be more traditional and old fashioned and put lots of emphasis on family time especial at this time of the year so we would def welcome a christmas baby if were lucky enough to be getting a BFP this month!!

Fingers crossed ehh and good luck to everyone whos testing with the possibility of a 'christmas cracker' lol xxx
I have a Christmas baby, born December 23rd 2008 and it was such an amazing time to have a child. Everyone is so happy, the days are crisp and lovely and at night the decorations light up. It's just a wonderful, happy time of year. If I could, I'd have another December baby. Yes, in the future she might get frustrated that her Birthday is over the holidays, but you have a party for her friends before school breaks up then have a lovely family day on their Birthday.

Can't believe a new set of December babies are on their way! :)
Awwww tonks that sounds perfect.....I can just imagine snuggling up with a new baby watching the christmas lights twinkle.....ahhhhh fingers crossed for us all ehh....lol xxx
I think it would be fantastic to have the older brothers and sisters off school and be able to spend lots of lovely baby time with the new sibling as a family.... ahhhhh god how goooey do I sound!!
I never really liked the prospect of a Christmas baby.

I'd much prefer a Bonfire baby, or Hallowe'en baby =]
Ah doesnt it just sound so perfect......god Im starting to get all gooeeeyyyy myself now JJ but promised I wouldnt start testing till at least thurs.....deep down I just want to know NOW!!!!!!!! ha ha xxx
My friend had twin girls on halloween 7 years ago.....calls them her little witches...xx
Wilma - ha - Did she call them Meg and Mog?
Leah - You'd have to share your bonfire toffee apples!!!

Wilma - get an early test! Test Test......
My friend had twin girls on halloween 7 years ago.....calls them her little witches...xx

Oh wow, I'd love that ^_^
Especially if they were a boy/girl set xD

Leah - You'd have to share your bonfire toffee apples!!!

I wouldn't mind =] More the Merrier! Hehe
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ha JJ Ruby and Tilly!!! Love the Meg and Mog lol!!

Ha....testing....well I have loads of EC....so I guess I could test sooner than thurs but is it worth it?

You know Ive been looking at my hpt from last month and I am almost 100% sure I was pg.....when I have looked at them again they are still so pink still and are a lot darker than some the other girls who have a def BFP were....I think the reason Im not as keen to test this month is coz Im scared incase its a BFN....or another repeat of last month which resulted in nothing.......what you reckon.....to test or not to test???? lol xxx
Well Wilma, I see your worries - either way , what will happen, will happen.
If you test, yes you could get excited and yes I guess really worst case it could happen again.
It could be a BFN too, but you can't change the outcome by not testing - but it could be fine and your best day ever!

If you test and it's not your month, then you will know where you are date wise totaly, or are you just thinking of leaving it and waiting for the AF not to come?

I have all my fingers and toes crossed that it's your lucky month XXX JJ
We already have 4 December Birthdays! My Nephew on 7th and my Niece, Cousin & FIL all on Christmas Eve!!

However we'd still love a December baby but i'm not due to test until the beginning of April (ingore my ticker it's wrong) so i'm probably going to have a due date of the beginning of jan! That's hoping I get a BFP! lol

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Yeah your right JJ.....I was going to see if af turned up on thurs and take it from there....lets see if I give in lol!

Still rooting for a Christmas Baby tho ehh!! xxx
I wasn't really keen, but now that I'm reading all these replies it does sound lovely. I love Christmas too al lthe lovely decorations and lights and I suppose a wee baby around at that time could only make it better :)
I definately wouldnt dismiss having an xmas baby as it would make xmas even more special and i just want a baby so bad i wouldnt care what day it was born
Yeah SK it would def be a BIG BONUS!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh fingers crossed ......xxx
Hey chelly.....know what you mean......anytime would be great.....hopefully it will be all our turn soon xxxx
Tonks that sounds lovely, you've convinced me that conceiving this month might not be a bad idea after all. We already have two birthdays in December, brother-in-law 24th and other brother-in-law 29th. If we did conceive this month (testing 4th April) then approx due date would be 15th December although cos of complications and emergency c-section with DS I think an elective might be on the cards which I believe is normally done around week 38 so could be early December instead. I was just wary of leaving TTC too late as we didnt want to end up with an April birth which we didnt think was fair on DS but its up to the powers that be now as to whether things happen now or later x
theres also the very cute christmas pudding costumes and baby santas!!!! who could resist them??? :)

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