The Late Night Feeding Thread

I breastfeed only when it's absolutely necessary, especially now I have a cold. I just pump and give him bottles, it takes 5% of the time, and I can actually shower and go to the loo.

My nipples are very happy and crack free as well, so when I do breastfeed it's a nice bonding time instead of all the boohooing in pain I used to do.

I do envy all of you with resilient nips!
I pump every 2 hours, and BF to completely empty the milk supply during the day. Somehow the baby can draw out every last drop, which the pump doesn't. Sometimes I make more than he can have and I store some in the fridge.
How much does he take in a bottle ISH? I wish i could just bottle feed, my supply is fine he is just such a fussy feeder when my flow slows he just refuses to latch back on so i now give him a formula feed at night and express a couple of hours after he has gone to bed... this is then used after his tea time boob as he is never full from me, but i only get about 3oz 4 if i have a really good day and even then i find hand expressing gets the majority of it out :(

I'm so pissed off! My OH wont sleep with me anymore because of the baby waking him up and he has to work so he sleeps on the sofa cushions in the living room.(But he stays up to watch sport then moans he's tired! Infuriating enough!)
On the weekends I insist he comes with us as I don't want our relationship to go sour because were apart like that.
Now he was in tonight and I had to feed Tyler (he was SNORING) away next to me! Ty took a while to settle and no he's moaned he's awake said he'll be back at 6 because that's when the baby wakes up (no mate doesn't work like that!) and took his pillows out to the living room. I heard him get the spare duvet out and I can't hear the tv so i know he's gone to sleep! All I ask for is a bit of support on the weekends and I don't even get it!

Well he's on night duty but the whole bloody house has to be up if he is, getting less sleep this way! :(
Oh pinky your OH sounds as helpful as mine! Could actually strangle him sometimes!
Well we're up for the first feed since 10 :)
Baby was really out of sorts yesterday following his injections. He slept, cried and threw up mainly and had a temperature.
O/h was effing useless and got short tempered when he cried . He did nothing to help me all day. He sat on his arse on the Xbox and iPad and I had to feed and keep changing baby, comfort him, cook dinner, take out the rubbish, deal with the electrician, soak dirty washing etc all with a crying baby cos he can't deal with him and tells him to shut up :(
Well OHs now moaning he's had no sleep! I've had no sleep in a month :| and Tyler wouldn't take a bottle so guess who had to get up again :|

Well we're up for the first feed since 10 :)
Baby was really out of sorts yesterday following his injections. He slept, cried and threw up mainly and had a temperature.
O/h was effing useless and got short tempered when he cried . He did nothing to help me all day. He sat on his arse on the Xbox and iPad and I had to feed and keep changing baby, comfort him, cook dinner, take out the rubbish, deal with the electrician, soak dirty washing etc all with a crying baby cos he can't deal with him and tells him to shut up :(

I know the feeling my OH is exactly like thar!

Ladies I swear I could strangle your OHs, they need a good kick!

I only did proper feed at 7 after going down at 11pmbut boy was it hard to put him down. He got too excited because daddy was home.

Got my hair done yesterday when dh had lo, feeling a bit more human
Omg knopk@ is right your OH's do need a good kicking, although mine isn't any better really. He sounds just like your Jayne, he starts huffing and saying shut up and FFS when she's crying :( like that's gonna help, huh!?
He does do the housework when he's home though.

I didn't have too bad of a night last night, she went down at 10.30 and she woke at 3 and 5 for feeds and settled pretty much straight after. I really don't mind her waking for feeds I just can't cope with her not settling afterwards, she'll always fall asleep on me and scream when I put her down. xx
My OH is a pain as well. We had an argument this week because he didn't listen to me. Sophie wouldn't settle and was whining and when she's like that I go for a short drive with her and she settles instantly. I asked him to put her coat on but instead he carried on trying to settle her even though she was just getting more worked up?!
Anyway he ended up snapping at me and stormed off out, this is the man who always has a go at me for being the one more likely to just get up and walk out on him and Sophie?! Yet this is the 3rd time he's done this and I've not done it once!!!

We made up and I told him I need more support and for him to take her with him if he's going out in the car and he agreed to. However he's pissed off out this morning and has he taken Sophie with him?! No, of course not. We've got the sky man coming this afternoon and I've told him that I'm going out to the farm on my own and so far he isn't happy.

On the bed from though Im getting him to sort the spare bed out to go in the nursery. I can't cope with his snoring and thrashing around in bed at night and it's making me even more tired as I'm struggling to get back to sleep once Sophie wakes me up
gosh your OH's are nightmares, but needless to say, mine isn't much better either :( housework he does all the time so that's one thing. he would never leave the room i don't think but Will has suddenly become hard to settle after a night feed and i could tell last night he wanted me to pick him up and take him out of our chance!!

my OH works 6 days a week too so his only day off is a sunday so he gets a lay in but won't accept that i never get a day off :roll:

i've got to the point now where the only thing i expect him to do is Will's bath in the evening and one feed but he really doesn't like doing the feed at all :roll: MEN!!!! xx
Well William currently has zero interest in sleeping and won't let me put him down either :(

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