The New IVF/IUI Thread - 5BFPs!


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The IUI/IVF Thread - 4BFPs
Dec 10th 2012

A thread for all the ladies who are heading toward or undergoing IUI or IVF treatment to conceive. I thought I would start a new one that I can update now that Lou has gone. Let me know if I need to add you to our list or change your status.
Jacq x

Current Activity

Jacq - 1st ICSI in Nov/Dec - Two blastocysts transferred 8/12/12

Jennymarie - 2nd ICSI in Nov/Dec


Greekgirl - FET starting ~10th Dec
Tinkerbell - 2nd IUI in Jan 2013
gemmainthesun - 1st ICSI in Dec/Jan (app. 27th Nov)
Tinks - IUI starts 14th Jan 2013
Skeando - 1st IUI in Jan/Feb 2013
Clairabella - 1st ICSI in March/April - app. 22nd Feb
Gizzy Kelly - 33, Essex. 1st IVF - starts 2013
Tinkerbell - 1st IUI after ICSI - starts 2013
Bellarina - 1st IVF - starts 2013
Chazabell - 27, 1st IUI 2013
xxTilliexx - Gonal F starts 29/12/12
ScotchEgg - 28 - went AWOL after 1st IVF
Rebeca - 2nd ICSI with partial AOA in September/October 12

Blondy13 / Eleanor - 25, Derbyshire. 1st IUI in June -
Rea - 1st IVF in July/August -
Zoziebubly - 1st IVF in August/September - it's twins!
Laurat - 1st IUI in September/October

Tinkerbell - 1st IUI in Nov 2012 - over stimulated
Tinkerbell - 1st ICSI in June/July -
JJ Mum - 39, Berkshire. 1st IVF in June/July -
ScotchEgg - 21, Maldives. 1st FET in July/August -
Greekgirl - 1st IVF in July/August -
Pika_Lou - 4th ICSI with AOA in August/September
Pennie - 1st IVF in August/September
Jennymarie - 1st IVF in August/September
JJ Mum - 39, Berkshire - 1st FET in September/October - failed thaw
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Hey jacq!! I start my gonal f around 29th this month :) How did your et go?xxx
Hey Tillie,

Just updated your info.

ET went fine thanks, they put in a blastocyst and a very early blastocyst to increase the chance of one taking. It is all a bit weird now all the drugs and procedures are finally done (apart from the Cyclogest pessaries which will continue for another 8 days, not that I am counting - ha!). And I am again in the dreaded 2WW though with this one there might actually be a chance of a great outcome. My last year's worth of 2WW's have been pointless as I was on Clomid but we didn't know hubby had issues too. Oh well, fx this is it. Wishing and praying so hard.

Thank you..!!

Aww brilliant, glad it went well and TWO blastos, wow! How do you feel? I'm not looking forward to those Cyclogest pessaries they sound horrid! When are you going to test? I'm keeping everything crossed for you...except my legs, I need them open haha! I cannot wait to start the gonal f, can you have side effects like clomid? Xxx
I didn't really have side effects from Gonal F. I'm not supposed to test until 19th so another 8.5 days but I think I might cave on Sunday which would be 13 days past egg collection and 8 days after 5 day transfer. I deliberately don't have any tests in the house and won't be able to buy any until Saturday.

The pessaries really aren't so bad, just a bit messy but after all I've put my body through then that is nothing! 14 down, 16 to go!!
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I'm hoping I don't, I was awful on clomid, never had hot flushes until then and i still get them a bit now. Eekkkk how exciting is this for you, I have a very positive feeling about this jacq!! Did you have to have a rest day with et? Do you think I will with iui as i work on my feel all day (stylist). Xxx
My prescription says, gonal f 450pen, 75units then ovitrelle 250mcg and Cyclogest 200mg for 14 days......all sound familiar?xxx
I used 900 and 300 pens but 900s were multi-dose then the Ovitrelle 250 was two days before EC. I took it easy the rest of ET day but they say no reason why you can't do normal activities just no baths, swimming or intercourse for 3 days.
Hi jacq, I have a question. Now that you've got 2 blasties on board, did they give you a percentage chance of a bfp in 2 weeks time? Or is it just wait and see?
Just wait and see :( had a bad day at school today and really not feeling it. Telling myself it is the hormones :/ sorry to be on a downer I knew this 2WW was going to be hard.

How is everyone else doing?
Congratulations on having the 2 blasts on board Jacq, sorry you're having a bad day today :( hope tomorrow is better. I think the 2ww post IVF is awful, thankfully it's more one week than actually 2 but so hard knowing you had the embryo/s transferred and just praying it works.

AF finally arrived for me Friday night following the cancelled IUI, it was too late to start another cycle because of Xmas so next IUI cycle will be in January
Sorry its taken so long Tinkerbell, hopefully 2013 will bring better news for all of us.

And if either of us has another IUI cancelled we can help each other strangle the doctors!
Thanks Tinkerbell. I just decorated some Christmas cupcakes for my class so am in a better mood now!!
Glad your feeling a bit brighter Jacq - the ivf 2ww is horrible, I think the progesterone pessaries, realy have alot to answer for!! It seems to be going fast already tho, bet it's not for you, but for me looking in , it is!! good luck

Tinker - sorry it was too late for xmas, but at least this way you start the new year in style and xmas won't be affected by any ups and downs
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How early have people tested? The clinic have said the 19th (a week today) and I won't test before Sunday morning as I have no tests in the house and won't be able to buy any until Saturday so won't do one until at least Sunday with FMU. That would be 13 days after EC and 8 days after ET. Too early?
Glad your feeling a bit brighter Jacq - the ivf 2ww is horrible, I think the progesterone pessaries, realy have alot to answer for!! It seems to be going fast already tho, bet it's not for you, but for me looking in , it is!! good luck

Tinker - sorry it was too late for xmas, but at least this way you start the new year in style and xmas won't be affected by any ups and downs

Hubby thinks it's a good thing anyway, having a break between the cancelled cycle and starting again. I guess he's right I'm just so frustrated, I want to get started again and I'm feeling so desperate for my BFP.

How early have people tested? The clinic have said the 19th (a week today) and I won't test before Sunday morning as I have no tests in the house and won't be able to buy any until Saturday so won't do one until at least Sunday with FMU. That would be 13 days after EC and 8 days after ET. Too early?

I had a 5 day transfer on a saturday on tested on the sunday (8DPT) although my cycle was BFN from what I had read I feel I would have got a BFP at that point if it had worked plus I was so desperate to test and couldn't wait any longer.
I totally understand your frustration, with TTC you just want to crack on don't you? And whilst it will be nice to enjoy a Christmas drink or two, a BFP would be nicer.

I think I'm going to be too scared to test in a week never mind on Sunday. I am trying to be positive but also try not to get my hopes up and it is so damn hard.
Hope you're keeping distracted, I can imagine how difficult 2ww is!

Second scan yesterday showed some more growth but only looks like 4 again. They going to scan again tomorrow and decide whether to delay EC for another day or two.

Don't know if its just the drugs but after 3 years ttc I've got to the point where I just want my life back now. There's no way we can fund the ICSI ourselves so this is effectively out last chance. If this one fails we're going to take a year off and then look at other options.
Aw thanks Meg. I fell asleep this evening before 6pm on the sofa and then woke up really wanting to POAS though I have no symptoms really that I can distinguish from AF type ones - spot breakout, bloated, headache, irritable. Just did the 20th pessary - 10 to go!

Jenny sorry to hear things are progressing a bit slowly. I understand about the funding as our cycle is self-funded and we cannot afford to do another :( I'll keep praying for your little eggies to get a growth spurt x
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