TWW Symptom Spotting......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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I told you I would Bonny! lol

Right......heres mine so far.....not sure for def if I ovd sat or sunday so maybe 3 or 4 dpo!

1dpo.....not a lot that I noticed!
2dpo.....mega bloated and lots of twinges...yellowish/cream coloured CM lots!
3dpo.....Boobs annoyingly irritating & small break out of Spots on chin!!
4dpo.....Boobs still 'there' yellow/cream colour CM, sniffly nose today!

So not much atm but I am looking forward to hopefully getting lots of good signs this time!!

hahaha!!! knew it wouldn't be long!

1dpo - nothing!
2dpo - nothing! apart from mega hot at night - sleeping naked without covers!!
3dpo - nothing yet today to report!
Nooo your tempting me to SS!!!

1-4dpo-usual crampy feeling I get every month.
5dpo-stitch feelings,bit crampy like af

your bad wilma lol
Ha bring on the symptoms ladies!!!

Hopefully we will all get MORE!!

Hee hee PP I KNOW!!! ;-p lol xxx
ok so am 9dpo symptons to date are. bloating majorly, sore and aching bbs, stabbing pains and cramps. Backache. Spots, darker nipples with bumps on and white patches, tired, hot flushes specially at night, constipation and moody. Trying not to get hopes up tho
monday but may cave in before. I'm 10dpo tomorrow so may try with fmu
I'm 10 dpo, tingling bbs,bigger darker nipples,spots (more than usual), really tired,not sleepin at nite (too hot), nausea on and off, craving for milk (somethin I never drink),thirsty all the time,change in bowel habits (tmi),excess saliva,crampin the other day, felt really faint all day...nearly dropped to the floor a few times :/
Oh Emma and Mrsmc all sounding very very good!!

Ive had lots of dizzyness the last couple of days well as the other stuff....still nothing significant for me yet but Im HOPING lol xxx
hope it's your month wilma. X i have to add heart burn to list ouch
Thanks too....its about time for us both lol!!

Ouch heartburn.....good sign tho xxx
Thanks Mrsmc...wouldnt it be great if we headed over to tri 1 together.....seems like lots of the girls we joined with are there already....we need to catch them up lol xx
i know it would be great to share pregnancy with you as we join at the same time

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