The Late Night Feeding Thread

Crap. After a few days of doing 4-5h stretches after we put him to bed, he wakes up after 2 tonight, hungry like an ogre. oh great, now he pooed himself too, just as he was falling asleep on the boob.
Well bless O ws so sleepy after his bath he wouldnt have his last feed! So I just put him ti bed and he just woke up bless him 7 hrs since feed bless

Erm ish 4-5 WTF?!? he's only a day older than Ty and I get 3hrs max!!

Kynons second feed of the night as usual! He is such a heavy lump he kills my arm holding him 2 breast feed, wonder what he weighs with all this feeding he has rolls of fat anyway!
O should show Kynon how to sleep too! I've not had 7 hours continuous sleep since he was born!
O gosh Sarah I find that already with Tyler. At night I just lye down with him

Got to sleep at half 2 and she's up again but she's taking quite a lot of the formula so she must need it.

Swaddled her before and put the tumble dryer noise on from the white noise app and she lay there for a bit listening but there was no crying :D
Infact I can cope with the night shift if it doesn't involve crying!! X
My lo is awake now, had very rubbish night him waking up for a bood about every hour. I dont know whats changed,he has been good this week and now this.

The only thing that was differernt last night was bath
Greedy big boys. A is heading off the charts I think, he is close to 98th centile now. Hugs Sarah, I havet had a full night sleep since A was born
Infact I can cope with the night shift if it doesn't involve crying!! X

I'm the same. One of the reasons I don't mind waking up 2-3 times per night is that she'll wake up, pee, feed and settle with no crying. It's so much easier to cope with that to be honest, the fact that she wakes up regularly really does not bother me.
Erm ish 4-5 WTF?!? he's only a day older than Ty and I get 3hrs max!!
Well, the spell's been broken by last night's 2h, LOL! But we've been trying really hard for a routine, Doug comes home at 6, and from then till bedtime (10-ish), we try to keep him awake, play, tummy time, feeding, bath, etc. It seems to have started working, but bad nights are to be expected, I suppose :(
Gosh I spend from about 7-8pm just feeding! Then at 9 I take him into our darker quiet room and carry on feeding till when he falls asleep around 10!


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