Bad night

And plus, the health visitor has told me the paeds are only really interested in cases of reflux where the baby isn't gaining weight and failing to thrive. Tilly doesn't fit this description. She said they may even say 'she'll 'grow out of it' so I don't even know if they will prescribe me the other drugs anyway.
Rósa;2594585 said:
Why dont you do what was suggested and take her to a+e rather than wait til her reflux appointment. It be sorted sooner and she wouldnt be in so much pain and screaming and you wouldn't be moaning all the time about lack of sleep. Poor baby must be in so much pain to behave like this, go to a+e and sort it out for her

I rarely comment on other peoples posts when I have a differing opinion as I like to keep myself to myself, but you have no right coming on here and posting comments like this to someone like Torino who is an amazing mum and is doing the absolute best she can for her gorgeous little girl. If you haven't got anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all, all your doing is making her feel rubbish about something that is out of her control. Grow up.
Oh dear I didn't realise we weren't meant to moan on pf! Better remove most of my posts :wall:

On a serious note though I'm not sure taking tilly to a&e would give her some miracle cure! Tor is doing a fab job! X
Oh dear I didn't realise we weren't meant to moan on pf! Better remove most of my posts :wall:

On a serious note though I'm not sure taking tilly to a&e would give her some miracle cure! Tor is doing a fab job! X
Rósa;2594585 said:
Why dont you do what was suggested and take her to a+e rather than wait til her reflux appointment. It be sorted sooner and she wouldnt be in so much pain and screaming and you wouldn't be moaning all the time about lack of sleep. Poor baby must be in so much pain to behave like this, go to a+e and sort it out for her

I rarely comment on other peoples posts when I have a differing opinion as I like to keep myself to myself, but you have no right coming on here and posting comments like this to someone like Torino who is an amazing mum and is doing the absolute best she can for her gorgeous little girl. If you haven't got anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all, all your doing is making her feel rubbish about something that is out of her control. Grow up.

Its not out of her control, several people told her to go to a+e ... and telling me to grow up hoow childish is that? The baby needs help if she screaming in pain that much
Why would you continue to post in here, tor has seen what your advice is, thanks very much for your support and all that now how about leaving it to the genuinely supportive people! I'm sure unlike the rest of us you are the perfect parent, jeez!

Rant over!
It must be so hard tor and as much as I havent been in ur situation I know from reading your post you are doing the best for your child and I cant offer any advise that would help you but just offering support. Feel free to moan thats what we are here for :)

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Feel free to moan thats what we are here for :)

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^^^ WSS!!

If your worried they'll try to tell you that she'll grow out of our of it, it might be worth going in fore armed - know exactly what you want the next step to be.

Is there someone else you can take to the appointment with you, I asked my aunt (who's quite forceful) to back me up, in case they thought I was a neurotic mother.

Feel free to pm me. Xxx
Feel free to moan thats what we are here for :)

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^^^ WSS!!

If your worried they'll try to tell you that she'll grow out of our of it, it might be worth going in fore armed - know exactly what you want the next step to be.

Is there someone else you can take to the appointment with you, I asked my aunt (who's quite forceful) to back me up, in case they thought I was a neurotic mother.

Feel free to pm me. Xxx

Good advice! I always forget what I want to say/ask anyway and come out of appointments pissed off at myself :roll:
Pediatricians here they don't interfere unleash the baby looses weight or poorly gains... I am afraid that what they say here is the same as in other places "she will grow out of it"...
Because I deal with a&e all day every day, going down in the middle of the night you risk to solve absolutely nth compared with an relaxed appointment that is prearranged.
Doctors in a&e are tired, they deal with life threatening things and though a newborn baby is a real emergency they will probably just make you an appointment in outpatients clinic once they make sure the baby is not in real danger :( true story and sorry for that.
It's a wild life in a&e and myself I have to admit I got angry at people that come without emergencies there while someone else needs immediate help.

That been said, it's not your job to know what's an emergency or not so at any suspicion of an emergency you should go to a&e.
Doctors tired or not they will never deny healthcare.
Gps are usually quite efficient of picking up and redirecting to the hospital people with emergencies.
On the other hand i can only imagine the frustration of a screaming baby and I bet that will be me in the hospital with a scramming baby even if I am a doctor...
You are doing fabulous and I am not sure I would have managed at all :(

Sorry of anyone got upset from my post. I only wanted to show you the other side of the coin in a&e. It's a hard, stressing and dangerous life in a&e :(
That been said I saw none until now to be upset or get angry of a mother with a very young baby at any h of day or night. Just the stress hits absolutely red when a small baby gets through he a&e doors...
Hope you're doing ok. I can't imagine how stressful it must be :hug: xx

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I hope this is something your lo will grow out of sooner rather than later. A friend of mine has an 11 month old son, with the worst case of reflux the peads at our hospital have ever seen. He has a lot of allergies too. He only just doubled his birth weight and is only just growing out of his 3-6 month clothing. He normally sleeps for an hour at a time at night, then wakes up screaming for an hour, and this has been going on for 11 months. My friend is so exhausted, her lo has been prescribed sedatives to try and break his waking cycle and so that she can get some rest. The sedatives didn't work when she gave them to him.
I find it amazing that she still functions and takes her lo out to all the groups etc and always has a smile on her face. She doesn't get a lot of help from her husband or family and has a 9 year old to look after too.
I hope your lo does grow out of this soon for you, but thought id share my friends story.

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