I'm 37 Alice! feels ancient in reality probably not!
Well i don't know what to say or think. it looks like I'm having a period but i'm not on as heavy as I'd normally be but it isnt light by any stretch of the imagination - not spotting, and it is red.
I feel like i might have a urine infection too.
I'm still getting nice lines on 10mlu everytime, getting a bit darker too which is hopeful - went to a and e who did a 25mlu test and the doctor said i'm not pregnant and i'm just having my period.
Tried to explain that 10mlu are saying positive but he walked away!!!
I went home in tears.
So, came home and tested asap with afternoon diluted pee on a 10mlu and it's still telling me a nice positive.
Found out my nana had periods all the way through with my mum!!!
Then I read up if you are only getting results on earlier tests then maybe the baby hasnt got enough hormone to stop a period yet or you're earlier than you thought.
I also read about a woman who had a chemical pregnancy and she didnt bleed till her results started getting negative, so I am clinging onto all this.
I'm seeing a doctor shortly so I am taking all my positive tests with me and that my nana had regular full blown periods for the full 9 months.
just been talking to a lady on another forum and she said she bled solidly first 12 weeks and her baby was fine, so as long as I'm still getting these positives I'm not giving up yet.
I'm really upset though. I havnt had a dry eye all day.
I would say to anyone who gets af just do a test to make sure, cos if I hadnt of i wouldnt have thought anything of it, and day 2 it's just like a normal period but without the clumps i'd normally pass but my lines getting a bit darker.