The Late Night Feeding Thread

I'm here too.... Well done pheebs!! Cams been down since ten again and it was his nappy that woke him again.... So he gets a feed too. Its cute he's getting all excited when he sees my boob now (like daddy used to lol)!!!
B had a bottle at half 9 Ish and went thru to half 4. I woke every hour in anticipation. Do you think I should of woken him?

I've done every 2 hours! :( I woke up at half 2 expecting it to be atleast half 5. Felt gutted to say the least.
Well I woke up and had to bath Tyler as he weed out his nappy! Why does stuff like this happen when OH is away??

I've done every 2 hours! :( I woke up at half 2 expecting it to be atleast half 5. Felt gutted to say the least.

When I get woken up earlier than I expect that's exactly how I feel lol x
I've done every 2 hours! :( I woke up at half 2 expecting it to be atleast half 5. Felt gutted to say the least.

When I get woken up earlier than I expect that's exactly how I feel lol x

Saying that though it felt like I'd been asleep for hours instead of only a couple and at 4 this morning I didnt feel half as groggy and tired!
Praying I have a good night! Although OH isn't coming home tonight so it won't be that bad if she does wake up constantly as it only annoys me when he still gets to lie there snoring
Hope everyone has a good night tonight :)
Aww Hunnie I feel like that too. I'm trying to settle her in ways other than feeding atm such as a dummy or water cos I'm sure sometimes at night she just has a bottle for comfort. But OH doesn't give me chance to try anything he just has a go at me to give her a bottle because she's crying. Does my head in xx
He's just had a bottle so hopefully go through to 5. We'll see :)

Hope you have a good night girlies. Maybe catch you later on. Tried to have a look earlier and my little man got all upset. He just let off a massive fart!

Well FiddleFaddle Ashton has made an appearance. Has not settled all night. Keeps demanding food every two hours and taking a full feed! I'm loath to give him any more right now because I'm sure he's just taking it for comfort and it's giving him belly ache. No wonder he's pooing for England. Is it worth offering him water between feeds in case he's thirsty? God I must sound so thick.
Scratch that he seems to be settling. Only 2 hours to next feed though. Now from some quick shut eye.
Worth a try! I'm starting to wonder if the reason Sophie keeps waking up for feeds is also partly because she feels more secure when she's cuddled up with me :/. She's with me in the sling at the minute and because shes wrapped up quite tightly she's not woken up yet (been in since 9ish?). Im wondering if I attempt to swaddle her tonight she might sleep better? When she was swaddled at first she hated it but she obviously mustn't mind now because she's so settled?
DH just walked in and woke him by talking loudly to me. I think Im gonna kill him. DH not Jonah.
Jonah liked being swaddled from the start. He likes his arms to be free now though. Swaddle is worth a try if she likes being cuddled up tight to you.
Thing is I'm not brilliant at swaddling lol!

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