***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HollyHobby said:
must have been the heat - it's been a hot month :oops:

how do you work out when it's due? and is it normal to feel uncomfortable?
i can feel like tugging down on the left and it was the left i had all the mid cycle cramps. is this normal?

I don't know how it would feel but some people do say you feel a stretching feeling :cheer:

I think your due date is 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.. anyone else agree? Don't count on this though, I could be wrong.

This is really exciting Holly!!!! :cheer:
KittyMom said:
:cheer: :cheer: Woooo! Hey i think Dina.Marie has her BFP Too!

............So is that 9 BFP'S all in one month!! :cheer: :cheer:

Thats absolutely brilliant isn't it!! The ratio of bfp's to bfn's seems quite good so maybe we'll both have some luck next month :pray:
:dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: congrats, i can see bfp's on all tests but the last pic, you have to squint slightly to see them but they are deffo there congrats :D
it'll be an aries, nice! placid and kind and quiet!!!
doesnt seem real though yet! :?

I'm going to the hospital tomorrow so if i mention it hopefully they'll tell me what to do next lol! I htink I'll get extra scans and things as I'll be classed as ancient!!!!! :rotfl:

baby dust to all!!! :hug: :hug: and thanks for the support. I know I havn't been here long but i didnt have anyone to talk about all this with at all. Most people my age are well passed this stage and have teenagers!

Aww thanks Anna, hopefully the line will get darker when I next test lol! I'm going to give it a week though. I've spent far too much money on early tests, i was doing 2 a day some days ! I'll stick to my ketostix from now on :moon:
yay congrats hollyhobby!!! guess wot i think i got my bfp today too!!! my first response is like urs, it wont show up on the camera but u can def see it. im gonna test again in 3 days cuz my af isnt even due til next week. yaaay (altho still dont want to get too excited if u know wot i mean) :cheer:
well done hun... huge congrats :) :cheer: :cheer:

and I thought mine were faint, I couldn't pick mine up on camera very well!!!

here is my clear blue and ya can just make out the word pregnant :lol:


when are you due darling... I cant believe we have 8 BFP's!!!!!
Dina :hug: congrats! I know exactly what you mean about not feeling like geting excited yet, hmmm i'd put it as more of a secret smiling excitement if that makes sense!

Yay mrs brightside :cheer:

just this minute went to the loo and wiped a bit of brown mucisy stuff, normal? hope my period isnt going to start, this is really worrying.
totaly normal from what i have been told, implantation bleed mabe?
well done hollyhobby have a great 9 months x x
Huge CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who has got their BFPS

:hug: :hug: :hug: To everyone who was visited by the witch :evil:

Babydust to all. :hug:
HollyHobby said:
I hope so. it's almost like i'm peeing cm that is brown tinged. :(

sounds like old blood darling, although I haven't had it I have been told its normal
Holly Hobby

How ancient are you? I am quite ancient too ! I need to hear about as many OAP BFPs to keep me hopeful :D
Hi, evil AF showed this morning, right on time! Bitch lol. BUT next month we are going to continue with the clinic and discuss ICSI some more because for the last 3 months we decided to just to see if anything would happen naturally, but as you can see it hasn't!! We can't return this month for the CD1 blood tests as I have an appointment tomorrow with a Medium and i really don't want to miss it as i've been waiting for an appointment for 3 months :roll: and the clinic are closed at the weekends. At least i'll be a step closed to a BFP then :pray:
I'm 37 Alice! feels ancient in reality probably not!

Well i don't know what to say or think. it looks like I'm having a period but i'm not on as heavy as I'd normally be but it isnt light by any stretch of the imagination - not spotting, and it is red.
I feel like i might have a urine infection too.

I'm still getting nice lines on 10mlu everytime, getting a bit darker too which is hopeful - went to a and e who did a 25mlu test and the doctor said i'm not pregnant and i'm just having my period. :wall:
Tried to explain that 10mlu are saying positive but he walked away!!!
I went home in tears.

