TTC'ers April/May xx

Cycle 2 for me and the horrid witch is due the 12th May..

:dust::dust: to everyone :D

cycle 4 due 12th May, waiting for husband to get up here and impregnate me!:)
We have been trying for over 6 years now, on and off but more so since October 2010 however we've only been charting since march so I don't know what cycle to say really.. Any advice girls? I'm tempted to say 3 to make it all sound not so bad as it will be our 3rd month of charting and calling all those other months the wasted months as I wasnt charting x
I'm not sure as we got pregnant a few times but lost them (3 confirmed m/c a few others that we're almost certain) I think counting we're in cycle 13/14 not taking into account the time that we were pregnant x
cycle 5 passively trying, cycle 1 active with temping opk etc.. dunno which to count!
due af 4th of may

Have put you down as first cycle! will class the others as NTNP :) Hope this is okay? Beginners Luck! xxx

We have been trying for over 6 years now, on and off but more so since October 2010 however we've only been charting since march so I don't know what cycle to say really.. Any advice girls? I'm tempted to say 3 to make it all sound not so bad as it will be our 3rd month of charting and calling all those other months the wasted months as I wasnt charting x

I've put you down as cycle 3, for the 3 cycles that you have been charting for, Good luck hun, plenty of sticky dust!! xx

I'm not sure as we got pregnant a few times but lost them (3 confirmed m/c a few others that we're almost certain) I think counting we're in cycle 13/14 not taking into account the time that we were pregnant x

Have put you in the 13-15 section doodles, sorry about your MMC :( Lots of sticky dust and hugs going your way! fingers x'd this is your month hun xxx

Have updated all upto now! how are you all doing on you cycles?

i'm 5po and feel like crap :/ x
Hi I'm in cycle 5 AF due next Sunday which I think is the 8th
I know!!! Very frustrating, the witch is playing games! x
Hey butterflyboo could you change me to cycle 10 as I've been looking through my diary and last July I got my period tracker for my phone and we had been tracking Ov using that July was when I suspect I had a chemical mc and aug was when we have been trying since I started manually tracking using OPK's and bbt after 21 day blood test in feb and probably getting to understand symptoms since then but it's actually our 10th month of activly TTC before that we were ntnp for years just hoping thanks Hun x
Hi all fingers crossed for everyone :)

I'm in cycle 1 and due on 20th may xxx
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bumping this thread, looks like if and when af arrives I will be on to cycle 11 ...........................

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