The Late Night Feeding Thread

That's us just done. He's now onto his nightly post feed grunts, snores, panting and other funny noises! X
Someone tell my child 4.15 is not getting up time woke an hour ago and will not go back to sleep argh

Someone tell my child 4.15 is not getting up time woke an hour ago and will not go back to sleep argh

Ditto! And she decided to spit up all over my bed so now I have to wake OH to change it. Oh the glamorous job of motherhood. Ha ha
That's us just done. He's now onto his nightly post feed grunts, snores, panting and other funny noises! X

Ruby is the same just fed her a put her back on crib , the grunting and funny noises normally goes on for about ten mins.
Cam woke up with tummy pains so I'm giving him a feed to try and get him to trump them out! Bless him :( it doesn't take long to get used to a full nights sleep again and being rudely awakened to come as a shock lol!! awful night yesterday, fed F an expressed bottle last night. She drank 6/7 ozs approx! (crazy) but then has only just woken! Think I'll be expressing more regularly if that's the outcome! :o) I was awake before her this morning tho, waiting with giant Boobs! LOL
Yay phoebe is awake for her first feed! This is normally her second :D xx
Yay for longer sleeps !! Cam is up for his first but was pretty hard to settle last night. Am hoping he goes back after this without too much fuss :eh:
Well Grace went 7:30-5am had a bottle and then went 5:15-7:55 :)

Although it seems the more sleep I get the worse I feel in the morning lol
Had an awful night, I think lo is teething plus did a massive poo in the morning.
Although phoebes first feed was at half 4, she then threw that bottle up, had to be cleaned up and was then wide and didnt again until 6.30 :cry: xx
I had to find this thread as Will went down at 11 last night and is still asleep now woo hoo :yay: xx
I was really expecting him to wake as his last feed was only about 3oz coz he was falling asleep! Probably a one off knowing my luck. He's up now and just downed 6oz in about 10 mins lol xx
Aw bless will xx O woke at 4 and then 7.30 lol he just did an epic poo ended up all over his bouncer lol


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