The Late Night Feeding Thread

Hey my love,

Half 3 for us. He started stirring so I took him to nursery to change and by then full on bottle tantrum. Planned to wait and see if he woke but think he would off.

Now snoring, grunting etc away. The baby too ;)

Missed the late night feeding thread :) but only cos Kynon had his jabs, can't see him sleeping all night again anytime soon! Plus my boobs are so full and sore I've been waiting for him to wake since 4!

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Morning!! Cam slept from .10.30 to 6.30 :pompom: :cheer: :yay: :dance: only downside is I was awake before him with solid boobs lol x
Jayne!! Clever cam!! :dance: O went til 3.45am but he didn't take is last bottle so 7.30-3.45 is pretty impressive and we just got up now and he is playing on his mat

Well Will seems to be going backwards! He woke at 1:30, 4:30 and 6am :roll: god knows why?!
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So Jealous of you all. Maximum we do is 4 hours
Jayne that's fab!!! And MrsMc not too shabby! I'm well impressed.

It's way too much to expect of a newborn I know, but I can't wait for the day he goes down at midnight and wakes at 6 lol. He can go down at half 10 and wake at 4, but can't seem to go beyond 5. I know we're incredibly lucky to be up once though.

That makes me feel a bit better that I'm not the only one getting up in the night all the time.

For those who's babies sleep through, what's your daytime routine and how long do they sleep for in the day??? X
Omg this has never happened before!! I spoke to soon!

Tyler went down at about 10 and woke up at 1.50!!!

Sophie slept from 9 till half 11 and then midnight till about 10 minutes ago. It's getting better :D

just changed her sleep suit though because we had a wee accident and I put her back in a fresh on with no nappy and didn't realise till OH patted her bum!
Kynon is back to normal, this is my 3rd feed of the night :(

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J went down from midnight until 6.30! Can't believe it. Hoping he goes down again for a Sat morning lie in FX.
Not impressed she's awake for a feed already. She only went down an hour ago and its only 2hrs since she fed. Hopefully she might go for a while after this, fx :os

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