So, came home and tested asap with afternoon diluted pee on a 10mlu and it's still telling me a nice positive. :pray:

Found out my nana had periods all the way through with my mum!!!

Then I read up if you are only getting results on earlier tests then maybe the baby hasnt got enough hormone to stop a period yet or you're earlier than you thought.
I also read about a woman who had a chemical pregnancy and she didnt bleed till her results started getting negative, so I am clinging onto all this.

I'm seeing a doctor shortly so I am taking all my positive tests with me and that my nana had regular full blown periods for the full 9 months.

just been talking to a lady on another forum and she said she bled solidly first 12 weeks and her baby was fine, so as long as I'm still getting these positives I'm not giving up yet.

I'm really upset though. I havnt had a dry eye all day.

I would say to anyone who gets af just do a test to make sure, cos if I hadnt of i wouldnt have thought anything of it, and day 2 it's just like a normal period but without the clumps i'd normally pass but my lines getting a bit darker.
HollyHobby said:
I'm 37 Alice! feels ancient in reality probably not!

Well i don't know what to say or think. it looks like I'm having a period but i'm not on as heavy as I'd normally be but it isnt light by any stretch of the imagination - not spotting, and it is red.
I feel like i might have a urine infection too.

I'm still getting nice lines on 10mlu everytime, getting a bit darker too which is hopeful - went to a and e who did a 25mlu test and the doctor said i'm not pregnant and i'm just having my period. :wall:
Tried to explain that 10mlu are saying positive but he walked away!!!
I went home in tears.

So, came home and tested asap with afternoon diluted pee on a 10mlu and it's still telling me a nice positive. :pray:

Found out my nana had periods all the way through with my mum!!!

Then I read up if you are only getting results on earlier tests then maybe the baby hasnt got enough hormone to stop a period yet or you're earlier than you thought.
I also read about a woman who had a chemical pregnancy and she didnt bleed till her results started getting negative, so I am clinging onto all this.

I'm seeing a doctor shortly so I am taking all my positive tests with me and that my nana had regular full blown periods for the full 9 months.

just been talking to a lady on another forum and she said she bled solidly first 12 weeks and her baby was fine, so as long as I'm still getting these positives I'm not giving up yet.

I'm really upset though. I havnt had a dry eye all day.

I would say to anyone who gets af just do a test to make sure, cos if I hadnt of i wouldnt have thought anything of it, and day 2 it's just like a normal period but without the clumps i'd normally pass but my lines getting a bit darker.

I'm not sure whats happening Holly but :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sending you lots of these Honey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Here if you want to chat xxx
Aww thanks everyone xx i'm hoping this will all turn out alright in the end and then anyone getting similar can have some hope.

Anyway took my positives to the doctor and asked him what could be causing them to come up positive (a tumour? a kidney infection?) and he said only one thing could, but he said usually he would expect much darker lines at this stage and that a 25mlu would be picking it up on first day of missed period (I thought my lines were looking okay compared to some examples I've seen! and they do fade so he didnt see them fresh) - I told him about my nana and her periods through pregnancy and I mentioned that not everyone gets strong lines yet and I just know he was trying to say, look you've lost it :( BUT I'm NOT believeing that at all yet!
So I gave a urine sample and I dont have a urine infection and it's being sent to the hospital lab and I'm to ring tomorrow afternoon.

I told him about the cramping pain I've been in for the past 2 weeks, which is basicly in my left ovary, and he said we'll wait till the results come back then investigate why I've been/am in pain.

So I am in limbo land. I don't know if I am pregnant or was pregnant, if this is just a normal period like some people still get or a miscarriage.
The doctor really can't do anything yet so I've got to wait it out, which is hard, and he told me not to do anymore tests.

If I am still pregnant I hope it's a little fighter and hanging in there beause as he said there's only one thing bringing up the tests positive!

I'll let you know what happenes tomorrow, I just know when they test it'll come back negative and I made it known to the doctor that only 10mlu's are bringing up results.

Anyway babydust to all and sticky dust too! xxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: good luck for today i hope it's a good result and your jsut having like what your grandma had :D

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