The december mummies club!

Baby Potty is due 14th December 2011.
Haven't had a scan date yet, I think I will be given a date at my next midwife appointment in 2 weeks (6th July).

I've just thought.. I'm 15 weeks pregnant today and on the 6th July I'll be 17 weeks pregnant, the midwife has put in my book that it's a 16 week appointment :S strange!

Baby Potty is due 14th December 2011.
Haven't had a scan date yet, I think I will be given a date at my next midwife appointment in 2 weeks (6th July).

I've just thought.. I'm 15 weeks pregnant today and on the 6th July I'll be 17 weeks pregnant, the midwife has put in my book that it's a 16 week appointment :S strange!


Ill be 17+3 at my 16 week check up lol

Does any one know what happens at the 16week check up? my midwife mentioned another urine test and not to worry as this app will only take 15mins and that was all.

i'm going to be 15+2 and i was wondering the same thing!? what is it for?? xx
i thought it was just a check up, but now im wondering when does the midwife discuss birthing options and anti-natal classes etc.... are we too early for all of that, ive not even received any leaflets from them about pregnancy they ran out of the booklets the day before my appointment.

All that i have learnt is from here and google :-/

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Downs Syndrome test for me at 16 weeks. Also just a checkup, I'll get to hear heartbeat as well.
I've had blood and urine tests done already but have not got the results yet.
It should be a Downs Syndrome test for you girls as well xxx
got my 16wk appointment tomorow so will let you know! expecting urine test as apparently you have that everytime and to hear baby's heart :)
MrsMc could you add me to the list please? I'm due 6th Dec and have my 20wk scan on 25th July
thanks :wave:
Me too please MrsMc!

Pos that's really weird! 16 week appointment is usually downs syndrome test, Hmm.
Do let us know what happens nickynoo :) and good luck! xxx
tiff i thought from the threads ive read most of us had it at 12 weeks?! i don't suppose it matters though!! xxx
Thats very strange.
I read in a few booklets that it's the 16 week check up where downs syndrome tests are done.
I've had a blood test done already, perhaps that was the test and I'll get the results at my '16' week appointment! :O xxx
I had my Downs Risk testing (combined - bloods and NT) , at 12 weeks. Well bloods at 10 wks and NT at 12 -over here they recommend it's done between 11 - 13 weeks for accuracy - am sure we had it at 12 weeks when I was pregnant with No#1 and that was in the UK ....maybe it's changed since then??

They do things slightly differently over here - had my 14 week appointment yesterday - got the results of the Downs Risk Assessment and it's low risk, so all good. Waiting to hear about my 20 week Anomaly scan - should get date before the end of this week and have my next Midwives appointment in just under 4 weeks...I'll be seeing her every 4 weeks now, until the last 6 weeks and then it's every week :O

I'm being a good girl and still taking my iodine, will continue until breastfeeding is finished ...but have been told once I've finished my Folic acid there's no need to renew the prescription as the spinal cord has been formed now. We heard bubbas heartbeat too yesterday, so so far so good all is going as it should :)

Just think, 6 months from today will be Christmas Eve and some of us will be home with new babies, others will be pushing, and some of us will be doing everything we can to get the little ones interested in making an appearance!!!
Update I've got 16 week scan thurs 11th July and 20 week thurs 4th august :)
I had my Downs Risk test , the combined - bloods and NT, at my 12week scan. Got the results a couple of weeks later through the post. xx
Hi MrsMc, could you add me to the December mummies, please? The blob is due on 30th, next scan is 12 July, then 20 week scan on 16 August. So thrilled to be joining the December clan!
Ok guys 16wk midwife appt was just chat about how you've been, blood pressure check, urine test and listen to baby's heart beat..... well supposed to listen but midwife couldn't find it so Q several hours of stress while lovely midwife sorted hospital scan. Went for scan heart beat found (phew) but also large possible clot on placenta - this baby is causing us so mush stress!!
have a consultant appt on Monday anyway because of the bleed and spotting so hopefully find out more then.

by the way to clear up the downs test confusion - you can opt for the combined test at the 12 wk scan - that is a combination of nuchal fold measurement, crown rump measurement and then a blood test. That gives you your risk factor for Downs. If your risk comes back anything more than low you can choose to opt for the amnio test - you cant have an amnio till 16wks - that is the inc=vasive test where they insert a needle and take a sample from the amniotic sac, the result of that gives you a yes/no for downs.
No way am I having an amnio, it can cause miscarriages.
If I come out high risk for downs syndrome I'm just going to go ahead with the pregnancy.

Glad you found the heartbeat hun and good luck at the appointment :) xxx
20 week scan date came in the post!!
28th July :) I am so excited I can barely breathe. xxx

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