TTC'ers April/May xx


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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Hi Everyone! :wave:

As Positivity :) has got her :bfp: this month! Well done hun! :dance: i have taken host of this thread (i hope no-one minds xx) And i do beleive the lady before got her BFP the month she hosted so must be a lucky thread ATM!

Just let me know what cycle you are on ladies and i will update for you. FX'd for everyone & i hope to get to know you all a little bit better, and hopefully see you all move up to the pregnancy section! :dust:

So During April/May i am on cycle ... (let me know how you all get on and i will update! :) )

Cycle 1

Butterflyboo_x - Due AF around 6th May :flower:
ProudMummy - Due AF 29th May :flower:
Mustard - :flower:
Lewa - Due AF 4th May :flower:
Charliebear :flower:

Cycle 2

Kalamity84 - Due AF on 12th May :flower:

Cycle 3

Cosmicgirl :flower:

Cycle 4-6

Young Mum 21 x - Due AF 3rd May :flower:
NinjaKitty - Due Af 8th May :flower:
xbeax - Due AF 14th May :flower:
Secrethope - Due AF 21st May :flower:
Drummers_wife - Due AF 18th May :flower:
Mrs N - Due AF 17th May :flower:
Tiggy - Due AF 6th May :flower:
Tinselcat - :flower:
Mrspc - Due AF 12th May :flower:

Cycle 7-9

ScotchEgg - :flower:
Tract0rgirl :flower:

Cycle 10-12

TINKS82 - :flower:
LouiseB - :flower:
PollyP - :flower:

Cycle 13-15

Esperanza84 - :flower:
Doodles - :flower:

Cycle 16-18 +
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I'm about cycle 4-5 and AF due about 08/05.
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Hi! Cycle 1 for me af due 29th of may..goodluck everyone! Xx
Oh and big welcome to the forum butterflyboo.
Month 10 but only cycle 5 :( due 14th may. Baby dust too all! Xx
Hi all, only posted for the first time yesterday in the "Am I pregnant" section (which I'm not as AF arrived overnight!). So I am CD1 today, and usually have a 24 day cycle (although was 4 days late this time....grrr) so I think I will be due AF around 21st May. This is will be our 5th cycle. Good luck everybody!
good luck everyone. butterflyboo i hope the thread brings you luck xx
Im on cycle 5 Af I think is due 17th May and its my birthday the 15th!!
Cycle 4 for me please af due 6 may. Thanks xx
cycle 5 passively trying, cycle 1 active with temping opk etc.. dunno which to count!
due af 4th of may
Cycle 9 and determined not to move into the next group.

Mind you, said that last time...

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