The TTC Xmas holiday!!!

Ok, so i couldn't be bothered to clean the living room so i could put the tree up... but i am letting my hair down and having a drink - i haven't had a drink in about 5 month so this is going down really well, too well in fact :party:

I am feeling christmasy though! I went walking the dogs int he snow and it literally came upto my knees, so ok, my knees aren't very high off the floor but it was deep :oooo:

And i heard on the radio that the Mariah song All i Want for Christmas is in the charts again! I bet if she only released that one song she's still be a bazillionaire if it hits the charts every year :shock:

I love that song :love:

I Heard it too!! Love it!!

I was making Gordon Ramsay's Shepherds Pie which has red wine in the recipe and I had a cheeky glass and a dance in the kitchen.

Try the recipe, it's amazing!

I went out in the snow, only to the shops but it was still nice.

After getting excited about putting my xmas tree up yesterday i didnt actually do it, couldnt be bothered, out all day today so going to do it tomorrow,

OOOh that sound yummy maybe, im a bad wife made my hubby frozen pizza last night, hee hee, looking for some good recipes as fed up of all my usuals
We put our tree up on Tuesday night with the kids. It actually looks very good. This afternoon we will do our Asda Xmas shop to be delivered 23rd Dec. I LOOOOOVE Xmas and cant wait. Im on Ebay right now buying stocking fillers.
maybe that recipe looks yum!! i love anything that has meat, red wine, rosemary and thyme!! yummmmmyyy!! xx
We're doing two trees this weekend. Got to rearrange our living room this weekend & then we'll get the tree up here - think I might make some snowflakes for the windows & paper chains.

Then we're doing OH's parent's tree on Sunday.

And then next week I'm decorating work! :D
OOOOO I like this thread, I'm sick of the bah humbugs saying its too early to put decorations up this year! We put our tree up yesterday and took the dog for a big play in the snow - it was so much fun, I'm like a kid in the snow.
Hubby's xmas present arrived today I have bought him a set of sports accessories for the Wii - the tennis bats and stuff. I don't know why, cos now he'll play on it even more! Our FIL always asks what we want in advance, so they are getting me some good books! They are welllllllllll hard to buy for though and never look like they like the presents! They are coming round for xmas dinner cos their house is so far away and FIL isn't a great cook. I love cooking for loads - looks like I will be this yr cos we have my Mum and Brother too.

We are going to London just before Xmas for a few days and can't wait, Xmas is deffo gonna take our minds off you know what!!! Think we all need a little break................. x x x x x
great thread. :D
iv nearly finished crimbo shopping now thank god!! iv just got to get my LO a few more bits n wait for OH's things to come through post just got him some clothes but with all this snow its going to be a few more days yet ... iv also got the oh some boxers with cheeky monkey on there snazzzyyy :P
i am putting my crimbo decs up at weekend as there in my loft and waiting for oh to get them out is like waiting for crimbo....takes forever but he has promised the weekend so it shall soon be up :)
iv had big mahhoosive row with my ever so selfish sister shes so bloody selfish its unreal she dont care about anyone but herself :( ...
i hope you all have a merry crimbo :)
god family can be a right pain cant they!!! always someone wating something that you cant afford or dont overly want to buy them it,
well ill finish ranting now lol this message wont make much sence either as im rambling on!!
I am nearly done Xmas shopping-hurrah! Just a few more bits to get & I'm going to bake flapjack & rocky road & gift wrap them as stocking fillers nearer the time.
I'm having my Mum, her bloke, my bro & auntie for Xmas dinner: MIL has got the right arse, but what annoys me is she she moans she won't see us but never actually invites us: she expects me to do all the cooking. Old bint. SIL is just as bad, told us we were really selfish beside hubby said he wouldn't be seeing them on Xmas day because for once (in the last 6 six years) he didn't want to drive, wanted a drink etc Again, no one is offering to drive to us, we're expected to do all the running!
Can't wait for the time off though-12 days x
Is anyone else braving the shops today? All though im nearly sorted for Christmas, ive got 3 birthdays this month, that i forgot about ooops! x x

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i'm all bought....just need to wrap them now....and put my tree up...the tree should be happening today. Had a complete housework frenzy looks amazing, like a new pin! ha ha.....

So will get tree up and then get presents wrapped and put underneath it....with co-ordinating wrapping paper and everything!!! lol of course

WOW you guys are putting me to shame with all your xmas shopping, i've still got loads to do and all for the out-laws. Never know what to get them as they have everything :( done nearly all my shopping so far online!

Maybe that recipe looks amazing, so going to try that one, just what you need to warm you up in this cold weather.
Point out that something 'worthwhile' would be donating the 2k to Great Ormand Street Hospital

I wouldn't dare lol I've overheard them having an argument with someone at the door once who implied they have plenty of money to donate to their charity and they pointed out that it could be argued that anyone who has a shred of luxury in their lives should donate it to the less fortunate.

"Why is everyone so keen only to give other people's money to the needy?" they said and then i heard FIL asking why the guy didn't buy cheap trainers instead of the Adias he had on and give the money he would have saved to charity lol :rotfl:

My tree looks amazing, although now i'm embarrassed because i think it's the first one up in the villlage and it can be seen for miles :good:

I need some xmas paper next :)

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