Well I'm in again - CD 36 now (usually ~30 days). I last tested yesterday morning and it was BFN. I was going to test again tomorrow morning but will wait until Sunday to join you ladies. Not expecting anything though, getting a bit annoyed as I just want to know what's going on.

I had AF twinges on Monday but nothing since then.
ooh it looks good maybebaby! Perhaps you just dont produce high enough levels to show on a test so soon? I dont know. I was 5 days late one month (and im never late) and i was convinced i was pregnant. I was gutted as i kept testing BFN and then finally AF came really heavily. I hope your AF stays away though and at least one or more of us is preggers! Good luck all xxx
I'm out, she got me this morning :wall:

Good luck to everyone still testing tomorrow :pray:
Hi, well im still in at the moment... af is due today (CD29) Im not very optimistic. I can feel some twinges on my left hand side but no af pains as yet. im sure i will get them soon and then ill know im about to have af a few hours later. hope she stays away!!! Sorry she got you skairdykat... im sure ill be in the same boat soon! x

My AF due on the 13th, I'll be 11 dpo. I'll test then with anyone else testing then! Mail me if you want to test together.

Sammy has your af arrived? Please tell us!!
HI SAL, I HAVE ADDED YOU FOR TOMORROW. af not here yet, i think its just around the corner as i have the normal af twitches. Nothing as yet... i wish she would stay away. Good luck everyone for tomorrow, i think im going to be out by then though folks! xxx
Keep us updated Sammy! Ok I'll test tomorrow! Would be amazing if I got a BFP at 7dpo but you never know
Hi all, af got me this morning. I knew she would as I had the normal af discomfort pains last night! Wish she could at least have come on time instead of 2 days late... Good luck all
I tested at 6 this morning! Got a BFN :( quite early though so I'll test later on in the week. Will let you know when I get a BFP :) Good luck everyone :)

Maybe next month Sammy x
BFN this morning..... but am not expecting AF until 12th or 13th (not sure of ov this month as I didn't get a + OPK) so I guess its not over for me yet (although had headache last night which I usually get pre-AF so not too hopeful).

Sorry AF got you Sammy and Skairdy - but on a more positive note, if we get BFP's next month we'll be looking forward to Xmas babies - fingers xed!!
hi emma... its not over yet chick!!! As for a xmas baby NO< ARGGHH!!! I was a christmas baby as its a nightmare! :rotfl: Mind you i would not be complaining I hasten to add... Good luck to everyone left x
BFN for me although AF isn't due until the 12th. Not feeling very hopeful though.

Sorry to those who got BFN's or AF and good luck to everyone else still testing. :pray:
I've not tested yet - wasnt expecting to be on till tomorrow though, still trying to work my cycles out!!!

Think I'm out anyway, got normal pre AF cramps, boobs reeeeeeeeeeally hurt & I'm grumpy as hell and i can't snap out of it no matter what I do!! :x

Hi everyone, sorry to all of us who got BFN's... some are still a few days early though so things can change. The witch is really sending me through it this time and I am in some pain, always the same when i am a couple of days late, when im on tie there is no problem whatsoever!!!!

Elvie, come on girlie pull your socks up and get testing!!! :dance:

1588 - looks positive to me (hell, one of us must get preggers at least!)

Let us all know the out come over the next few days x
lol, i don't actually keep any tests in the house... as much as id like to know i've never had a BFP before I've been due on so prefer to wait & see if I'm "properly" late before i spend the money lol! I'm so cheap!

having said that, i had one opk left & i took it this morning & result confused me. Line was really dark but only on one edge of the test line if that makes sense? Anyway, if AF is a no show by weds I may be tempted in investing in a test. I really doubt it'll come to that though, proper cramping at the moment.

well, i'm ov as of this morning (and probably will have another peak if last month on the CBFM was anything to go by, and feeling it too, i get nauseated with period like aches around ov time). Been at it all weekend (and feeling the effects of it too!! :oops: ) But couldn't do anything today cos have smear tomorrow so hoping our BD since wed through to twice yesterday :) was enough and hopefully tomorrow night again might just put us in with a fighting chance!! but we shall see. Hate this TWW business, feel like my life moves so slowly in that time :wall: how's everyone else getting on? any more BFP's?!
I'm now 1 week late & still getting BFN :wall:

So frustrated, I'm sure I can't be PG because I'd have had a BFP by now but I don't understand where AF is... maybe she got lost?

I'll keep you all updated if & when anything happens.
BFPPPPPP :dance:

Hope it sticks :pray:

Good luck all.... it's 14 DPO for me (didn't dare test earlier)
Congrats 1588!! Will keep fingers crossed for you :)
think this is me caving in girls...

still no af, been feeling sick for the past few days, and i'm properly exhausted. i'm thinking its a lack of iron, but i've sent oh off to buy a test so i can upt my mind at rest. expecting a BFN but fingers crossed girlies


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