Bad night


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I think Tilly chops punished us for getting a Chinese and watching a film.

I knew it was all gonna go wrong when she slept from 7pm -10pm without waking - usually bath her about 9 and have her awake from 8 for tummy time and playing etc

She's then fed and is usually very sleepy and will go down until anywhere from 1,30-4am.

Not last night. :(

I tried to feed her around 10.30 and she was quite sleepy and she had a full on reflux episode properly screaming loudly and writhing about in pain. There's no chance of sleep when she's like that. So I had to try and calm her down until 2am when id had enough so Phil took her out in the car and she was still screaming when he came back. She eventually went to sleep at 6 this morning for a couple of hours.

:( I'm wrecked
Oh no poor tilly and poor you! We had a horrific night one before last harry woke at 2am and didn't go back to sleep till 1pm next day and was on my own as hubby working, yuk!

Hope you get a few naps in today!
I'm palming her off today to grandma.

I've pumped off enough for a feed so they can take her for a few hours so I can get some sleep

I feel bad but needs must sadly
Omg poor you! This is tough!!
Don't feel bad! You'll be a worse mummy if you don't get that much needed sleep. And odds are she'll be a bloody angel for your mum - Evie was when I left her for the first time on Thu to go and register her birth!
Aww no! Don't feel bad a happy mummy makes for a happy baby. Hope you get some rest and feel better later xx
THere must be something in the air coz we had a terrible night with the little man too!! Mind you I think it is just fussiness with him (and teething) coz he sleeps in our arms fine but wakes as soon as we put him down!!
Don't feel bad grandma will love it and you'll feel 100% better for some sleep

Have a bath and a soak to relax then climb in bed and push some zzzzz
Aww honey I hope you manage to get some sleep today! Poor you! I bet Tilly will be as good as gold for your mum, we left theo with my mum for a couple of hours last night and he slept the whole time! Xx
I was up from 12:30am with AJ after sleeping for 1 hour 30mins. Had a full on screaming attack yesterday for 3 hours too. My joints were so bad the oh has stayed home from work to help. Went back to sleep for a few hours this morning when oh had taken him to feed. I was so scared I couldn't hold him cos of the pain and was hyper ventilating with it. God its a nightmare. xx
I'm glad you managed to express enough to get a break.

Sounds like your LO was in a lot of pain.

Hope she's better soon

Why dont you do what was suggested and take her to a+e rather than wait til her reflux appointment. It be sorted sooner and she wouldnt be in so much pain and screaming and you wouldn't be moaning all the time about lack of sleep. Poor baby must be in so much pain to behave like this, go to a+e and sort it out for her
Rosa I'm sorry but can we be careful how we word things. I for one would have been really upset if your post had been written on my thread. A reflux/colic baby is extremely hard to deal with. Not everyone believes its enough to take a baby to a&e and Torino is doing wonderfully well coping with Tillys troubles. The sleep deprivation is torture and I for one know how bad it is. For you to put "might stopping moaning about lack of sleep all the time" was very insensitive and I found it quite hurtful. Alot of us ladies are suffering with difficult babies who have problems and are getting no sleep. Please in future could you word things slightly better.
Rosa I'm sorry but can we be careful how we word things. I for one would have been really upset if your post had been written on my thread. A reflux/colic baby is extremely hard to deal with. Not everyone believes its enough to take a baby to a&e and Torino is doing wonderfully well coping with Tillys troubles. The sleep deprivation is torture and I for one know how bad it is. For you to put "might stopping moaning about lack of sleep all the time" was very insensitive and I found it quite hurtful. Alot of us ladies are suffering with difficult babies who have problems and are getting no sleep. Please in future could you word things slightly better.
wss ^^

I agree until you've been in the situation and are fully aware of everything Torino has been thru comments like this aren't helpful
Rosa I'm sorry but can we be careful how we word things. I for one would have been really upset if your post had been written on my thread. A reflux/colic baby is extremely hard to deal with. Not everyone believes its enough to take a baby to a&e and Torino is doing wonderfully well coping with Tillys troubles. The sleep deprivation is torture and I for one know how bad it is. For you to put "might stopping moaning about lack of sleep all the time" was very insensitive and I found it quite hurtful. Alot of us ladies are suffering with difficult babies who have problems and are getting no sleep. Please in future could you word things slightly better.

She has been told by several people who's babies had reflux that they got quicker treatment by going to A+E, I don't see why she doesn't go if her baby is suffering? I certainly would, I wouldn't have by baby suffering, I would go. Yes sleep deprivation is awful been there done it/ doing it, But she could help her baby by going to a+e, I feel for this baby she posts daily on how she is screaming for hours and hours
yeah Rosa its comments like that that make ppl afraid to post their troubles when they need a bit of a boost and some support. its not moaning, its sharing a problem, and a problem shared is a problem halved. were here to support each other and suggest helpful things or just offer cyber hugs and sympathy when there is nothing else we can do. there is nothing helpful about calling it moaning. i wish if ppl had nothing constructive to say they would stay quiet. Tor has seen the docs and dosent want to take Tilly to hosp as she knows what the problem is and cheeky chops Tilly goes all quiet and Angelic when visiting the doctors. also it was suggested she video these screaming episodes as evidence to show the doctors. Tor would take her to the hospital if she thought that was the best thing for her.
Rosa I'm sorry but can we be careful how we word things. I for one would have been really upset if your post had been written on my thread. A reflux/colic baby is extremely hard to deal with. Not everyone believes its enough to take a baby to a&e and Torino is doing wonderfully well coping with Tillys troubles. The sleep deprivation is torture and I for one know how bad it is. For you to put "might stopping moaning about lack of sleep all the time" was very insensitive and I found it quite hurtful. Alot of us ladies are suffering with difficult babies who have problems and are getting no sleep. Please in future could you word things slightly better.

Thanks for this sweetheart. Tbh I'm that knackered I didn't read rosa's post fully and pick up on that.

I have resisted in taking her to a&e so far because I have a hard enough time getting the bloody docs to take me seriously. If I went there and they said 'you are wasting our time' or 'deal with it it's a crying baby' I think I'd actually punch someone. She rarely creates at the right time and would be sleeping peacefully by the time I got there or something.

This forum is supposed to be a place to vent right?! There must be lots of people 'moaning' on here then lol :rofl:
Rosa I'm sorry but can we be careful how we word things. I for one would have been really upset if your post had been written on my thread. A reflux/colic baby is extremely hard to deal with. Not everyone believes its enough to take a baby to a&e and Torino is doing wonderfully well coping with Tillys troubles. The sleep deprivation is torture and I for one know how bad it is. For you to put "might stopping moaning about lack of sleep all the time" was very insensitive and I found it quite hurtful. Alot of us ladies are suffering with difficult babies who have problems and are getting no sleep. Please in future could you word things slightly better.

Thanks for this sweetheart. Tbh I'm that knackered I didn't read rosa's post fully and pick up on that.

I have resisted in taking her to a&e so far because I have a hard enough time getting the bloody docs to take me seriously. If I went there and they said 'you are wasting our time' or 'deal with it it's a crying baby' I think I'd actually punch someone. She rarely creates at the right time and would be sleeping peacefully by the time I got there or something.

This forum is supposed to be a place to vent right?! There must be lots of people 'moaning' on here then lol :rofl:

Video her as suggested and take her to a+e, take her in the middle of night if necessary

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