think i've just misscarried

Thinking of you, try to stay positive til u hear differently xxxx
I think if you go to A+E and say you have pain on one side and have had blood loss they will do you an emergency scan straight away wont they cos of the risk of ectopic. They cant tell you to go away and come back in a few days if there is any signs of an ectopic as it can be really dangerous. Fingers crossed for you xxxx
Only just caught up with this post - can't believe you have to wait till friday!!
Your GP sounds really good though :)
Good luck hun, hang in there xxx
unfortunately i had earlier scans last month which ruled out ectopic pregnancy and yeah my GP is good but the hospital is crap but i suppose they can't help being full thats just me being angry with them lol if i go thinking the worst least nothing is as bad as that i suppose things could only be better lol just hate how i have got this far nearly out of the first trimester and this happens :(
Hi Anna
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you - the waiting is an awful thing to go through. I had an epu scan at 7 weeks and was told they didn't know anything and I had to wait another 2 weeks. I lost the baby in that time - was bleeding quite heavy for a few days with red blood and I hope that everything is ok with you and it was just one of those things. Will keep my fingers crossed for friday for you. Take care and stay home in bed for a few days if its what you feel like doing! x x x x x x
hi hun, sorry to hear what you're going through... try and take it easy and will be thinking of you this week xxx
Hi hon, my thoughts are with you and I'm praying for you for Friday. Big hugs xxx
thanks for all the lovely messages i just wished it was all a bad dream
hello hope everything goes all right thinking of you xxxxxxxxxx
i don't know whats happening but i'm havin same pain as what i did when i was passing that clot or whatever it was on tues its woke me up so i stayin by loo till it stops pain started low down in on my left hand side :( any ideas?
Hey hon, how are you doing this morning? Thinking of you xxx
i don't know whats happening but i'm havin same pain as what i did when i was passing that clot or whatever it was on tues its woke me up so i stayin by loo till it stops pain started low down in on my left hand side :( any ideas?

hun you need to see a dr get to the hospital hope the best for you xxxx
pains gone now and lost a bit of blood pain lasted bout an hour going to phone up epu in a min see if they have had any cancellations probably haven't thou :( feeling ok just won't believe its gone till i see that screen so i dunno beause i can't see myself goin back on the pill i think i'm trying to convince myself its still there :(
Oh Hun!!!! I am so sorry your going through this it's really
not nice!!! I was
very lucky I got a scan the next day abd I cannot belive tour being
made to wait!!!
How are you doing
today!!!??? X x x x
Wishing you lots of luck for tomorrow huni, cant imagine what your going through, dont want to get your hopes up but my friend had a major bleed at 7-8 weeks, big clots etc and was convinced she lost baby but everything was fine, try and relax and do nothing until your scan tomorrow x x x x
i dunno today i am feeling positive i haven't cried once yet i just wished i didn't have to wait so long so i got loads of possibilities going through my head cause if i lost why did i get pain in the night if its what 2 cm long i wouldn't of felt it come out it felt big but i dunno i can't see it happening but i suppose no one can everyone thinks it won't happen to them i'm just goin crazy bout not knowing now :(

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