The Late Night Feeding Thread

First feed of the night and she slept for 4 and a half hours! Getting better slowly :D
Pinky I think Sophie and Tyler are on the same wavelength lol! Yay to us mummy's lol!
Every hour this madam is having me up for! Poor princess has trapped wind :( x
Louize, I never thought I'd say this but....

It does get better :D

Hope shes ok :)

Feeding again, we're going backwards. :o( she has just done a poo explosion tho and has been uncomfy all day so I must have eaten something that upsets her poor tummy hopefully now she'll be happier and sleep for a bit x
Kynon didn't even go down until 1am, so this is the first feed of the night. He was wide awake but happy think he needs less sleep than I do!

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Some nights are so much harder than others. So Will went down at 11:30 then woke at 3:30. Normally goes straight BA k down but tonight is wide awake again. OH had a few drinks tonight (alright for some :roll:) so is snoring away on the bedroom and it's so loud! Then my next door neighbours have just arrived home from a night out, SOO jealous!!

I always find Saturday night/Sunday mornings the hardest coz I long for a good sleep or decent lie in :(

That's us fed for the night. Last feed was 10 to 12 so not bad. He can have that last bottle anytime between 10pm and midnight and will always wake between 3 and 5am. I'm predicting next one about 8. Hoping OH will do it :pray: although he had a drink last night so prob wants lay in!

Well tonight's a bit of a disaster. A car exploded and went on fire 50 yards up the road during the midnight feed. So we called 999 and watched for the fire brigade whilst finishing the feed. Jonah went down about 1am. I went to sleep with a stress headache and woke up at 4am still with a headache. Decided to go to the loo. Still using a crutch because my hip although getting better is still bad and dropped it on the floor..... which is wooden.....massive crash. Jonah awake and crying, DH awake and giving me evils. Hobbled off to the loo where I was sick. Come back to find very grumpy DH attempting to feed a very fractious baby. I have no idea if Jonah will go down again. Still have headache.
Oh god ninja :hug: nightmare!
Cam did another 8 hour stint the night before last and 7 hours last night :cheer:
Hunnie I don't have much of a daytime routine with him at all, it's obviously a cycle of eating, changing and naps but he dictates it all. If we are home he tends to want to feed more often but if we are out he'll happily go 4 or 5 hours. He still is a complete whinger in the evenings though but I just let him cluster feed and he seems to have started feeding solidly from 9-10 without coming off and since allowing him to do this he's slept right through x
For the brand new mummies, have faith it does get better - cam was a total disaster for weeks at night :good: I feel like a new woman x
sounds scary ninja, hope your ok. It hasn't got better for me yet princess lol! Kynon is still sleeping and feeding like a newborn after 19 weeks :( Wish he would even go 4 hours, it was another 2 again!
I have a drunk OH too snoring away, we saw friends tonight i had one bottle of beer so not fair! Least i won't have the hangover won't get a lie go though as Im guessing I'll get another hour after this feed!
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Luckily he went down for another 4 hours. They took the car away last night. Is it bad that I wanted to see what it looked like.
Aw Sarah :hug: dunno how u are managing to cope with that, I'd be going mental x
Aw Sarah :hug: dunno how u are managing to cope with that, I'd be going mental x

Think I've kind of just got used to it now! He only slept another hour so had 7 hours of broken sleep, I don't know how babies do it I need more sleep than he does!
Well cam was up from 6 but only for half hour then went back til 8.40 - up for another hour and now he's back in bed :shock:

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