The Late Night Feeding Thread

Me and OH had a massive arguement this morning about his lack of help. He promised to help with the night feeds when he had a day off and he's had the last 2 days off and he's not helped at all :( I was awake for an hour and half when she woke up at 2am, and I was getting so tired, I woke him up and asked if he could take over for a bit and he just got up and went to the toilet and went back to bloody sleep! So she woke up again at 6am, and I said right your doing this one, after 15mins I could hear him swearing and huffing that she wasn't going back to sleep, he didn't even wind her after giving her some of her bottle! So I told him not to bother and to go back to sleep and I took over :(
Plus I'm sick of him trying to mess up her routine, I'm desperatly trying to get her into one but he just doesn't stick to it.
I got that with the bottle too, I only breastfed for the first two days and it's all I bloody heard, he still does it now if she has tummy ache or is tired, he just gives her a bottle for everything and then wonders why she chucks up everywhere.
Nothing like a bit of support eh!? :wall:

Phew, rant over! :) lol
Me and OH had a massive arguement this morning about his lack of help. He promised to help with the night feeds when he had a day off and he's had the last 2 days off and he's not helped at all :( I was awake for an hour and half when she woke up at 2am, and I was getting so tired, I woke him up and asked if he could take over for a bit and he just got up and went to the toilet and went back to bloody sleep! So she woke up again at 6am, and I said right your doing this one, after 15mins I could hear him swearing and huffing that she wasn't going back to sleep, he didn't even wind her after giving her some of her bottle! So I told him not to bother and to go back to sleep and I took over :(
Plus I'm sick of him trying to mess up her routine, I'm desperatly trying to get her into one but he just doesn't stick to it.
I got that with the bottle too, I only breastfed for the first two days and it's all I bloody heard, he still does it now if she has tummy ache or is tired, he just gives her a bottle for everything and then wonders why she chucks up everywhere.
Nothing like a bit of support eh!? :wall:

Phew, rant over! :) lol

me and my OH had an argument on saturday regarding his lack of help, it got quite bad but on Sunday he got up and done everything all day for LO so i went to sleep for the afternoon, plus he cleaned the flat top to bottom. ive given up on him at nights though coz the same as your OH its more hassle than doing it myself :roll: xx
Omg I have been rocking this damn moses basket for an hour now!!! My arm is going to drop off and phoebe is still not asleep why does she not settle at night!?? :cry: xx
:hug: girls. My o/h does Buggar all as well. I guess it's good I've got used to doing it all myself now he's back at work anyway and not home til the weekend.

Cams changed his own pattern at night :eh: falls to sleep loads earlier but then wants a feed at stupid times of the night like this lol x
My oh is the same girls grrr also his idea of winding is stupid one tap a quick rub and he gives up grrr

Were all of yours really good at the start? Mine was amazing but just seems that the novelty has worn off :(. X
Yep Jayne I currently have a wide awake boy wtf child it's 3.15am go back to sleep

Im with you girls on this my oh is exactly the same. i dont mind doing the night feeds if hes doing days but he winds me up even if hes on nights or has a day off he always comes up with excuses and when i say anything hes like your not working blah blah blah. the other day he even was like one of us needs to look after himfull time and the other go bacj to work full time. think he could tellnwerent happy with that and that ideas firmly out the window xxx
Awake as usual! Kynon finally fell asleep at 12.30 and lasted til 3.15 not even 3 hours and he hardly slept today. Im at my wits end now ive tried so much. I just don't think my milk satisfys him enough but he won't take a bottle sure my oh thinks its my fault and i should just leave him screaming he keeps on about bloody solids as well, hes no where near 6 months yet!
OH isn't at work tonight and I could actually just murder him. He's pretty much ruined the whole way I get her set up to go to bed and now I'm the one paying for it when she won't settle but he manages to sleep through it all! Absolute nob. He annoyed me before as well because he had an errand to run and I asked him could he take Sophie with him while I make tea and clean the house because it was a disgrace and he just fobbed me off with some rubbish excuse so I had to deal with screaming child and make his tea while he went off bloody socialising.

I'd rather be a single parent tbh, atleast then I know I'd have to do it all myself rather than be disappointed all the time.

Supposed to be going out on Friday night but I don't think that will be happening. I feel like I really can't even trust him to look after her properly. She was crying before because she wanted a bottle and he just had her on his chest trying to get her to calm down. Id have thought its pretty obvious if she's been asleep for a good while and then wakes up there's only one thing she wants!
On the plus side I think sophie has finally gone to sleep! Fingers crossed!
Just a suggestion Rachel have you tried turning the light out? (even when they're looking v. Awake - but not screaming) Previously was.spending ages trying to settle F back dowm after feed with light on with no luck. Turned it off as was shattered and planned to rock crib in the dark and cutting her stimulus, she was asleep very quickly total fluke. But now am able to put her down quiet and awake after feed and she goes off by herself. Sorry if you're already Sat in the dark and this is no help! Xx
Funny (or maybe not) that Kynon is behaving like all the newborns at night just now!
I feel like I've tried everything to settle her, lights turned down, hot water bottle to warm her basket, dummy, white noise, no talking other than shushing. I'm at a total loss :( x
So we've come to the conclusion that men are useless then?? Lol
I have started to turn off cams nightlight not sure if it's made a lot of difference x
So we've come to the conclusion that men are useless then?? Lol

they are such a cliché arent' they? all starting off well and then using the 'i work' excuse. i said to my OH that i've been working for the past 15 years, i know what it feels like to go to work everyday and so i have the right to say that this is much harder than going to work some days!

worse than 'i work' though can you believe my OH actually says...... 'i've been to the gym' :shock: that does not go down well i can tell you. the gym is his hobby and pleasure, he cant' use that as an excuse for not doing enough at home!!! xx
Kynon did sleep a bit better at christmas time when I turned off all lights and made him warmer, obviously didn't last though! Could be worth a try for you guys though. And yes men are pretty useless, and sometimes make life harder instead of easier for us!
So we've come to the conclusion that men are useless then?? Lol
I have started to turn off cams nightlight not sure if it's made a lot of difference x

If I turned Tylers nightlight off my nipple would end up in his eye!


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