The Late Night Feeding Thread

Sophie's asleep but no doubt I'll be up at half 2.
Well we have a clean, freshly changed, fed baby who has just crashed on my boob ^_^ expecting to be woken at around 2-3 like usual but she has been a lot more awake today so we shall see... xx

Phoebe has started to add a 2am feed aswell as 4 and 6. I'm beginning to doubt she will ever sleep through :( xx
We didn't even make it to half 2! She's up for a bottle and was very demanding!
We're up and have been since 2 just as predicted. Pheebs has been changed and finished her bottle and is now deciding to cry when put down :( xx
Oh no Rach :( I hope she settles for you soon!

G has literally just drained one boob! Oh is changing her now and then going to put her on the other.. hope my supply isn't dwindling as she's never drained me before :/ and also hoping I have enough to satisfy her as she only cries when hungry and/or naked! Only time will tell.. xx

Well she just projectile vommed pretty much all she had eaten all down our bed :( so not only do I have no milk in my boobs, she has none in her belly either.. I think I may cry :'(

We're just up for the first feed since 9. Though he's going to be disturbed as he seems to be doing a poo whilst feeding (like normal) so bum change in order = shitfit
Unheard of! J went down at 10pm and woke at 3am for feed. Has taken 4.5ml, had a bum change and gone back down. Wonder how long this is gonna last! I'll let you know if we managed to get more sleep.
Will woke at 3:30, normally falls asleep while feeding but this morning had a massive windy poo while feeding so changed his nappy and is now wide awake :roll:

How u ladies cope getting up all I night I'l never know, I find once hard!

Rach, does phoebe not get sleepy while feeding? Could u not get her to sleep on Ur chest before putting her down? I guess uv tried all this already. Hope Ur getting some sleep now xxx
We're still up and he's full of smiles for mummy, seems a shame to ship him off back to bed but tough lol x
Sophie's watching Heston on tv Lol! She's decided shes had enough bottle and is quite happily watching the tv with me lol
Will has been put in his swing as it usually makes him sleepy...except for tonight it seems, tonight his swing is just for chilling out whilst wide awake at 4:40 am!! X
After one good night Kynon is back his normal nightly routine think he was just teasing me!

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Sarah :hug:

Hope you ladies are now back in the land of nod.

Brody was a tad cranky last night and had a bottle just before 11. I was semi awake from 3 thinking he'd wake me up. Got to 4 and I was thinking was looking like a possible long sleep but then he started straining and all I could hear was pooey farts!

I swear he leaves his poo for me in the night. Always 2/3 days worth too lol.

So I got up to change him and then he took 5oz and is now snoring.

I'm so slow at changing shitty nappies. As he doesn't go mega regularly it still feels new. I swear that stuff sticks to him!! And stinks!! Lol.

Off to try and get kip. He's sooo loud!

Got to 6.30am. Most sleep we've had in a long while. DH is working from home today so have the option of another couple of hours sleep! No need to get up at crows fart today.
Got to 6.30am. Most sleep we've had in a long while. DH is working from home today so have the option of another couple of hours sleep! No need to get up at crows fart today.

I don't wanna know!!! Lol!

I'm going back to sleep with Ty when he's finished munching.

Will woke at 3:30, normally falls asleep while feeding but this morning had a massive windy poo while feeding so changed his nappy and is now wide awake :roll:

How u ladies cope getting up all I night I'l never know, I find once hard!

Rach, does phoebe not get sleepy while feeding? Could u not get her to sleep on Ur chest before putting her down? I guess uv tried all this already. Hope Ur getting some sleep now xxx

Yeah she always falls asleep on her bottle and in my arms so I usually hold her for a bit until she's in a deep sleep and try and transport her but she'll sleep for like 5 mins in her basket and then wake up :/ she doesn't like lying on my chest though cos she just gets frustrated on her tummy x

I'm mega annoyed OH has just woken her up by banging about getting ready for work! I could have slept for longer :brat:

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