severe period like pains when needing to poo?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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when I first found out I was pregnant, i got badly constipated. But diet changes and fybogel have sorted that and for the last 4-5 days I have been absolutely fine, in fact going twice a day instead of my usual once without the help of the fybogel.

well yesterday morning i was getting really bad period like pains low in my stomach, in the bit where tummy meets floof if you know what I mean! The pain lasted a few hours then i got the urge to poo and the pain got worse. I went and poo'd and the pain vanished. Odd. But then about 6 hours later the pain was back as was the urge to poo. So poo'd again and pain went again.

And last night I was woken with the same pain about 1.30am. Got up to wee and went back to bed and fell asleep again. The pain woke me up again at 5am and went to toilet and did a tiny wee poo, and eventually pain went away again.

i am finding it all very odd. Why is my bowels have such an effect on my period like cramping pains? its not the usual pain you get when constipated. I asked my midwife today, and she said if I start seeing blood to go to doc. But there is no blood. I think she thinks its start of miscarriage.......... but I dont think it is!!

anyone else had this??
i have had this from time to time...last time this happened my stools ended up quite loose so i think it was the start of a bug or something but yep...i do quite often get bad cramps which go once i've been :) i think you kinda know your own body anyway and would kinda feel like things werent right if they werent iykwim! xx
I'm suffering with that too, not exactly the same as you but I am constipated at the moment and get cramps in my tummy. The GP said it was from the constipation and because there is no blood I am not too concerned. I hope it gets better soon xx
I've been similar, lots of poos and wind too! :eh:

I get that quite a lot with my IBS, although only once since being pregnant as I'm more often constipated than anything else now. It feels like af cramps, but usually results in a painful explosion of the runs! xx
I'm having something similar, but its not period cramps, its just a seriously bad tummy every time I need to go. Its like I've got a bug or something but it goes away once I've gone.
I don't know what's causing it, but I spent the first 8/9 weeks of pregnancy being constipated so I'm just glad I'm going now lol x

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I have a bit of IBS and get exactly the same pains hun, so don't worry! I'm sure its just all the hormones affecting your bowels, I've heard its really common in early pregnancy.

Totally TMI but I've been a bit constipated and actually noticed a bit of blood on the tp last night after a poo, which I've never had before! Usually I am the other way, lol. So i think funny bowel movements/pains are defo a preg symptom.

Its all fun and games this worrying isn't it! Hope your pains go away soon hun x
Yep i had exactly the same hun it used to wake me up it was that bad but everything with baby is fine so i am sure its just a pregnancy side effect :) and mine has pretty much stopped since around 10 weeks so hope yours does too :) xx
I think it's normal, as your bowels slow down usually in the first tri, as blood supply and energy are being focused on LO. I get tummy ache even when I'm not pregnant when I need a poo :(

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