Your favourite Holiday

budge said:
Robyn_ said:
Was just wondering what you favourite Holiday was
or like somewhere that you would love to go!

*here comes*
My favourite holiday was like 2 years ago.
i went to New Zealand with my dad and his mate and his family, and i cant explain how much i loved it, it was an amazing expierience it was something i never thought id be able to do.
sitting there watching the sun rise over these mountains. id do ANYTHING to go back there.
i did some really amazing things out there aswell.
i went swiming with dolphins, but unfortunatly couldnt find any and we got the trip for free!
whale watching and saw 3 whales, and normally your lucky if you find 1.
the girls went horse riding on the Horses out of lord of the rings, and one of them was the actual horse orlando bloom had in the films.
went to the glacia place where the orignial foxs glacia idea came from.. oh i did loads of stuff.. ill try find some pictures and show you all =]

im running on so ill stop now.

what about you guys?

mine was camping in wales in 2004. It was my first visit to wales and we camped in a campsite right on the coast line. the beach was 2 mins walk away. The kids loved it. the weather was lovely, we met loads of nice people and Wales was beautiful.
I want to go again this year but the thing that put us off was the drive there. it was vile. Not the length of it or anything. it was just a tedious drive. nothing nice to look at etc.

my mum used to take me camping when i was little in wales, i remember we went when the petrol strike was on and we had to wakl loads of places, was a well nice holiday though i miss the old days when holidays were like that
Sounds like you have all had some great holidays ladies :D

My best holiday ever was September 2004 when I went to San Francisco; then onto Las Vegas (Where I got married :D ) and then onto Hawaii for our honeymoon. It really was the holiday and experience of a lifetime.

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