The best toys you owned as a kid


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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That other thread is really sad, all " I really wanted one of these but never got one...."

So I made this thread where we can show the cool stuff we DID have!

Who had one of these?


I did and it was GREAT I blummin' loved it!

And one of these


Ooo I never had one of those record player thingys, but I loved them anyway :) I think they had them at the playgroup I went to..

My fave toys as a kid were the Sylvanian Family range..I loved the bus with the picnic hamper, and had the doctors surgery. I also loved these fairy things that sat on a base with a string on it, and when you pulled the string they flew into the air and spinned around :D
right how do I had pics that i find on internet without saving them then uploading to facebook... i wanna show you my toys :lol:
I was never into sylvanian families, I think I was a bit too old. :oops:

I had a "Wrinkles" dog puppet thing and some glo worms haha
I loved sylvanian family.. and Oh penny... and penny pocket.... and lots of dolls.. and Sindy (with big head) then barbie and I had 2 barbie houses with four floors each and a lift and i wanted to live in it!! I had a panda rocker thing that i adored. Glo worms all over my wall and cabbage patch kids too. I had a walking, talking, singing doll, i loved her, she was same height as me.

Oh to be a kid again :cry:
Urchin said:
I was never into sylvanian families, I think I was a bit too old. :oops:

I had a "Wrinkles" dog puppet thing and some glo worms haha

You can tell we're the same age, we had all the same stuff :lol:

I loved my Girl's World

And my 4 storey Sindy house
I loved that record player thing it was awesome :)

When I was *really* younger I enjoyed..

Big Yellow Teapot

and Early Learning Centre alphabet toy (I even bought one for Ryan!)
Like this one, but Red, and bigger and better..
Minxy said:
And my 4 storey Sindy house

arghhhhhhhh thats the one I was talking about. i loved it. You can take the cards out of the back and change the rooms around and the lift goes up the side. awwwwwwwwww i want one
If you're a certain age you may remember





Rainbow brite

Strawberry Shortcake

Holly Hobbie

And I loved my 'Snatch' bedding but I can't find a pic!
oh wish you hadn't shown me that Minxy.. :x :lol:

I also remember all other pics too .

Hey I used to have this tiny weeny little pram, it was yellow on bottom and hood was like red and black spots like a ladybird and had a tiny littl bell on it too.. anyone remember ti? :think:
Urchin said:
That other thread is really sad, all " I really wanted one of these but never got one...."

So I made this thread where we can show the cool stuff we DID have!

Who had one of these?


I did and it was GREAT I blummin' loved it!

And one of these



OMG!!!!! I have just been carted back to 1983!!!
I had both of these!
What was the tree thing called??
I found our wrinkles the other day!! It was at my Dads house in a box, he is the baseball wrinkles!!

I also had glo worms, the ones where you can tip his hat to make him asleep or awake!

I also found Kevin the Gerbil and Roland Rat - I loved them!

I also had a Rainbow Brite doll and used to try and comb her hair - has anyone ever tried combing yellow wool - not easy!

As I mentioned before Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby were my alltime favourites, my sister had a babytalk which we called Lucy, her hair went funny too - maybe it was us!!!

I had the blue snatch bed linen.

I also have the Paddington Bear - he still sits at my Dads house keeping guard of the nursery, he isn't the one with the dunlop wellies though, they are worth a fortune!

I loved all my toys, but I always wanted my friends toys!
I had one of those record players too they were great.

My favourite toys were weebles - i had a roundabout, slide, swing and seasaw - I used to love spinning the roudabout so fast that they felloff :oops:

A dolls house that my dad made me was my most favourite thing - he put wall paper in it and everything I loved it.

Also remember the first tv game I had it was a tennis game where you had a rectangular block you used to move to hit the ball - god I'm old.
I remember them, but I didn't have one :(

My Poppa made me a dolls house and a farmyard, the dolls house had wallpaper too, I loved them!!
Minxy said:
If you're a certain age you may remember



I had these but could never remember what they are called!!!
i cant remember most f the toys i had! :(

apart from barbie and my little pony

and lego and scalectric (sp?)
Urchin said:
That other thread is really sad, all " I really wanted one of these but never got one...."

So I made this thread where we can show the cool stuff we DID have!

Who had one of these?


I did and it was GREAT I blummin' loved it!

And one of these


Oh my goodness, those pics have taken me right back, i remember very little about my childhood but they have triggerd some lovely memories :)

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