Good luck elle's mummy and meg_bellamy hope you get those BFP's!!!! :cheer: :hug: Im begining to feel doubtful that wel ger our BFP this month again dont think weve done enough really :(
thankyou!! i hope it gets stronger!!!! ohh hun, dont worry all you can do is wait and see fingers and toes crossed for you :pray: xXx
Good luck hunny!

Well the af witch still isnt here YET :cheer:

Been getting lower dull cramps, ewcm, i have the worse PMS ever I am being such a bitch!
I keep burping ( not farting as much :rotfl: ) im shatterd :bored: and consitpated.

So looks like af is going to come :roll: :rotfl:
wow good luck elle's mummy (sorry dont know your name)
hope she stays away for you tash!

well am well fed up today am sick of this wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

1) am testing at every wee because am just nuts i know its too early to see but i keep doing it (should not of ordered 15 :lol: )!!!!!

2) i have nausea (god my spelling) dead bad and smell everything but i know am imagining it because i have period pain i never got this with niamh you see, so i just know!!!

3) at placement something truly horrible happened and carnt stop thinking about it!

roll on next week so i can get out of this stupid mood and start my sexathon!!!!!! :lol:

baby dust to all and gooooooooooooooooooood luck.

ps sorry for moaning not making a good impression eh! :rotfl:

Oh yeah and another thing,I keep burping!!

Whats with that!

I am mega bloated though, so it could be because of that i suppose, im not a burpy sort of person normaly :lol:
am always bloody bloated lol

hmmmmmmm :think: that is a sign isn't it? mind you like i say am nuts and test every wee! lol xx
:rotfl: I dont know, but it passes the time!

You are mad!! you poas'olic
:rotfl: i dont know why am like this i was not like is with TTC Niamh and i never symptom spotted, or looked at prams, or Nursey's god when you say it aloud i am really sounding ,mad! lol :rotfl:

awwww thankyou you have really cheered me up hun!!
Thats what were here for!! :D
Ok, so now im convinced. i just know.. i must be pregnant. i have to stop thinking it but i feel exactly the same as i did Feb before i lost LO :cry:
the tiredness just hit me today :bored: , im sitll getting silly thin lines that i really dont trust to beleive yet but on my OPKs, the lines are more visable, like the result i get a day or two before my O. i am a total BITCH :oops: and i cant even help it. Moody or what!! my mood swings are starting to bug me ther was nooo need at all for a few of my faceaches today :x i tried to stop myself but just felt so much better when i shouted at the dumb cat for being on the table LOLOL. iv been super windy :oops: and told OH to go out with his firends tonight so i can sleep :sleep: :rotfl: iv dont 5 loads of laundry now putting my feet up for a nice relax and drive myself crazy. appart from that, i havnt felt sick, only the one morning about 8dpo. and had no cramping or pain. iv been eating like an animal though just ramming my lunch down my face today didnt even think i was hungry until it was sat infornt of me :lol: anyway girls im sory to ramble on, good luck and im loving this post sending lost of baby dust!
:cheer: Sounds promicing hun!!!

I dont feel pregnant at all ( probably not thats why :rotfl: )

Squishy boobies, no af, no signs of af, high temps, abit of heartburn in the night, keep burping and im a moody cow too :D

Though ive been pretty venomus :? really bad pmt
i tested this morning........BFN

but no signs that AF is on her way, no cramps, no chocolate craving, no bad temper.

but the hugest boobs i have ever had!! i have had to change my t shirt this morning because there is just soo much boob!!

(hope that gave you all a little laugh)
BFN for me!! Didnt really expect anything else lol Still no AF since stopping the pill 4 weeks ago!
hiya ladies :wave: , tested again this morning bfn no af no cramps.
officially 1 day late im very hungary but ive been feeling very light headed all day today hopefully theres not enough hcg levels in my system yet to show anything :pray:

wishing you all the best of luck and sending baby dust.

wish the light headiness would go away feels like everyone rushing by so quickly :rotfl:
:dance: Good luck!!!

TMI coming up but....

While checking my cervix, I have noticed that inside my mini moo its swollen :think: not the cervix, but everything else inside is.

Dont remember feeling this before :think:
Im feeling very sad that theres been no BFPs so far :cry:
im hoping that this week were gona pick things up and start seeing double lines!!! :dance:

Anyway, im testing tomorow.. its 12 right now but 4am in England so i guess by the time you read this, thats will be this morning il be testing :lol: AF is due on 18th i think, so il be using first responce :) iv given up on ebay cheapies.

WISH ME LUCK!!! soooo exited! :cheer:
Good morning Elle'sMumy, hope you get your bfp this morning :pray:

Good luck.xx

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