Waiting for NHS 24 to call back I'm so frightened!

Hi huni, sorry only just caught this thread.

Just wanted to share that when pregnant with DS (now 3) DP and i went a little "rough" with my vibrator one night before i hit the 11 week mark.
the slight cramping didn't bother me (as if i have a big "O" then i cramp slightly even when not pg)
but when i went to the loo there was a small amount of blood when i wiped.
i put a sanni towel on for a few hours and it stopped and all was well.

just try to rest out for a couple of days. xxx
Well everything seemed to have settled down now :) Feeling a bit more excited again. Bbs are in Agony today lol. I've taken today and tomorrow of work. Just taking it easy.

Thanks again Girls

x x x x
That's really good news - make sure you put your feet up and chill out hun xx
Great news hun, make sure you get plenty of rest x x

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Just caught this thread. So sorry, you must have been out of your mind with worry sweetie. I'm glad you are feeling better. Sounds like it was just a scare. Hope you can start enjoying your pregnancy again soon. Xx
hiya yeah i had the cramps whenever I had an orgasm and I had bleeding in the 1st 4 month of my pregnancy and it is common in the early weeks to have implantation bleeding maybe the are not connected and its just the way it has happened, FX and keep us updated xxx
Everything is fine girls thank you :)

I'm a bit crazy and did another CBD, said 3+ kinda put me at ease again.

Getting excited again!

x x x x
enojoy the prgnancy chick and hope that it all goes well for you, prob speak again soon lol when one of us are stressed or wants a rant xx
Missed the thread - glad everything turned out ok :)
Glad ur feeling better and more positive xx
Glad to hear your feeling better hun x x

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I've only just seen this. I really hope things continue to improve for you hon. Sending big hugs your way xxx
Hi girls,

Thanks again :) Everything seems fine, I'm soooo tired lol, boobs agony, very weird dreams lol. I had a scan appointment before I knew I was pregnant because I had two small cysts on each ovary in July, so thats next Thursday, can't wait, I know I won't see much, but It'll be a day before I'm 7 weeks so I'll see something :) Can't believe its two weeks today since I got my BFP, things seemed to be going really slow but looking back the last two weeks have flown by. Hope you are all well :)

x x x x
Glad everythings is ok, i bet you cant wait for your scan x x

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