The Late Night Feeding Thread

Well I'm not so much awake Feeding as awake all night. It's the dreaded third night I've been warned about. Milk came in today and seems its causing havoc.

Georgia is not for lying on her own at all. Will sleep if getting cuddles, but not in the crib or pram. Got her down for a lil while but then room temp was high and daddy panicked.

Think she's got a bit of wind, but isn't for giving it up.

Roll on the morning when grandpa will be up!! Xxx
Hang on in there your not along!

Really pissed off as tonight I've realised how important Ty's routine is!

We do quite an early bedtime bath at around 4.30 then Ty is fed at about 5 little sleep, then chills out in his bouncer for a while, while we have dinner etc then at 8 we go to the bedroom for a feed and bed.

My OHs mum and nan came over at 4 today! No bath for Tyler. He was then passed around it got too much for him and wouldn't feed so I had to bring him into the dark bedroom where he fed and went to sleep. He woke up sat in his bouncer and had dinner with us and did a poo. I fed him on my lap while watching eastenders (big mistake) he was sparko in a dirty nappy. I wanted to try and change him on my lap while je was asleep then take him to bed OH said no and woke him. Since then it took me over an hour to get him back down and both times he's woken tonight I've struggled to put him in his basket without waking him. GRRRRR!!

Lorna, have you tried a swaddle? They really helped with J early on coz he felt all snug and secure so we could actually put him down. Also with J early on the more he was held the more fractious he got when we put him down, we sort of had to find a balance early on. It's not really an issue now he's older.

Pinky! Oh no, I've found other people don't really care about your routine. I think we're gonna have to be harsh routine nazi's in the future.
Pinky I've found the same with Sophie's routine. When 1 particular friend comes round Sophie is a nightmare to settle that night and screams the place down?!

She's just slept from half 7 till half 1, had a bottle and then woken up about 20 mins ago. Yay to it getting better :D!!!!
Nk ots not even strict half hour out here or there and he's fine! Sometimes he oversleeps and his baths out and he's ok. I'm wondering if he's also too big for his basket as he keeps bashing his arms. OH was going to put the cot up tomorrow but I might insist on tonight!

Just sent my OH this and he agrees about the cot!



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Ok then so I had to find this thread to let everyone know that Phoebe slept for 7hours straight!!!! From 10 til 5 then she had a quick feed and went back to sleep until 8! :yay: so pleased she's finally sleeping well! Hurray! Xx
Yay Phoebe! Xx

Gracie's routine has gotten terrible, shes got it into her head that 1-4am is an acceptable time to be up :roll: been like this for over 2wks now. Didn't mind it so much as she would sleep till 8ish have a feed and then sleep till about 12ish so I'd kip with her but it can't carry on! Any tips ladies? xx
I've been missing this thread, but cams been sleeping great for a couple weeks now so I'm AWOL from here :( last night he did 2045-0620 - good man!! :cheer:
Will is doing 10:30pm - 6:30/7 at the moment, then straight back to sleep until anytime between 8-10! Im happy with this routine but think he should be going down earlier but I'm scared that if I do that, he will have me up at 4 :roll: xx
Don't they say do it 15 mins earlier every couple if weeks??
Tyler goes down anytime between 8 and 9 and it's nice as we get some adult time :)

Cam kind of let's me know when he wants to go, he gets really whingy so I just shove him in his cot and he passes out :oooo:
So we ended up going from 10pm to 8.45pm in one day lol

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