think i've just misscarried


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2010
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Hi ladies i am 10 weeks pregnant today and as you know i have had some blood loss almost like a period. about 4-4:30 today i experianced some pain low down and got worse until i got back from work bout half 8 i put it down to being constipated or something to do with my irritable bowel symdrone playing up. anyway when i got back i had to run to the loo as it felt like a big blob of blood was coming out the blood was bright red but since that clots come out all my pain has stopped. going to phone my epu department tomorrow when they are open to see if i can get a scan or something to confirm what has happened. i'm guessing the worst :-(
I'm so sorry to hear this Hun I really am xxx :( hope your ok xx
:hug: That sounds like a clot hun, there's still hope believe me :hug:
Sorry to hear this babe x there's still hope as mamafy said x fingers crossed for you darling
All the best hun :hug: Let us know how you get on xx
:hug:Hoping all is well with you and baby hun,
sorry to hear this hun fingers crossed xxx
Hun you know you would be seen at A&E tonight, tbh on re-reading your post it might be wise to go tonight :hug:

Have you tried ringing NHS Direct 08454647?
:hug: I agree with mamafy too, thinking of you
i rang the nhs direct all they said was so you want to speak to a nurse. they would of said go down to a and e but they would of said the same as last that there's nothing they can and will do because they don't have anyone who can do scans or tests in after 5pm i think its ridiculous if I'm honest those type of facilities should be open 24hrs for emergencies. the only people i could of called was the midwifes but they said to me on Sunday that they don't see anyone till there 20+ weeks. my epu opens at half 8 so will give them a ring when its open and see what they say and as much as i want to believe everything is ok and i appreciate all your comments i think it would be a miracle if everything was fine but i won't know till i get there will keep you posted and thanks again for all your lovely posts you have all been a great support :)
Awwww hun :hug: What a pain - hope they can see you as soon as they open :)
Let us know how you get on - thinking of you Xx
really push too be seen today lovely!!! i phoned the morning after bleed and had too wait a whole week!!
keep us posted thinking of you xx
oh hun :hug: i hope you get seen today and that everything is ok xx
its driving me mad already they say they are open at 8:30 on the leaflet but there not i got through to a ward who told me they don't open till 9-9:10 and the phones hadn't passed across yet how bad is that.
Oh Hun, i really hope things are ok. Will be thinking if you xx

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